
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · 都市
16 Chs

(2) Owen Chiendame

Meanwhile from Owen's perspective...

A little bit before....

Zipping through the streets of Masacara, a boy around eighteen dressed in a black hoodie laughed as he lets his skateboard glide through the streets due to momentum and gravity.

His name is Owen and he is a dog hunter, as expected, he is true to the breed of his spirit animal being wild and free refusing to be tamed. Even, his father is at a lost what to do with him at times.

Yet to Owen none of that mattered to him. He just wants the wind in his face while his heart races when he gains speed on his skateboard and keeps it from crashing or hitting anyone with skills he never needed to learn.

Today he's rushing with purpose to get to school, because he slept in again and his father is at work. So he figured instead of taking the bus he just skate his way there as it's a beautiful day and the sun is high in the clear blue skies to allow everyone to enjoy the sweet coming summer weather.

He sees his friends waiting by the school listening to an MP3 player one of them brought and gushing about a new song one of the groupies have discovered. Owen slides into the crowd coming to graceful stop and flashes a wild and confident smile.

"Yoo!" He puts his hands up and they high five both his hands.

"Hey dude. You were almost late again. You slept through the alarm again?" A tall guy wearing a cozy light brown beanie and short black hair asked.

"Something like that Gregory." Owen just grimaced as he rubbed his head shyly.

Owen was a hunter, which in human terms makes him a superhuman. His hearing, strength, senses were twice as good as a normal human and he had the potential to use magic like witches and wizards do.

So last night he kinda just laid on the roof of house howling at the moon until his dad dragged him inside by the ear and told him to go to bed. To which was impossible. Even with earbuds or playing music it was always too loud. The world is just so loud sometimes... He ended up blacking out at some point and his body refused to get up until the sunlight from his window hit his face.

"My dude you gotta quit with them late nighters. Do you even get any sleep?" The smaller boy with brown hair in deadlocks and tan skin sighed.

"Hard to say Keith." Owen just shrugged not to worried about it.

"Well. We better hurry to class before the bell rings." His groupie explains and started to head inside.

Owen paused hearing the pitter pad of big puppy dog paws heading his way. It was a beautiful fluffy big boy and he fell in love with the good boy instantly.

It was running wild with its leash flying behind it in the wind with his owner crying out in horror trying to chase after it.

"Izzy!!! Izzy come back! Izzy!!! Please! What's gotten into you?!?" The black haired sailor boy cried running after him.

The dog rushed past Owen on the hunt and Owen hopped on his board and dashed after the dog to his friend's horror.

"Owen!!!" Gregory cried.

"Give my regards to the teach! I've got a naughty mutt round up!" Owen laughed skating quickly after the dog that he wondered where it's going.

"Please someone get my dog! I can't!" The boy behind him cried.

"Don't worry bro! Leave this to me!" Owen chuckled as they headed downtown and starts picking up speed, "Alright big boy! You ready for this let's go!" Owen scooped up the dog like it was picking up a poodle and held on to it for dear life as he laughed crazily.

The dog looks at him whimpered and licks him in the face, "Please not now! Pups. We on a one way trip to hurt town if I don't keep us on this board now." Owen focused on just staying on the board and letting it do it's thing as it picks up speed from gravity and momentum.

"Everyone out of the way this train got no breaks!" Owen zipped pasted a bunch of pedestrians as the owner of the dog tried his best to keep up.

The dog had it's tongue sticking out enjoying the wind in it's face as Owen laughed more at the giant fluff ball.

It wasn't long he reached the bottom of the hill and managed to stop his skate board and step off it kicking it up to his free hand. The dog continues to lick him in the face as it tries wiggling away.

"Your just a lovable trouble maker aren't you?!? Haha! Yes you are!" Owen snuggled his face into it's fur feeling so connected to the puppy.

"My... dog..." the owner finally caught up out of breath.

"Hahaha I'm guessing he jerked his leash out of your hand huh. From the looks of it. I think he caught scent of someone familiar." Owen chuckled and the dog barks excitedly and whimpered, "Oh. I think that's them over there." Owen points to a man looking for a taxi as he heads toward their direction.

