
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · ファンタジー
49 Chs


As the first rays of dawn crept over the horizon, casting a gentle glow upon the scene of chaos, Alaric stood amidst the shattered remnants of the Devil's Lounge. The once-grand establishment now lay in ruins, echoes of the fierce battle that had raged within its walls whispered quietly. Bodies littered the floor, both of those who had fought bravely and those who had fallen in defeat. Although they suffered minor casualties, it did little to chase away the sombre mood.

The air was heavy with the scent of blood and smoke, a grim reminder of the violence that had unfolded throughout the night. Alaric's gaze swept over the devastation, taking in the sight of his comrades as they moved among the wreckage, securing the area and apprehending any remaining threats.

Fatigue weighed heavily upon Alaric's shoulders, his muscles aching from the exertion of battle and the strain of channelling cosmic power. Lightning as far as his practical knowledge from his previous life told him, was extremely destructive. But what he also knew was its potential applications as a utility and now that he would be free for quite a while he would experiment. Despite the weariness that threatened to consume him, he knew that their work was far from over. With the last of their targets subdued, they now faced the daunting task of restoring order to the chaos left in their wake. They needed to do as much damage limitation as humanly possible.

More soldiers arrived at the scene, their footsteps echoing through the shattered remains of the lounge. Alaric directed their efforts with a sense of weary determination, ensuring that every corner was searched and every threat neutralized. It was a grim task, but one that had to be done to ensure the safety of the duchy and its people.

As the cleanup continued, Alaric's thoughts turned to the future. The events of the night had taken a heavy toll on him, both physically and emotionally. His core capacity, limited though it may be, had been pushed to its limits, leaving him drained and depleted. He knew that he would need time to rest and recuperate before facing the challenges that lay ahead.

But even as fatigue threatened to overcome him, Alaric could not shake the sense of unease that lingered in the back of his mind. The underworld may have been dealt a severe blow and largely taken care of even, but he knew that its influence ran deep and that there were still those who would seek to challenge their authority. He knew that too many resources they benefited from existed within the eastern territory and sooner or later bigshots from other cities would come to see just what exactly had taken place when the steady supply of goods was no longer steady, or being supplied at all.

With a heavy heart, Alaric turned his gaze to the dimming night sky. The dawn of a new day brought with it the promise of hope and renewal, but also the uncertainty of what lay ahead. "Onto the next," he whispered to himself, a solemn vow to continue the fight against fate and life itself.

Eldmund emerged from the shadows of the night, his clothes bearing the faint stains of battle but his demeanour calm and collected. His encounters with the underworld's minions had been swift and efficient, his opponents no match for his skill and prowess. As he wiped the remnants of the skirmish from his blade, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at a job well done.

Around him, soldiers and raid teams moved with urgency, their faces etched with determination as they worked tirelessly to ensure that no trace of the night's events would escape to the scrutiny of the public eye. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the scene as they laboured to erase all evidence of the chaos that had unfolded under its watchful gaze.


Despite his outward composure, Eldmund couldn't shake the nagging worry that gnawed at the edges of his mind. Thoughts of his younger brother, Alaric, occupied his thoughts as he wondered how he fared in the heat of battle. He knew Alaric to be a formidable fighter, perhaps even more so than himself in certain respects, but the dangers they faced were real, and Eldmund couldn't help but fear for his safety, he was after all only a sixteen-year-old.

With a silent prayer for his brother's well-being, Eldmund set off towards the Devil's Lounge, the epicentre of the night's turmoil. He had saved this destination for last, knowing that it was where Alaric was likely to be found. Despite his confidence in his brother's abilities, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that tugged at his heartstrings.

Accompanied by a small contingent of soldiers, Eldmund moved swiftly through the darkened streets, his steps quick and purposeful. The first light of dawn began to peek over the horizon, casting long shadows that danced across the cobblestone streets. There was still much to be done before the sun fully rose, and Eldmund hoped against hope that Alaric had emerged from the night's trials unscathed.

As they approached the Devil's Lounge, Eldmund's heart pounded in his chest with a mixture of anticipation and dread. Eldmund approached the entrance to the Devil's Lounge, he couldn't shake the sense of anticipation that gripped him. The night had been long and arduous, filled with battles won and losses mourned, but now, as the first light of dawn began to filter through the darkness, he found himself on the precipice of a new chapter.

