

Will start publishing on Royalroad.com as well Seventeen-year-old Zanetor visits his sick mother in the hospital after a long absence, only to witness a chilling encounter. A mysterious man hidden in a thick overcoat steals his mother's soul, leaving her deathly ill. Consumed by confusion and rage, Zanetor confronts the man, but an explosion rips through the building, ending his life. Zanetor awakens in a strange desert, his memory wiped clean. Haunted by other-worldly creatures that relentlessly pursue him, he struggles to survive in this hostile environment. Lost and unaware of the events that led him here, he is driven by a deep-seated need for answers. In this mysterious land filled with both desolation and beauty, Zanetor encounters a young man named Edem. Edem possesses a spell that unlocks Zanetor's forgotten memories. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to retrieve Zanetor's mother's stolen soul. As Zanetor's memories return, he unravels the truth about his mother's demise and the identity of the malevolent man responsible. With each revelation, Zanetor's determination intensifies, and he discovers latent powers within himself. Meanwhile, Edem grapples with his own troubled past, striving to redeem himself through aiding Zanetor. As they traverse the treacherous spirit realm and encounter both allies and adversaries, Zanetor and Edem delve deeper into a world infused with strange magic. Guided by the shards of his fragmented memories, Zanetor uncovers the path to the enigmatic soul thief. Join Zanetor and Edem on their quest for redemption and the recovery of stolen souls in a world where every step is fraught with danger and every revelation brings them closer to a truth that could change their lives forever! New Instagram account for 'Soul:A!' : https://www.instagram.com/lingering_starfire/ Release Time: 5:00 pm GMT

Lingering_Starfire · ファンタジー
40 Chs

A mind to harvest

(Material Realm – Zed City)

Holy Oaks High, one of the most prestigious schools in Zed City, stood unrivalled in its ability to nurture the minds of its students. Its staff received high and steady pay, and in turn, they devoted their skills toward the school's development without fail. Indeed, any outsider would marvel at the brown and green uniforms worn by each student, exuding an air of nobility no matter where they went.

Of course, such a school wasn't easy to gain entry to, given its high standards of educational value. As a result, the majority of its students hailed from society's upper class. While it was rare to find a student from a modest background, it was not entirely unheard of.

The gleaming hallways of the school seemed tranquil as every student remained in their respective classrooms, fully engrossed in ongoing lessons. In a particular class, however, there was no sign of a teacher. A small screen was positioned just above the classroom door, displaying the letters and numbers 'Class 2-C'.

"Hey, Izumi," a young male voice called out to the preoccupied girl standing before a desk in the middle of the room. Her hazel eyes shifted over her right shoulder, revealing a surprised expression.

"Peter," she muttered in response.

Her colleague offered a kind smile. With his light brown hair and considerate demeanour, he always exuded a sense of calm.

"You've been standing at that desk for a while," he remarked, his right hand tucked into his pocket. "Is something amiss?"

"U-Uh, no! Nothing's wrong…" Izumi stammered, stepping back nervously.

"Hmm?" Concern coloured Peter's features as he thought, 'That used to be Zanetor's desk.' He observed the desk and then looked in the direction of Izumi's gaze. She appeared to have been fixated on the desk in the back corner. What was she searching for?

Peter chuckled softly. "You do realise you haven't addressed the class yet, right?"

"Huh? Oh-" Izumi's hand flew to her mouth in realisation. "You're right!"

With that, she hurried to the front of the class and instructed everyone to stand. She led the class in a prayer, as was customary at Holy Oaks—a highly religious school built on moral values. Though not overtly religious, Izumi adhered to the protocol as the class representative. Following the prayer, she relayed pertinent announcements from the Principal to their class.

Peter's fingers rested on his chin as he pondered. 'Izumi lost her rhythm after Zanetor's death. No one really showed any care for him, and barely anyone attended his funeral. Supposedly, his mother was in the hospital too, and the funeral was held for both of them, even though their remains were reduced to ashes.'

Izumi concluded her early address to the class, and everyone returned to their seats. Peter approached her, his smile now somewhat subdued. 'The only attendees at that funeral were a few teachers and Izumi. Not a single member of Zanetor's family appeared. His name might have faded from everyone's memory, which would have been normal. But then…'

"Hey, Peter," Izumi suddenly grasped her assistant's hand. "Come with me."

Without waiting, she tugged him into the hallway, her sense of urgency palpable.

"Do you think ghosts exist?" she asked in a low voice, catching Peter off guard. The question seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Uh, well… what?" Sweat trickled down Peter's temples, perplexity etched on his face.

Izumi paused, realising how absurd her query sounded. She collected herself and took a step back.

"That was a strange question, wasn't it?" She chuckled nervously. "Well, that's not what I intended to ask. It was about this."

She showed him her executive's tablet, which was solely responsible for transmitting messages from the school staff to each class representative.

Peter gazed at the tablet, reading aloud, "You are required in the principal's office immediately."

"Exactly!" Izumi placed the tablet against her chest. "Why do you think he wants to see me? Students don't just go there voluntarily. He's connected to everyone's phones and devices."