"DAD! You're back from the sea!" The owner of the dog rushed over to his dad and tackled him into a hug as he looked at his son in surprise.

The dog looks at Owen going still, "Okay but no running off and giving your owner's kid trouble silly mutt." Owen slowly bends over and released the puppy that does a spin barking happily and licks him in the face again, "Bleck. Yeah I know! I'm happy to met you too. Please no kissy. It's disgusting." Owen complained as he wiped his face with his arm making a face.

The dog stands on its back legs barking happily as if it's doing a dance, before turning around to tackle both the kid and his father and begin licking them both.

"Ha. My work here is done." Owen felt fulfilled.

"Hey wait." The kid runs over and grabbed Owen's arm and Owen looked at him confused, "Uh... thanks for catching my dog. I uh..." the kid just stared at Owen who stared at him back.

They just kinda stared at each other for a second until the dog barking snapped Owen out of it, "Is this your friend Adalin?" The father asked and the boy made a cute face as if he's embarrassed for some reason.

"Well... he helped chase down Izzy who must of caught your scent on the wind. He jerked his leash out of my hand... it was so bizarre." The boy rubbed his hand in pain.

"Thank you sir for helping my boy out." The father offered his hand to shake and Owen shakes it.

"Oh no big deal. Just was in the neighborhood..." Owen tried to shrug it off.

"You wouldn't happen to be a hunter by chance?" The father asked knowingly and softly.

"Pfff... hunters don't exist." Owen immediately jerked away and force a smile.

The dog barks and does a happy spin, "A hunter?" Adalin looked at Owen confused.

"I'm just good with dogs." Owen shyly protested.

The father sighed and nodded, "I see. That's to bad. I would of loved to tell Rider that I finally got to met a hunter." The father explains.

Owen looks away saying nothing, "Just be carefully of running with the wolves old timer. Even wolves have predators." Owen sighed.

Adalin looks at us confused and worriedly, "I really need to get back. I have school." Owen sighed as the old man nodded.

"Alright. I won't keep you. Oh would you mind taking my son with you? I believe today was his first day of school as well." The man explains.

Owen just sighed, "If I must. Watch your dog. He's a good boy." Owen slings his skateboard over his shoulder, "Well you coming little one?" Owen asked.

"Uh.. yeah." Adalin looked at his dad and the dog.

"We'll be waiting for you when you get home don't worry. Have a good day at school." His father explained.

Now after....

Adalin quietly followed Owen uptown, "So were you going to bring the fluffers to school with you?" Owen had to ask.

"Yeah. He's my guard dog. Father can't take me out to sea, because it's really dangerous... and well we don't have mom around anymore... so it's just kinda been me and Izzy for the past four years." Adalin explains.

"I see. That's rough. My mom never knew her personally. Father said that he served in the army, before he came to settle down here with me. Won't tell me much about mom though. My guess... Well.... I'll just keep that to myself." Owen decided not to talk about his dark theory.

"I'm sorry." Adalin timidly apologized.

"Hmp. For what? You didn't do anything. If anything today was fun! Gotta tell ya! Nothing beats going full speed on a skateboard chasing after a big fluffer! Ah! My life is fulfilled now! Hahaha!" Owen chuckled as they walked pasted some other people walking around on the sidewalks.

Adalin shyly fell silent and Owen just let the silence last until they got to school, "So you've been to get your schedule right? Do you got it with you?" Owen inquiries.

"Ah... yeah it's in my bag. Give me a minute." Adalin takes off his little white and blue backpack to dig around in it and pull out a piece of a paper that Owen snatched from him, "H-hey!" Adalin protested.

"Opps sorry should of asked. I wasn't thinking." Owen face palmed.

"Uh it's fine I guess. You're going to see where my classes are for me and take me to them?" Adalin shyly asked.

"Yup that's the plan. Maybe the teach will be kind to me and let me off for being late." Owen chuckled.

"Can I ask you something? You have a strange dialect... Are you from Brooklyn?" Adalin asked.

"Nope from Hope. I'm a flipping cowboy!" Owen chuckled, "But yeah. I'm a country boy." Owen nodded.

"Ah that makes sense... you just have a very rough dialect... it sounds very... uh... well... gangster." Adalin blushed.