Entering the lounge, Eldmund's eyes quickly scanned the dimly lit interior, searching for any sign of his brother amidst the chaos. And then, amidst the sea of faces, he spotted him – Alaric, standing tall and resolute amidst the aftermath of their joint operation.

Their eyes met across the room, and in that moment, a flood of emotions washed over Eldmund – relief, gratitude, and an overwhelming sense of pride in his brother's strength and resilience. Crossing the distance between them in long strides, Eldmund finally stood before Alaric, his heart pounding with a mixture of emotions.

"Alaric," he began, his voice filled with warmth and genuine affection. "I'm glad to see you're safe. The night has been... eventful, to say the least."

Alaric's expression softened at the sight of his brother, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Eldmund," he replied, clasping his brother's forearm in a firm grip. "I could say the same for you. It's good to see you in one piece."

As they embraced, a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect passed between them, a silent acknowledgement of the trials they had faced and overcome together.

Once they had exchanged pleasantries, Alaric motioned for Eldmund to join him at a nearby table, where they could speak more freely away from the prying eyes of the others.

Seated across from each other, the brothers shared a moment of quiet reflection, each lost in their own thoughts as they processed the events of the night.

Finally, it was Alaric who broke the silence, his voice calm and measured as he recounted the details of his own operation. He spoke of the battles he had fought, the enemies he had faced, and the challenges he had overcome with a mixture of pride and humility.

"And what of you, Eldmund?" he asked, turning the conversation back to his brother. "How did your operation fare? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Eldmund nodded, his expression grave as he recounted the trials and tribulations of his own mission. He spoke of the battles won and the sacrifices made, sparing no detail as he shared his own experiences with his brother.

Together, they sat in quiet contemplation, two brothers bound by blood and shared experience, finding solace and strength in each other's company. Life in moments like these felt surreal. 


In the wake of the intense operations, the next five days unfolded with remarkable efficiency and speed. Each passing moment saw the remnants of resistance dwindling, as the concerted efforts of Alaric, Eldmund, and their teams gradually stamped out the last vestiges of opposition, however, they were less involved than on the first night.

Silent vehicles prowled the streets under the cover of night, swiftly transporting captured criminals to undisclosed locations. Establishments known for harbouring underworld wealth were raided, and their hidden treasures were seized and confiscated by the Duchy's authorities. Interrogations yielded valuable information, further weakening the resistance and bolstering the resources of those who stood against it.

As the days passed, the operation unfolded with precision and determination. Despite the magnitude of the task at hand, the operation was largely successful, leaving behind only whispers and echoes of the events that had transpired.

When the five days finally elapsed, it was as if a shroud had been lifted, leaving behind a sense of eerie tranquillity in its wake. Life in the duchy resumed its usual rhythm, though the air was tinged with a newfound sense of victory and relief within the wall of the duchy estate.

Amidst the buzz of celebration that permeated the duchy, the duke took the opportunity to commend his sons for their exemplary work. Their dedication and courage had not gone unnoticed, and they were duly rewarded for their contributions to the success of the operation. Shadow wars rarely went as planned and to have such an operation under their belt at such young ages was telling of their respective capabilities.

In a grand gesture of appreciation, the duchess sanctioned a celebration in honour of their achievements, marking the grand opening of his restaurant. It of course drew even more attention from neighboring nobility, yet even when they arrived the mystery of why the celebration was held in such extravagance remained exactly that, a mystery.

Yet, even amidst the revelry, there lingered a sense of solemnity as Eldmund prepared to return to the academy for the second half of the academic year. With a mixture of pride and nostalgia, the brothers bid farewell, knowing that they would soon be reunited in the capital for the prestigious Astrevian gala. 

And so, life continued with its usual cadence, the days passing in a blur of training routines and administrative duties for Alaric, while Eldmund travelled to their estate in the capital in preparation to embark on the next chapter of his academic journey. 

This chapter marks the end of my first Volume ladies and gents. I will take a short break and resume the serialization of Volume 2. Not my finest piece of work but I'm putting things together now. I'm excited about volume two. Enjoy:)

Croppedtrolleycreators' thoughts