
Sors Mea Online (SMO) [Rough Version]

(The Cover and Story are in the "Early Stages", so this will be a "Template" of sorts for a possible future "Polished" version) Are you interested in the World that you currently live in? Do you love the way that the Animals live, and the way that the Atmosphere is slowly being tainted? Cool, then this might not be for you. This revolves around the Full Dive VR Game of "Sors Mea Online", or SMO. With the Advancements in Technology, Games have gone a Step Up in the world, and can now be experienced in 1st Person. SMO, however, was but a Step Higher than the rest. Made by One Person, who goes by the Nickname "LucXy" (Luck-z-y), the world has gone from Silence to an Uproar after they saw the advanced mechanics and AI in SMO. With over 30 Years in Development, it was finally released, with No Beta, No Alpha, and absolutely No Pay-to-Win Features involved. What was once thought to be a Lame game created by a Nobody Developer, was later all over the World. Nearly Every person on the Planet has heard of Sors Mea Online, and a bit over Half of the Earths Population played SMO. (By the way, the world of SMO is around 2x bigger that Earth) The words "Sors Mea" translate from Latin to "My Fate". So "My Fate" Online, was, in the Literal sense, "A Game where you can become Practically Anything." Farmer? Cultivation Skills Exist. Swordsman? Attack Skills Exist. Babysitter?! Buy some Land and build a Daycare or an Orphanage. When the acronym "NPC" is heard, you would usually think, Simple, Bland, and Repetitive. However, in this world, what some players only see as Lines of Code, many others see them as Nearly Human. With the Human-Like NPC's, the People of SMO live like normal. Farming, Building, Studying, Learning, Training, and even learning Skills or Magic. Like the Real World, the People of SMO can Feel Emotions, have Memories, Feel Pain and Delight, and even have Children, with both NPC or Player. Yup, players can raise a Virtual Family that feels too real to be fake. With the many types of Skills, Magics, Weapons, Items, and Creatures in this world, there are practically no such thing as having nothing to do. Craft, Train Skills, learn Magic, conquer Dungeons, or just Have a Shop, or Raise a Family, be an Adventurer and see new lands, fight Monsters, and be wary of the Unknown. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now the Story of SMO will revolve around an 18 Year old Kid who discovers a FDVR Headset by Accident while he, like any Cliche, was running from some of his Bullies that have been with him since Kindergarten. Upon Logging In to a New Account, he sets a Username : LacX. (Lack-z) When he logs into the game, he is told to allocate 100 Stat Points, and choose 1 Unique Skill, and 3 Normal Skills, as well as a Weapon. Since he doesn't like to fight very much, he decided to just let his Speed do the work, and put every Stat Point into Agility. When he finally steps into the starting Town, he is Immediately hit with a Message : {Acquired New Skills} With these New Skills, he was Immediately shocked at how fast he can really move with 1000 Agility. As he Levels Up, he starts to get a bit into Smithing and Jewel Cutting. With his new found Skills and his rediculous Speed, he will attempt to climb to the Top of the Central Tower, also known as The World's Greed. What's in the Tower? I don't know. Who is the Developer of SMO? Maybe save some questions for Later. How OP of an MC are we talking about? Read it, and maybe you'll find out. Other than that, there will be many other attributes to the Story, like Heroines, some cool Equipment, a Child, and many more Aspects of SMO. {MC Character Sheet} [Name : Suuco Tsukuyomi] [Age : 18 B-Day : Oct. 1] [Gender : Male] [SMO User : LacX] [Unique Skill : Copy] [Stats] {Level : 1} {0/100 Exp} {Str :1} : Physical Damage {End : 1} : Defence {Agi :1001} : Overall Speed {Sta : 1} : Used for Active Skills {Mag : 1} : Spell Strength {Wis : 1} : Mana

_LucXy · ゲーム
38 Chs

SMO Chapter 7.1 : Saved?

LacX was resting by the Bed that held the Beast-Kin.

As he sat there, he went through his Skills and Items.

Taking a few Raw Materials from his Storage, he began to attempt at Sewing and Leather Working to later make a Sheath for his Silvertooth Dagger.

After a few attempts of Trial and Error, he acquired the "Sewing" Skill. As for the Leather, he didn't know how to process it, so he tried a few things.


