
Chapter 64: Song of Decay

Later, they left the Underworld.

Pruno said goodbye to his mother, who deeply apologized for not explaining to him what the plant would do to him... Basically what the plant did was increasing the powers he had and his connection to nature, so he can now control plants easier than before too! But what the plan also gave him was a power boost on the Decay factor, which made him able to cause decay and death by looking at other people's eyes, the longer they stare the faster they die. And with that plant, he also received a title from Persephone, which was the name of the flower: Moonlight Whiter.

Enychta even thought of a song about whiter and decay, which is more of a chanting than a song, but it works as a spell too. He told Pruno to sing it and just as he thought, it worked... Persephone even praised Enychta for coming up with a chanting that subconsciously stimulates the decaying powers that Pruno had... The only side effect was the loss of control over the power, which made Enychta lose a finger, but he didn't show it to Pruno and hid it until his bone and finger were back to normal.

(A/N: Yep, Tangled. That decaying song, which honestly, is very creepy and op as fuck. It accelerates time and causes decay and destruction on the target. Breaking the earthly chains, and setting the spirit free...)

"Thank you mother, once again, for having us." Pruno smiled as Hades placed his arm around Persephone's waist possessively, Enychta was doing the same for both him and Luke, who both could only feel awkward about it. "Oh, don't worry, you'll get used to possessiveness, it's cute, but also sometimes annoying. So you need to take the reigns sometimes you know?" Persephone hugged Hades back as she pushed him back, Enychta huffed air out of his nose in a very comical way as he took the lead and Pruno on his shoulders, giving him a ride, and carried Luke in a princess carry.

On the way out of the Underworld, Luke asked: "Eny?" Without looking down, Enychta focused around to be on guard in case any monster tries to attack them, he smiles and asks: "Yeah?" Luke feels a little awkward about this position, but he doesn't mind that much: "What was that song that you were singing for Pruno before?" Enychta's smile never left his lips as he began to sing for him, it was obvious Luke wanted to hear it, and Pruno had a hard time controlling his decay power because it acted as a spell for him and not a song. Or at least Persephone said so.

"Cut the strings of hope..."

"Catastrophic deeds..."

"Burn all means to cope, and set the spirit free.."

"Wither and Decay..."

"End this destiny..."

"Break these earthly chains, and set the spirit free..."

"Whiter and Decay..."

"Cease this misery..."

"Bend and break the reigns..."

"And set the spirit free..."

"Sweet embrace of death..."

"Grant them no mercy..."

"Take your final breath..."

"And set your spirit free..."

"The spirit free..."

Enychta's voice was low because he was wary of the dangers of the Underworld, but this only added to the creepiness of the song, talking about death and decay, which Luke understood why it was a spell for Pruno. A spell is a magical chanting that makes you think of something so when your subconscious is focused on what you want to do, your magic does it. That's why magic spells are chanted, the chants serve to make your subconscious mind think about what you want, so external influence helps with that.

A great example of external factors stimulating the subconscious mind is when you listen to a catchy song. You won't stop singing it in your head, no matter how many times you try to stop doing that, you will catch yourself singing that song in your head once again.

Words have power.

They can control your subconscious mind if repeated enough...

Pruno had his chest on top of Enychta's head while his legs hugged his neck, Pruno could see Luke from his standing point which was tall for him, a lot taller at least. He listened ro the conversation and song that Eny was singing and he could feel his power coming to life, wanting to leave his body, but because it wasn't him who was singing the song, it wasn't hard to simply not let it control him. "I love when you sing to us Eny~" Pruno chuckled as he whispered to his tall lover, who didn't move or say anything, his face emotionless but his ears turning red as he hid his blushing not so successfully.

"I remember the first song you ever sang to me, Eny... What was the name of that lullaby about a monster hunter?" Playing with his hair, Pruno had a sudden sense of nostalgia when he thought of a lullaby that Enychta would sing for him when they would go to sleep, but after a year later he didn't need to sing to make Pruno sleep peacefully. "Ah." Luke was suddenly curious about this lullaby, he never heard Eny singing a lullaby before! "Lullaby of Woe?" Enychta asked as he remembered the lyrics of that song, which wasn't a great song to sing to children before they went to sleep, but Pruno was very metal and didn't care.

They were approaching the exit of the Underworld, they could see Cerberus's massive body from their current position, the three-headed dog just looked at them and didn't move, Enychta didn't care either and continue to move forward unbothered by the stares he received from the three pair of eyes that the three-headed dog had. Enychta wanted to leave, so he just told Pruno and Luke he would sing that song for them later, outside of the Underworld when they were going to sleep.

He passed by Cerberus, who just let staring as he left

Nothing happened, and they left the Underworld without difficulty.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

I felt like there was something more than Pruno needed, why not make him a Disney princess? He can control plants and talk to animals already, just make him extra murderous to add a flavor to it.