
Chapter 151: Contract with the Devil

[I, [Sign Here, both of you, please and thank you], agree to pay [Nothing, it's free this time. Don't get don't get used to it, next time you'll have to pay, but at least there's family discount.] for Lucifer Morningstar Armaggedon the 3rd's services (Great name, right?), which consists of [Help on getting my son's memories back because i can't help him without the contract or else Chaos will be bitching about it in my ears, and i hate them, but my son is kinda under their pantheon, so they can easily destroy my only child in this universe... And i don't want him to die, so the contract gives me an excuse to help.] for as long as it takes to complete my wish.

Signed: [Please sign here, both of you, with blood or any bodily fluid.]

PS: This contract will be in effect as soon as everything has been signed.]

"Huh." Looking at the contract on his hands, Luke raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked back at Lucifer, who was looking at his son being patted by the pink-haired boy, leaning heavily on him, pressing his whole body weight on him. "Yes?" Luke just shook his head before looking back at the contract, only to realize he has no means of signing it. "Ergh, LUcifer sir, do you have a pen, a quill, or something like that?"

"PLease, call me Lucy, and well, i have several pens yes... Are you right handed, left handed, or are you- What's that word again, for when like, your hands are bisexual?" The image they had in their heads when they thought of LUcifer was this powerful demonic king, who was ruthless and cruel to everyone- But he just asked if LUke's hands were bisexual, which, technically they are since LUke himself is bisexual, but: "I think the word you're looking for is ambidextrous." LUcifer clapped his hands together and pointed at Pruno, who pointed out the right word to use in this situation and smiled, saying: "That!" He chuckled to himself before cursing: "Fucking- Argh, it gets hard to remembeer things after a billion years of existence, you three gonna understand it one day- Unless we all die because of the Eldritch Horros, but then again, that's why i'm here in the first place."

Eny was completely gone by now, nuzzling with Pruno on the ground, holding Thalia close to him as well, tired. "Is he gonna be okay?" Pruno whispered to Lucifer, knowing the demon would probably be able to hear his, since his son could easily hear heartbeats! "Oh, Eny? Yeah, he's gonna be alright... he just had to live through every single bad thing that happened to him after he those things, since they are basically made out of pure negativity... Oh, fair warning, he's gonna hear voices of his loved ones saying shit to him, so you know- It's kinda of the after effect of those things, but he's gonna be okay after a few years or so."

"Wait what?"

"Well, his mind and soul are kinda fragile now, so shit like this really gets to him, if you look closely you'll see the darkness growing on his soul, a void." Pruno quickly looked at ENychta, his eyes glowing white as he stared into his beloved's sleeping form. He could see it, a growing darkness inside his beloved's soul, he was, however, sleeping soundlessly. "It's going to trigger when he gets his memories back, like, a lot of things are going to happen when he gets his memories back- Like, a lot of them. But mostly important, he is going to be fine after this all is done, don't worry." Luke looked up at Lucy again, but this time he had a pair of black sunglasses on his hand- No idea where he got it, but he would no question it, since he was the literal king of hell! "I kinda missed 21 birthdays of him, but now there's gonna be a lot more for me to celebrate with him, but i guess i own him at least a few gifts... Do you think he would like a Wailing Woman? You know, the good ol' banshee? They are great alarm clocks... What about a weapon?"

Yeah, he's definetly a dad.

Yeah, i'm abidextrious, thank you for asking." Luke said, his voice still carried his failed to be hidden amusment, making the king of hell to roll his eyes and give hima red feather with a golden tint to it, the feather floated before the blond God who picked it up and felt a slight ping of pain on his hand, the pen started to glow in a warm heat as well. "Huh. Cool."

"Yeah, kinda." Lucifer gave one to Pruno as well, who nodded in thanks to the king of hell, as he kept saying: "Eny can do that too, create contracts that is, and also give people pens that suck the blood out of you to sign them, but if he wants one of those pens there, he'll have to kill a Phoenix to make. I have an entire collection of those pens, it's great." Lucy put on the sunglasses he had on his hand, but even those sunglasses couldn't hide the glow his eyes got when he thought about the perfect gift for Eny: "That's it! I should give him a Phoenix."

"In the state he's in?" Pruno looked down at the sleeping Enychta, who had this peacful look on his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a slight smirk on his lips and a low growl. "He's probably going to eat the fire bird."

"Yeah, probably." Luke agreed while signing his name- [Luke Castellan] on the contract, but Lucifer just pointed out: "Your full name, please." Luke was genuinally confused- "You are technically married to my son, so you need to include his surname and the pink's surname as well." Oh... [Luke Castellan Astérie Begoni] written on the contract, he passed it on to Pruno, who signed it using Eny's large, naked chest as a table-[Pruno Begoni Astérie Castellan] was signed and the contract suddenly lit itself on fire, before turning into ash and vanishing from sight.

"Well, thank you..." Lucifer took the red phoenix feather and it simply vanished from his hands, he just sighed deeply before smiling at them and saying: "Well, i guess it's time to work."