'This is a tricky process. I should study the process. While I'm at it, I should learn some other processes as well.'

As he puts the ruined Leather back into his storage, he freezes up, noticing that the girl in the bed was awake, and was staring at him.

"... Umm, hello. Are you hungry?" Grabbing a bowl of Stew that he made earlier, he offers it to her.

Sitting up, she takes the bowl, and slowly begins eating.

'She seems calm about the situation. Is she not afraid of me?'

After a few minutes, she passes the empty bowl back and begins to speak.

"Umm, Master, may I ask, where are we? And may I also ask, why did you serve such exquisite food to a Slave?"

"First off, we are at the Guild Infirmary at a Town called Mardeal. Second, I am not your Master. You were in a Cage, and I helped you escape, as well as healed you."

Realizing that her wounds were gone, she begins to quickly search her body for any wounds.

"Amazing. Not even a Scar is left."

"And Lastly, I don't care about the current status of Slaves. I only saw an injured person, and decided to lend a hand."

Thinking on his response, she nodded, then began to get off of the bed.

"Are you sure you should be moving? I don't know the effectiveness of a Healing Potion, but I think you should rest a little more."

Ignoring his warning, she stands, then walks up to him.

"I wish to make a deal. Wether you succeed or not may depend on if you cen resist."

"Resist wha-"

An immediate amount of pressure was then released from the girl, causing LacX to almost fall to the ground.

'What is this? Why do I feel like I'm in danger? Who is she?'

As if to answer his question, he gains a new skill.

<Fear Resistance (Small) Acquired>

'Fear? I feel a little lighter than before. Did she activate a Skill? What skill?'

After a few more moments, the pressure was released, and his new skill increased by 4 Levels.

Finally being able to stand, he begins to reconfigure his awareness, since he used all of his strength to resist the pressure.

As soon as he fixed his mindset, he noticed that the girl was sitting on the ground, exhausted.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Walking up to her, a Window pops up in front of him.

[You have met the other parties conditions]

[Due to the Conditions being met, a Reward will be given]

'Reward? Conditions? This doesn't make any sense. What is the "Reward"?'

{Reward : [Laril (Slave)]}

Just like with Nia, Laril's Collar began to glow, and another Window appeared.

[Slave "Laril" Registered Successfully]

"Wait, what? Why did you..."

Not knowing what to think of the situation he was forced into, LacX looks at Laril.

"... I have a curse placed on me. Ever since a certain incident in my hometown, I was placed with a Curse that required another person to be able to "Resist" my first Curse. When I released my Seal, you felt pressure, but did not go unconscious. Most usually do, but you seem different. I can also replace the Seal, but that took most of my Mana, which is the main reason I am tired."

Taking it all in, LacX sits down on the bed, with Laril following suit.

"This 'First Curse', what effect is it supposed to have?"

"It is supposed to multiply the Strength, Stamina, and Magic Stats by 10 Times. The price to pay, however, is that the Stats feed the curse, causing it to become hungrier, and causing it to release Bloodlust. In the process, however, the Curse also causes the 'System' to reject the extra Stats, which then burdens the body. You seemed to be completely fine. I wonder why that is."

Forcing himself to absorb the situation, LacX lays on the bed to think it over.

Suddenly, a Knock was heard from the door.

"Come in."

The door opens, revealing Barin, the Guild Receptionist.

"I see that the girl is awake. Now LacX, mind coming with me for a bit?"

Getting up, he heads towards the door.

"Laril, stay here and rest. I'll be back as soon as I'm done with whatever business Barin has for me."

Doing as he says, Laril covers herself in the sheets and drifts to sleep.

. . .

In an Underground Cellar, LacX was face to face with Nia and Mana, who were both behind bars.

"May I ask, how did this happen?"

'Master, I have no clue as to why we are here. I believe Nia can tell you.'

Looking over to Nia, she couldn't seem to make direct eye contact.

"Nia, I want you to explain your current situation, starting from how you ended up here."

Giving up, she looks down.

"I was a little hungry after we made it to town, and on our way to the Inn, we passed by some Shops. Food was being sold, but I didn't have any money. In an attempt to get some money, I ran from Mana and attempted to pickpocket some random fellows. Yeah, that did not go so well. I got stuck in some rope that was nearby, and that was after taking some coins. Next thing you know, here I am."

