
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · 都市
16 Chs

(10) Hunt Master Gilbert

"Hunt master Gilbert." Owen whimpered.

Adalin turned around to see a man with short black hair with a white streak and golden eyes dressed in all black with a fluffy white trim on the hood of his jacket. He looked like he could be the son of a pirate almost with his outfit alone.

"If you want to help your mate. I won't stop you, but I want you to understand what you'd have to do to help him right now." Gilbert spoke softly and with strange indifference that held kindness.

"Uh..." Adalin mostly just wanted to know how he got into the house without her noticing or Izzy just now noticing him.

Izzy just settled for watching Gilbert and growling in a lazy way that showed he's not about to try attacking this intruder.

"Either way. I need to get him out of here and to the guild." Gilbert writes a letter and leaves it in the table only to gently pet the dog, "Make sure your owner reads that." Gilbert asked it as Izzy howled lazily.

"Why do you think he went into heat early?" Adalin asked as Gilbert takes out a handkerchief and gives it to Owen, who inhaled the scent on the handkerchief only to pass out.

"Lots of reasons. My guess it has to do with the smell of two booze hounds going at it." Gilbert picked up Owen putting him over his shoulder and puts the handkerchief back in his pocket.

"The what?" Adalin looks at Gilbert in shock.

"Best not think about it. Lots of things happen to folk who get to tipsy." Gilbert heads to the door opening it.

"I don't like what you're implying!" Adalin cried.

"Try smelling it. Makes me think I'm in the nightclubs in Desire. Expect without the vampires." Gilbert replied exiting through the door as Adalin followed.

Adalin covered her mouth in horror as Gilbert closes the door behind her, "Don't be to hard on them. People get lonely as they get older." Gilbert chuckled leading the way down town.

"Still... that's my dad and Owen's dad!" Adalin cried in horror.

"It almost ended up being you and Owen." Gilbert replied and Adalin covered her face wanting to die, "Anyways he should sleep good for at least tonight. Tomorrow though. You best make your decision tonight on what you want to do with him. Otherwise Imma have to quarantine him." Gilbert sighed.

"Don't you all have any medication he can take?" Adalin asked.

"Well... Opioids, like morphine and oxycodone usually work best in these situations for us hunters as it's a pain decreaser and helps decrease libido. Though you humans are still in the process of making drugs that help control out of control libidos. Funny because you all have so many drugs and medicines to increase it." Gilbert calmly explained, "Sadly hunters have ultrametabolizers, which results in a lower concentration of active drugs in their bodies. So, we give them medicine at higher doze and hope it works, but we have to watch them for any bad side effects that might happen." Gilbert sighed as they passed a few bikers and one car carefully heading to port.

"Dang," Adalin looks sad, "That must be hard on you all." She follows Gilbert looking at Owen sadly.

"Is what it is. Not life threatening so that's good, but annoying." Gilbert explains as they pass the skate ring store and flower shop on the way downtown.

"But you can like stop it?" Adalin asked, "Owen said you can make the heat go away." She finished.

"Ah. He's talking about claiming. Yeah. When a hunter gets claimed they stop going into heat. Something about it triggers a response from the little symbiotic organisms inside us all to shift the body into not having heats." Gilbert nodded.

"How do you claim someone? That sounds so weird." Adalin winced.

"It's strictly meant to be used on fated pairs or consensual mates. After all claiming can used wrongly and the guild if they hear about it has to go up a stop to that. Not a fun or easy thing. Gets pretty nasty." Gilbert sighed.

"Why?" Adalin was confused.

"Claiming causes imprint to happen on the one who's claimed. You know what that is right?" Gilbert sighed.

"Like a binding between people... I think it's the one that makes them codependent on each other..." Adalin nodded.

"Yes. Very good. Imprints in hunters happen in three different ways. Children who imprint on their older hunters, because they don't usually have parents in their lives. Those are natural and not bad, but can lead to some sad mishaps if the older alpha isn't careful. Such as... I've imprinted on two twins. They orphaned boys and even they humans I couldn't just ignore them and not leave them be. So I imprinted on them and became their alpha. Not a very common thing for us hunters to do. Normally we don't don't take humans under our wings to be hunters, but it's possible. Desire ruled by vampires... Maybe me feel obligated to do so. To protect them from bad vamps." Gilbert explained calmly.

"Really?!? Humans can be trained hunters!" Adalin was surprised by that.