"Oh lordie lordie no wonder father be on my ass all the time! I am just a walking talking street rat!" Owen chuckled.

"Hehehe. I doubt any gangsters say lordie lordie." Adalin giggled.

"Thank goodness. Maybe there be hope for me yet. Never really fit in with this state. Everyone's so prim proper and all business like. Just never my style. I used to go bare back horse riding and rounding up the cattle on the range... I miss those days." Owen admits, "Only good thing this town gave me was skateboarding." He gestures to his skateboard putting it by the bike rack outside the school.

"So what war was your father in?" Adalin asked.

"The rebellion." Owen explains leading them inside the school.

"Oh so he fought with king to help stop the civil war!" Adalin gushed and Owen gave him a look that made Adalin look away.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Change of subject is due my friend. Tell me about you instead." Owen smirked as Adalin nodded blushing.

"Well I'm from Germone! We moved here about a year ago. It hasn't been to bad! It's just... I dunno. People seem a bit standoffish and they kinda intimidated me... but you! You seem nice." Adalin admits.

"Nice! Haha. Not wild! Crazy! And Insane! Wooho! I'm doing something right!" Owen cheered and looks at the paper to see what classes Adalin will be taking.

"I'm guessing you get that a lot." Adalin felt bad for the guy.

"More than you know. More than you know." Owen grabbed his chest in pain than relaxed, "Anyways looks like we be class buddies today. Hmmm... you're a junior huh?" Owen hummed.

"I should be a senior like you! But I got held back last year, because of my poor attendance. There was a lot happening that year for me." Adalin explains.

"Ah don't worry about it. I'll probably be held back a year for mine as well. Honestly I don't know how I've managed not to get held back until my god dam senior year. Than again maybe they'll just be kind and kick me out with my diploma haha wouldn't that be nice." Owen chuckled.

"Just what exactly do you do to get such a bad attendance?" Adalin has to ask him.

"Wellllllll...." Owen just had this smile that said it all.

"I'm guessing you're a delinquent kind of person huh?" Adalin sighed.

"Gah. I've been wounded." Owen fake dies, "Come on cut me slack. I got good reasons. I'm not ditching for anything bad. I promise. Like today I'm late cuz of the cute fluffer you had. Stuff like that... just kinda finds me and I get lost in it." Owen rubbed the back of his head sighing.

Adalin looks at him and nodded, "Well than let me help you from now on! We're going to keep each other in check! We're going to graduate together!" Adalin looks at Owen determined and Owen gives him a cheeky smile.

"I wish you all the luck in the world taming me." Owen messed his hair up and points to a classroom, "This is home room. It's probably over. But let's check anyways. Also this is national and international languages class and study hall." Owen explains.

"Okay!" Adalin eagerly followed Owen into the classroom that seemed to be empty.

"No teach. Oh well to the next one than." Owen shrugged and jumped like eight feet in the air when the bell rang.

"Wah?!?" Adalin sees Owen clinging to the top of the door somehow shaking like a leaf.

"Flipping hell. God dam school bell." He relaxed and dropped down as Adalin stared at him wide eyed, "Haha... never been a big fan of loud noises." Owen gives a sheepish smile.

"You jumped like! Crazy high into the air!" Adalin told him with sparkles in his reddish hazel eyes.

"Just a reflex mixed with adrenaline... no biggie." Owen was trying to play it off cooly and winced at the sound of lockers closing and people talking.

"I don't think jumping that high is normal even with adrenaline..." Adalin looked skeptical.

"Yo! Gregory! Come here!" Owen shouted and his friend rounded the corner and looks at him confused, "So what teach say about me missing again?" Owen asked turning to face him beaming.

"Something about if you have time to be chasing dogs than you have time to be attending school than you got like an F again for attendance. Anyways what's up with the shortie?!?" He looked at the dark brunette boy dressed in a white navy sailor outfit which is common among Germone sailors.

"Have some respect. This one's going to be our new school mate! A junior, but destined to be a senior!" Owen chimed.

"Oh cool! Well welcome to the school squirt! Look forward to getting to know you and hanging out!" Gregory chimed.