Not knowing what to say, he looks at Mana.

"And how did you get here?"

'I... thought she was in distress. I then continued to bite the leg of a Guard.'

Barin walks over to LacX.

"They said that you were their Master. It seems that it was not false information. You can get them out, but it will cost a Silver Coin each."

Almost reluctant, LacX gets 2 Silver Coins, and hands them to Barin.

"Thank you for your time. Here is the key."

Using the key that was given to him, LacX opens the door, and both Nia and Mana walk out.

"You two..."

Both of them jolt, since they were trying to pass without a single word.

"... We're gonna gave a long talk when we get back. And don't even think of running. After all, I have higher agility."

Sulking, both Nia and Mana walk behind him.

. . .

Back at the Guild's Infirmary, they walk in to Laril, who was sitting straight up at the edge of the bed.

"Welcome back Master. Who might these people be?"

Walking in, Mana and Nia sat on one side of the room, still reflecting on their actions.

"Ah, sorry about them. They caught themselves behind bars after they made a mistake. The Blue Wolf is Mana, and the Yellow Tiger is Nia."

Mana and Nia both regain their composure, and greet Laril.

"Hello. My name is Laril, Masters new Slave."

Both Mana and Nia glare at LacX.

"It happened before I knew it. She had some conditions, and I somehow met them. After that, well, she then became registered as my Slave. I had no say in this."

Hearing the word "Conditions" made Nia's head perk up.

"So it was like that. I heard that there was a "Condition Pact" that some Slaves can get, but it only goes to the ones that are of high 'Rarity' or 'Quality'. There are also some exceptions, like a Curse or a High Rank Skill."

'I heard that only a few Slaves are sold when they contain a Curse, and those with High Rank Skills are usually sold out everywhere.' Mana starts walking towards Laril.

'If I am correct, then this one has a Curse on her, maybe from birth, or placed by a Demon or Black Magician.'

As if to ruin the mood, a horn blows from the outside.

"Is that from the event? It doesn't seem like it. What is it?"

Suddenly, Barin bursts into the room.

"Quickly, get to Shelter! If not, then get on a boat and Leave!"

"Barin, what's going on? What was that horn?"

Almost too scared to say it, he musters up the courage.

"A 'No-Name' has been spotted around half a Mile from here."

Mana and Nia freeze, showing obvious signs of fear.

"Mana? Nia? What's with that look? What's wrong?"

Shaking, Nia answers.

"W-w-we s-saw one. A No-Name, in the forest."

"Really? Are you guys okay? Did you guys come face to face with it?"

Shaking their heads, they both calm down, and once again regain their composure.

"If the No-Name makes it here, then not one person may be able to live, especially if it decides to hang around for a while. So we must leave, and fast."

As LacX grabs what he needs, he notices that both Nia and Laril didn't seem to move. Instead, they both sat quietly on the bed.

"Are you guys okay? Why aren't you guys-"

He suddenly realized why they weren't moving.

'Right, I guess that's how it is with slaves.'

"Alright, you two, listen. I have 3 Rules, and if you don't follow them, then I might get angry depending on the situation. Are we clear?"

They both nod in agreement.

"First, never hurt, kill, or steal from others, unless you feel that it is needed. Second, never Start or Continue any fights that you know you cannot win, unless I know you can win. And finally..."

Walking out, Mana, Nia and Laril follow.

"... Don't die. Follow these rules, and there won't be any problems."

Everyone nods, and they all leave the Guild, where Barin was waiting to escort them to the Shelter.

It was chaos.

People ran, yelled, and kids cried.

'Is it really that bad? I have never seen one, but if it's that bad, then what is it?'

Barin begins to move, escorting LacX's group, and many others.

"Everyone, stay close. If we don't hurry, then it might all go to hell."

And with that, they begin the march.

. . .

Hello again. Did I write too many explanations again? Yeah, I thought so...

Other than that, "No-Name" is the actual name of the creature.

It takes No Form, but can take Any Form. Doesn't Hate anything, doesn't Like anything. Destroys without reason, moves without a destination.

Anyways, I hope that I won't have to make so many "Explanation Chapters" in a row.

I need new Ideas for Skills, so if you want, then leave a Comment with a List of Skills.

Thank You for Reading!

_LucXycreators' thoughts