"They do surprisingly good if taught well. I'm really proud of my little ones." Gilbert gushed, "They true vampire hunters now." He sighed proudly.

They continued down the darkened roads only lit up by streetlights until they came to the tunnel with it's small wall lights showing the path through it.

"Can train me?" Adalin asked, "I want to protect Owen! I've always wondered what I can do as a mere human with no powers... If I could even be half as good as your students than maybe." Adalin starts crying.

Gilbert nodded, "Very well. I will accept you as my new student. I'll be your personal alpha and hunt master from now on." Gilbert looks at Adalin, who hugged him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll work hard to not fail you!" Adalin swore.

"While that's true... I also as alpha have to not fail you. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I must find that in you and help you work around them and use them." Gilbert explained patting her head.

"I... I don't know what to say." Adalin felt very in awe of that and amazed.

"You are not a solider. My job isn't simply to make you strong and able to shoot down a target. I'm also going further and beyond what self defense teachers teach you. You will understand your potential enemies. Their habits, their flaws, their natures. Their quirks. All this information is vital to you. The more you know the more away you'll know how to confuse, disarm, wound, and hide from enemy whoever it be." Gilbert stopped to look at Adalin, who nodded in awe of this hunter.

"I want to protect Owen from his enemies and threats!" Adalin puts her hand on her chest.

"Hmm... this city is nothing like Brooklyn or Desire. It's a safe city with little conflicts or crime. The worst thing for your hunter is probably getting ran over by the semi trucks that make deliveries here. Lots of things can go wrong in this sense. Perhaps he sees a semi's brakes give away and chooses to save the driver by using himself to stop the semi. That too can happen." Gilbert sighed.

"I can almost see that happening!" Adalin gasped in horror.

"Owen is dog hunter. They are very loyal and true. They protect the humans well and anyone in need. They are the first to find threats and immobile them. The first to understand the intentions of others aside from dragons. Dogs are happy to just live among the humans just enjoying life. Helping when help is needed. They don't usually regret the things they do..." Gilbert nodded.

"But... Owen scared of being marked and hurting others..." Adalin frowned.

"Hmm... He's a paranoid puppy cute. That might be why he's so worried, because he's untrained. Some dog hunters do tend to bite rather than bark first... That bite can get them marked... but even marked dog hunters are pretty stable. As long as they feel like they have a role to play or purpose they stick with it using it to center themselves." Gilbert explained.

"He said he attacked people at the hunter's guild here when younger, because he didn't want to be separated from his father, who wasn't a hunter." Adalin explained as they continued heading through the tunnel.

"God I hate the hunter's guild sometimes. Some the more old fashion hunters think that a hunter needs to be with other hunters as soon as possible. Hunters are pack species through and through. You do not separate them from their biological pack unless they go willingly. Just no! Idiots." Gilbert sighed.

"What about you?" Adalin asked, "I mean what was it like for you growing up?" Adalin finished.

"My family came from a long line of pirates and sailors. We were the type of family that was born by sea and did by sea. Society had no iron hold on us. We would live off the sea and stay afloat for years on end letting the ship be our house and home." Gilbert explained.

"Oh my gosh! So you are a pirate!" Adalin gasped in shock, "I wasn't going to say anything, because I wasn't sure if it was offensive, but you just have the look a bit and vibe no offense. I know not all pirates plunder and all that bad stuff." Adalin explained freaking out.

"I'm not offended. My father was one of the bad pirates. Though I'd only find that out later in life." Gilbert sighed.

"Oh... oh my gosh... I'm so sorry." Adalin didn't know what to say.

"Sometimes we are just born into bad families or in situations that lead us down dark roads. We don't to accept those roads though. I'm proof of that." Gilbert explained thoughtfully.

They exited the tunnel and could see the lit up port with many boats at dock, "So... uh... what happened?!? What changed?" Adalin asked.

"A lot... Let's just say I got separated from my family and put into Desire. I than escaped durning my transport there I started living on my own in a forest I might of claimed as my own saved those twins, became their alpha. Met my mate and reunited with my father now turned vampire lord... uh yeah... A lot happened..." Gilbert rubbed the back of his head sighing.

"Awl geez." Adalin felt bad for asking.

"All I know is... I want to change Desire... no matter what... I'm going to give humans the power to protect themselves from that kind of corruption... even if it means... I have to fight against my own father... I will not back down for their sake." Gilbert looks determined.

