

This is a peculiar story following the trends of a romance, but with mystics, gods, and everything supernatural in between. The setting this is in is the "Fate staynight" universe, slight differences are present, the only thing borrowed are a few of the characters, the rest is organic content sure to make you question your own morals and beliefs to down to your core, whilst filling you with beautiful hope and serenity at the beauty that is a soulmate...

Seraph_Aeternum · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Contextual information: This is a moderately serious story, that follows the events of "Fate stay/night" but with a slight twist, in this specific storyline Artoria gets to stay behind with Shirou. Outside of that not much more changes. 

Thoughts and opinions:  If you guys and gals have any comments, questions, or concerns feel free to contact me @ seraphaeternum@gmail.com .  

Disclaimer:  Fate/Stay Night belongs to the company Type-Moon. Characters and settings belong to their respective owners, I'm just using them for noncommercial entertainment. Feel free to share my story freely, just make sure to give credit.