"Squirt..." Adalin looked like he wanted to cry.

"Greg my boy. You're truly terrible at this whole nickname thing. Allow me than." Owen looks at Adalin who looks at him and he snapped his fingers, "Puppy!" He gushed.

"Hahahaha is Owen trying to give someone a nickname again. Owen I swear you a crazy mad lad who name everyone something dog related if he could!" Keith overheard them and headed over to see what the commotion was about.

Adalin glared at Owen thinking about smacking him with his hat, "I don't think he liked that name!" Gregory chuckled.

"You're right. It be a bit to weird." Owen put his hands up in the air in surrender, "Than I'll be serious now." He closed his eyes and thought about it.

"Owen serious? That's a new one!" Keith scoffed.

"Watch it be another dog related pet name." Gregory chuckled.

"Adele." Owen opens his eyes and smirked.

"Holy shit! It's not dog related!" Keith shakes Gregory a bit.

Adalin just turned blood red and had to resist the urge to throw his hat into Owen's face, "Adel will work. It's close enough to my actual name." Adalin crossed his arms pouting.

"Huh? But that was perfect!" Owen whined, "Oh wait. Oh. It's cuz it's still feminine if I call you Adele?" Owen realized.

"Yes!" Adalin starts taking off his hat ready to fight this guy.

"Hey hey! Relax! Who cares if Adele or Adalin is supposed to be a girl's name. I think fits you." Owen gushed and his friends step away as Adalin lightly whacks him with the hat, "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Owen whimpered.

"Hahahaha this is cute." Keith chuckled.

"They are like an old married couple." Gregory chuckled.

"Please. You're both not helping!" Owen whined as Adalin puts his hat back on still pouting angrily.

"Our stupid friend here means well. He's not trying to insult you by saying what he says. He just doesn't always put two and two together." Keith puts his arm around Owen who looks at him frowning.

"Hey! What are you all do lingering in the hallway! Get to class!" A teacher shouted.

"It's the teach! Time to scram!" Gregory and Keith abandon Owen who goes stiff and shivered as he slowly turns around and meekly waves at the teacher giving her a forced smile.

"Owen Chiendame, it's about time you decided to come back to attend school! Get to your class you slacker!" The teacher a women in her mid thirties with long flaming brunette hair and fierce and cold peridot eyes dressed in all black women's business suit scolded him.

"Wait! Wait!" Owen quickly grabbed Adalin and moved him into the view of the teacher, "I found the transfer student! I was being good boy and showing them around." Owen gives her a big goofy smile.

The teacher just stared at him, "Than take him to class and get to your class! He'll find his way around eventually! Everyone does!" She sighed.

"Yes madam!" Owen quickly escaped with Adalin heading to their Species class.

"She seems scary." Adalin whimpered quietly.

"You try dealing with the little twerps that is the seventh grade and see if you don't get her attitude." Owen chuckled.

"That bad?!?" Adalin blinked.

"Last year they thought they be so cool and egg all the senior's cars as a prank. Than they took all the desks and stacked them together in the classroom. And the rest of us are just like.... Why though? We are here to learn... Honestly I'm impressed the seniors didn't murder them especially since some of the paint came off some of their cars. Props to them for that at least. But you better believe the principal had a lot of words with them seventh graders." Owen sighed.

"Wow." Adalin was impressed as they entered class and took their seats in the middle row next to each other.

"Our class is like chill. Like really chill. And most of the teachers are chill and cool too. We do our best not to cause trouble. So... I think we doing good if it's just me and my crew being the late losers." Owen beamed.

"The late losers." Adalin whimpered wanting to cry out of pity and horror.

"I'll be honest. We don't talk much to our classmates. We the cool outcasts! But we losers cuz we are always late or missing class for some reason or another or we forget to do our homework or we pass out dead asleep in class.... Yeah... we're trying at least. That's gotta count for something right." Owen gushed.

"I have no words. Just are you okay? Are you and your friends okay?" Adalin feels like crying.

"Hehehe don't worry about us Adel. We're alright. Oh here's other teache. We better hush now, listen closely kay?" Owen chirped.

"Okay." Adalin nodded and intensely watched the teacher ready to learn.