"That's so sad though." Adalin looks sad, "I know he probably wasn't always a good man, but he's still your father." Adalin touched her chest again.

They entered port and headed for the sandy shores of the state to walk among the rocks. Gilbert stopped again to stare out at the ocean that quietly and calmly receded and unreceded against the shore.

"He's not the man I once knew. Vampirism has changed him and tainted his heart killing the person I once called father. He may not fully accept his fate in his mind, but I will not allow him or other vampires abuse the power they dare to hold above the rest of us! I will be the hunter who steps up to call to keep them in line. They will pay in their vampire blood if they dare to cross me." Gilbert swore with harsh determination.

Adalin stares at him in worry and fear, "I know you're not actively searching for them and destroying them... so I'll give you credit for that, but to stay that the person they used to be is dead..." Adalin closed her eyes holding back tears.

"I have to face the facts. What kind of father thinks it's okay to change his son and his friends into vampires they don't like and to freak out, when that son refuses. It's like his mind doesn't understand the things I see. It rejects my perspective and reality. He can only see his own perspective and reality. If I'm not a vampire than I'm not his family... I can't be part of his clan and he has no idea what that makes me." Gilbert stared out into the cold ocean waters hatefully with deep anger.

"Than you both are at fault! Because you're trying to understand him and how he thinks! And he hasn't tried to understand you!" Adalin opens her eyes and answers.

Gilbert looks at the sand in shame, "Perhaps that is true and I'm far to bitter and hurt to even begin trying to..." he sighed as he looked at the sky laughing, "Maybe one day of fate allows it... when I've had time to heal. I'll return to face him and he will face me. Until than I will continue to empower the humans and other hunters to fight off the corruption that we have let vampires spread across their states for far too long." Gilbert points to a light house in the distance, "Come now. We head for the hunter's guild. No more dilly dallying. I need to give poor Owen here some meds for the night." Gilbert explained.

"Yes sorry!" Adalin blushed and quickly followed Gilbert to the lighthouse and to the edge of the water.

"Okay... take my hand." Gilbert offered his hand.

"Alright." Adalin takes his hand.

"I can do this... just pretend it's the twins... you got this." Gilbert tells himself.

Adalin felt very worried by that as a strange dark energy surrounded them. Gravity shifted lifting her off the ground with the rest of them.

"Now take flight!" Gilbert orders as Adalin hears a loud bat squeak as they begin flying across the ocean to her horror and awe.

Looking around she realized the dark energy they in a giant black spirit bat. She wondered why it was black though. Owen's spirit dog was white. She dared not speak or move though, because the bat was struggling to stay barely above the ocean. Once it touched the shore it immediately vanished into dark specs they vanished as they floated upwards into the sky.

"Ah... that was bit rough... I should practice more alpha maneuvers with the twins." Gilbert tried catching his breath.

There was a light clapping sound and Adalin recognized hunt master Ryan waiting for them on the beach, "I thought I might have to save you all for a second, but you made it just fine. Luckily for you I'm a bit of night owl myself and I tend to notice when people go off in a flying hurry." Ryan chuckled.

"Hunt master Ryan!" Adalin blurted out in surprise.

"Well go on bring him in. I heard everything over your little phone call. Docs got the meds ready and I was so kind to do a bit of flying myself to make him a little nest." Ryan chuckled.

"Don't expect me to say thank you. Cuz I'm not going to." Gilbert insisted heading up the cliff side with Adalin to the entrance of the most beautiful Neo-Gothic castle Adalin has ever seen.

"Don't be that way. After all we need to work together and I like to think of you as my pack brother." Ryan tells Gilbert.

"I have a pack! I don't want or need another!" Gilbert hissed.

"Like or not. You are my pack partner. These two prove that no?" Ryan purred.

"This is just a coincidence!" Gilbert hissed as he entered the castle with Adalin and Ryan following suit.

The interior was very classic neo gothic interior lots of staircases, a study, a train ground in the courtyard, beautiful bedrooms, a ballroom with strange pedestal and a dinner room with kitchen.

Suddenly, Adalin sees a figure slowly exit from the study to greet them all staying hidden in the shadows until the very last moment, "Ah there's the poor boy. Here you go." He takes out a syringe and injects it into Owen's arm, "That outta help. Good evening everyone!" The strange smiled.