A perplexed expression etched across Peter's face. It was almost as though a lingering sombre aura had been left within the classroom. Was Izumi attempting to mask the impact of Zanetor's death, or was there something more to her demeanour?

"Um, if that's the case, then it must be of great importance," Peter reassured in his typically composed manner. "Don't worry. You never break school rules, and everyone—including me—truly admires you."

A faint blush tinted Izumi's cheeks. "I… I suppose so."

The black-haired girl felt a surge of newfound confidence. She earnestly thanked her assistant and proceeded toward the principal's office. Navigating the labyrinthine hallways, she soon arrived at the office door. She swallowed lightly, then gently rapped her knuckles against the wood.

A small slot materialised on the door's side, emitting a soft green light that scanned her form. She heard a beeping sound, and the door slid open before her.

Behind an uncluttered desk sat a man in his early forties, his hair entirely white despite his relatively young age. His glasses caught the room's light, refracting it in myriad directions. Seated in a guest chair beside him was another individual, their back turned to Izumi.

"Ah, Hamasaki Izumi," the principal beckoned with a wave. "Please, come in."

Izumi entered and offered a polite bow. "Good morning, Principal Jupiter."

Principal Jupiter returned her greeting with a smile, nodding. "You're probably wondering why I summoned you directly, instead of communicating through the usual channels."

As he stood, he gestured toward the person seated across from him. "You see, an emissary from Epoch Industries has expressed a desire to meet you."

"M-Me?" Izumi blinked, glancing at the stranger.

"Allow me to take over, Mr. Jupiter," the stranger interjected.

A feminine voice resonated with confidence as the lady rose from her chair, her short sea-blue hair falling gracefully. She donned a more formal office attire, with an 'EPOCH' pin adorning her shirt.

"My name is Aurora, an agent from Epoch Industries," she introduced herself with a smile, extending her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, the Pearl of Hamasaki."

Epoch Industries... Izumi had heard of them—a private entity responsible for approximately seventy-five percent of Zed City's technological advancements. A significant and influential company. The notion of their interest in her left Izumi grappling to comprehend their intentions.

Izumi extended her hand, her grip gentle. "Likewise."

"I won't occupy too much of your time," Aurora assured. "Given your school's affiliation with Epoch, I've familiarised myself with your achievements. We are currently launching a private initiative aimed at gathering some of Zed City's brightest teenage minds under the umbrella of God's Love. Your impressive academic achievements have brought you to our attention."

"M-My academic achievements?" A blush of embarrassment graced Izumi's cheeks. "I mean… I-I'm not that intellectual. I just... perhaps study harder than most."

"Precisely," Aurora affirmed, clasping her hands. "And that's why we would like you to be a part of this program. Other like-minded individuals will be participating as well. Who knows? This endeavour could open doors to high-paying positions upon your graduation next year."

"I…" Izumi began, her voice faltering momentarily.

At that moment, she struggled to find words. The magnitude of the opportunity was overwhelming. It had suddenly appeared before her on an ordinary day, eliciting a flood of emotions she could scarcely process.

"No need to rush; you have until month's end to make a decision," Aurora reassured kindly. "Plenty of time for consideration. We will send our contact details to your email in the meantime."

Principal Jupiter chimed in, settling into his chair. "It has certainly been a surprising day. As Aurora mentioned, you have ample time to ponder. And should you choose to participate, I have no doubt you will impress them with your knowledge."

Eagerly containing her excitement, Izumi finally received the nod to depart. She hurriedly left the office, her face flushed and an enigmatic smile playing on her lips. It was a smile woven from an intricate tapestry of emotions.

"Izumi?" A familiar voice called out.

She halted in her tracks, struggling to contain her excitement.


Her assistant's warm smile met her, his perceptive gaze noting her demeanour. "I saw that look on your face earlier. Everything went well, didn't it?"

Izumi's smile blossomed, and she nodded with joy. "Yes!"




(Spirit Realm - Mainland)

Darkness had settled over the Spirit Realm once again, enveloping it as three cloaked figures traversed through a modest town. Zanetor surveyed the tranquil surroundings with a hint of curiosity, noting a few lively taverns that stood in contrast. At a glance, the town bore semblance to those he had encountered in ancient history books, reminiscent of settlements from the industrial era back in the material realm.

Amidst the atmosphere of the town, Edem led them to a multi-storey building. A wooden notice board, affixed to the wall beside the entrance, displayed the name 'Joseph's Inn'.

"We'll take a break here," Edem muttered, "Come on."

Agreeing with a nod, Zanetor took one last sweep of his surroundings and spotted a tiny figure perched atop the inn's roof. It looked like one of those spirit beasts, but he wasn't really sure as to what animal it resembled.

"Is it common for spirit beasts to approach human souls?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on the strange creature.

Edem swung the door open. "Harmless ones are more prone to approach compared to the rowdy ones that mostly prefer to be alone. Now why are you suddenly asking that question? Come help me out. I've got someone on my back and she is NOT light."

"Right," Zanetor responded, his uncertainty evident as he stepped into the inn beside Edem.

The creature's eyes glistened in the night light as it watched both of them disappear behind the doors of the inn.