
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · ファンタジー
49 Chs

Night Life(3)

As Alaric's piercing gaze shifted from the fallen master, Malachi Voss, he redirected his attention to the entrance where the new arrival had made her presence known. The aura in the room seemed to shift as a figure emerged from the shadows, revealing herself to be the mysterious woman with the Principality. Her eyes, a mirror to cosmic energy, held a certain level of intensity that matched Alaric's own.

She addressed Malachi with a mix of disdain and amusement. "You always did have a way of getting into trouble, Malachi. I leave you alone for a few minutes, and you manage to turn the Devil's Lounge into a battlefield."

Malachi, still gasping for breath, struggled to rise from the ground. He shot a resentful glance at Alaric, who had disrupted the delicate balance of power within the underworld. Despite his predicament, a spark of defiance flickered in Malachi's eyes.

Alaric, ever the enigma, surveyed the woman with a calculated curiosity. "And who might you be?" he inquired, his tone laced with an underlying threat. The air crackled with tension, the aftermath of the swift and brutal confrontation that had unfolded moments ago.

The woman, undeterred by Alaric's presence, offered a wry smile. "I go by many names in these horrid places, but for now, you can call me Lysandra."

Alaric, not one to be easily swayed, maintained his unwavering gaze. "What is your stake in this... establishment, Lysandra? Are you another puppet master pulling the strings from the shadows?"

Lysandra chuckled, her laughter echoing through the room like a haunting melody. "Puppet-master, you say? No, my dear. I am no puppet-master. I am just one of many who treads the shadows, ensuring that chaos and order dance on a knife's edge."

'An assassin perhaps, 'Alaric thought. She was probably the owner of the principality in effect and Alaric had already found a way to counter its effects. Lysandra was a visually appealing specimen and it felt even more appropriate, if not stereotypical that her principality had something to do with her charm. He could feel it and he had a rough idea of how it operated so countering it wasn't hard.

The gravity of her words lingered in the air as she continued, "As for my stake, let's just say I find amusement in watching power dynamics shift. And you, My dear, are a fascinating variable in this delicate game."

Alaric, not easily swayed by words alone, considered the woman before him. The events that had transpired hinted at a deeper connection between them, one that surpassed the facade of a chance encounter. As he pondered the enigma that was Lysandra, the room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the next twist in the unfolding tale of Lysandria's underworld.

The Devil's Lounge, once a haven of opulence and clandestine dealings, now bore the scars of conflict. The remnants of shattered tables and the lingering scent of cosmic energy permeated the air. The subdued lighting cast long shadows on the opulent decor, creating an eerie ambience that mirrored the uncertainty hanging in the room.

Amidst the chaos, Malachi struggled to regain his composure. His eyes, filled with a mixture of resentment and fear, darted between Alaric and Lysandra. The once-dominant figure in the underworld now found himself at the mercy of forces he couldn't fully comprehend.

Alaric, breaking the silence, posed another question to Lysandra, his tone measured and filled with intrigue. " Then what brings you to the Devil's Lounge, Lysandra? Is it mere coincidence that our paths cross in this particular den of shadows?"

Lysandra's response was enigmatic as if shrouded in the very darkness she claimed to navigate. "Paths crossing, coincidence — these are but illusions in the tapestry of fate. I am drawn to places where destinies collide, where the threads of power unravel and reweave themselves such is the nature of my existences."

Alaric sighed internally.' Right in a world full of magic the average person must be cockoo."

As she spoke, her eyes flickered toward Alaric, a subtle acknowledgement of the cosmic forces that bound them in an intricate dance. The air crackled with an unspoken understanding, leaving the room suspended in a state of uncertainty.

In the midst of this clandestine rendezvous, the underworld awaited its next shift in power dynamics. The Devil's Lounge, once an emblem of Malachi's reign, now stood witness to an unforeseen alliance or confrontation that would reshape the very fabric of Lysandria's shadows.

"So will you engage in combat with me? I assure you you will not survive even with your Principality at full force."Lysandra's eyes did not depart from Alaric's gaze as he levelled the threat towards her, her eyes still holding the mysterious gleam of cosmic energy, seemed to consider Alaric's words. The air in the room retained a tense undercurrent, the aftermath of the recent clash still lingering.

"Conflict is not something I seek," she finally remarked, her tone measured. "The underworld can be yours, as long as you understand the delicate balance that keeps it from descending into chaos."

Alaric, no stranger to the intricacies of power dynamics, met her gaze with a discerning nod. "Balance it is then."

The conversation shifted as Lysandra posed a question that cut to the heart of the matter. This time in a more relaxed tone "What is your agenda, Alaric? Why do you seek dominion over the underworld of this city?"

Alaric's response was direct, his voice carrying the weight of determination. "Do you need to know what my plans are? Do I need to tell you? What if I intend to take over the rest of the city would any of that change your fate?."

Lysandra sighed as if burdened by the weight of his ambitions. "You are a force to be reckoned with you have proved that with how lightly you've taken my Principality... However, such ambitions can be perilous. I offer you my service, not out of subservience but as a guide through the labyrinth of the underworld."

Alaric, for a moment, lingered in contemplation. The cosmic energies surrounding them seemed to pulse with the unspoken agreement that hung in the air. Finally, he nodded in acceptance. "Guide me, then. As long as your intentions align with the balance you speak of."

Lysandra's lips curved into a subtle smile. "You will find my intentions to be as elusive as the shadows themselves. Now, what of Voss?" She gestured toward the still-recovering Malachi Voss, who had watched the exchange with a mixture of resentment and fear.

Alaric turned his gaze toward Malachi. "Will you swear allegiance, Voss, or face the consequences?" The masked menace in his tone left no room for ambiguity.

Malachi, understanding the gravity of his situation, nodded with reluctant compliance. "I swear allegiance."

At that moment, the bracelet on Malachi's hand disintegrated into cosmic dust. Lysandra observed the gesture with a knowing expression, recognizing the symbolic release of control.

"I will return in three days," Alaric declared, his gaze unwavering. "By then, this place should be cleansed. If you attempt anything deceitful, both of you will witness the true extent of my power."

With those words, Alaric made his way to the exit, leaving the Devil's Lounge in a state of uneasy anticipation

Gosh, the weather isn't getting any better guys, I apologize for the slow updates Take Care everyone :)

Croppedtrolleycreators' thoughts