"Hi Doc sorry for having to wake you up. It was an emergency as you can see." Ryan explained.

"But of course. I don't mind. Do I have permission to watch over him?" The man asked looking at Gilbert, who growled at him.

"Of course. He's my hunter. Not Gilbert's. So you got my permission and you don't let the newbie get to you doc! It's just the way you act...." Ryan sighed.

"Because I act like the vampires from Desire." The doctor replied with no hesitation.

"He does?" Adalin looks confused.

"Depends on who you ask. He's a noble man and vampires tend to be very aristocratic. Now add the fact that he's a hunter, who like me walks as they do... with extreme grace, precision and quickness that make no sounds... He tends to give people off that vibe, especially since he's a hardcore delta turned alpha. He's always watching, looking at everyone and in aristocratic fashion or perhaps alpha fashion towering over others as if to look down on them." Gilbert sighed.

Adalin looked at the thirty five year old man with light greyish silver, short hair and white streaks in his bangs tied up in a ponytail. He was dressed in a long sleeve blue collared shirt with fancy black silk vest with golden trim and chains and a matching black jacket with golden trim he was wearing like a cape. His eyes were a light lilac color, which must mean he's wearing colored contacts and he had white gloves on. He smiled softly at Adalin looking friendly enough and maybe it's because she's never seen a vampire, but she just couldn't imagine him like one.

"I'm sorry. I don't see it. He seems nice enough." Adalin admits.

"Hahaha! I love humans and their nativity to see danger." Ryan chuckled.

"This one is an a bit of an old soul. If I was threat to them. They would know." The doc spoke softly, "I'm simply not a threat to them." He explains as Gilbert sighed.

"Doesn't matter. Which room is the nest?" Gilbert wanted this day to be over with.

"Room 301." Ryan chimed.

"Come!" Gilbert ordered Adalin, who followed him.

"Sorry sir! Uh it was nice to met you!" Adalin followed Gilbert.

"So polite!" The doctor chimed.

"So what you think?" Ryan whispered.

"Almost... missing something." The doc whispered and Adalin couldn't hear the rest as she entered the hallway following Gilbert.

"Don't let Doc fool you. He was raised by vamps. Him and me are like night and day. I wouldn't trust him as far as as I could throw him, which probably wouldn't be that far considered he's older and more experienced than me." Gilbert scoffed.

"He was raised by vampires?!?" Adalin found that shocking.

"I don't know much about the details... He was born in Uryl... something happened... he ended up in Alexzandra and the vampires of Capri raised him." Gilbert opens the door to the room and puts Owen on top of a punk themed bed, there was out of place punk and cowboy thing's everywhere and even a skateboard was in the room.

"Is this the nest? It looks so different from the other rooms!" Adalin explained.

"These are all from his house. Has familiar and safe scents. Help him relax. We'll talk more later. I have to deal with the pester other hunt masters that keep bothering me." Gilbert explained, "Plus mate gets mad at when I go on night time flights and not snuggling them." Gilbert sighed.

"Awl that's so cute. Okay. I'll talk to you soon. Thank you for being patient and understanding with me! I know I ask a lot of questions! I'm so sorry!" Adalin clapped her hands together in apology.

"It's only to be expected with you humans. You're all less aware of the inner workings of our world and the other species than we are... as hunters... we have to be super aware of everything the species do to keep a species war from happening. No one wants that... Doesn't always work, but we try." Gilbert sighed heading to the door.

"Thanks again." Adalin nodded.

"Though you should think more about what you want your future with your mate to be like than to trying to figure out this crazy inner world of ours. But I admire your curiosity neither the less. Try not to wonder to much. I don't trust the other alphas to behave. Your mate isn't in a state to protect you from them if they try anything. Than again... I'm probably just paranoid... so you'll probably be fine." Gilbert sighed.

"I promise to be careful! Thank you again." Adalin nodded.

Gilbert sighed and nodded as he leaves closing the door. Adalin turns around to check up on Owen, who looks absolutely relaxed and sleeping peacefully. She covered him up with the blankets and decided to sleep on the couch just incase after taking a few blankets with her.

There was so much on her mind and she wasn't sure what to tackle first. It was hard to prioritize them all as they all seemed equally important and question or thought that shouldn't be put off. Yet, she ended up falling asleep unable to really deeply think about anything. To much has happened in too little and it had drained her of energy and the mental capacity to process any of it. So, she just let deep sleep take her.