
Son of Gods (Doulou Dalu)

ALL CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF DOULOU DALU, ONLY MC IS MINE A boy is reincarnated in the dangerous world where only the strong prevail, but he has a powerfull bloodline and two strong parents, but this world is different, come and enjoy. Please support me for more chapter, i will apreciated please. thanks to the original author of the manhwa patreon.com/SimpleWriter1000

Yorath_Herons · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 6. Jump in Time and Second Ring



It´s been 1 month since I obtain my first spirit ring and one month it take me to manifest the Destruction Core, and know I find myself again in the Star Dou Forest, but this time I am only with Old San, Because Old Kai is training Suon who wanted to come and protect me, other thing I discover besides the meditation is that no matter how much exercise I do I never get tired but my muscles become sore, but they recover fast, that´s because Mom told me that the Core life give a passive regeneration and make me look more young, but the truth of the matter is because she give the kiss of life when I was a baby, for that I can´t get sick and immune to poisons, "Dugu Bo will be not my opponent...what age is he again, damn I need to know the names of people but I need to hide from the Spirit Hall that know they are being suspicious, even making Old San to be, he told me Is best if I leave with Suon and why Suon will came with me even with his old Grandpa, well his Grandpa Died two weeks ago, he died in his sleep, Suon was sad but he love his Grandpa that take care of him in place of his parents, but he never Knew who were, but thanks to Old Kai he concentrated in becoming strong, now with his conviction he almost broke from Lv 12 to 13, Old Kai said that maybe in two years he will get his second ring", after we get out of the Village I will give him the method to created a core in his soul, and with info that my dad gave me, in the future that core will become a divine one, making him a god.

Now Old San and myself are following my Spear that is very enthusiastic guiding us to my next Ring, during this month I not only create the Destruction core that make all my attacks lethal to people more weak than me when I activated, because I can kill a person like Beerus, but anyway, we been following my spear for 10 minutes when we reach a lake, then Spear point to water, "Old San Let Me fight this one please", Old San Nod, "ok but if I see is going bad I interfere", I nod at them, with my spear circling around me, my ring shine making my Spirit power soar to call the beast, after a minute the beast go out, and a huge Turtle go out of the lake almost as 3 mts in Hight and 2 mt long, his Scales are blue and its shell is shining like a Topaz, "is a crystal Turtle, they are know for being to Hard to kill that you need almost a Attack Spirit Elder to kill it, for what I know that is a 2000 Spirit Beas, so be careful there I know you are strong but are you sure this is the one you want, because absorbing thousand ring is to dangerous", Old San told me. "yes", is my answer.



In shore of the lake we find a small boy with a spear floating around him and in front of him a huge Turtle make of Crystal both of then are looking at each other, then the Spear of Teng shine, "first spirit skill Swarm Spear", Teng transform his spear making appear 100 spears around him, the turtle make a roar and some Crystals form around him, he launch then like 10 of them, so Teng use 10 spears to block it but in doing that the spears disappear, but he created again, "is good that I can create more spears if they destroy using my spirit power but they consume a lot just reconstruct them". Teng say mentally, the turtle looking that his attack doesn´t work open his mouth and start charging a ball of water, "Teng launch all his 100 spears through the Mouth of the Turtle and the turtle launch like a kind of Pressure water that destroy a lot of spears and making slowly, knowing the strength of the spears the turtle close its mouth and retire into his shell, the spears making a sound hitting something hard, "damn that´s hard but that give and idea, if a remember in some television show of surviving they say the best way to kill a turtle is through his Anus, so I make 99 of my spears hitting without stopping and I run to the back of the turtle", Teng cancel his skill and after some seconds the turtle go out looking that his enemy is not there, all his body is out, so without much time Teng launch the Spear through the hole of the turtle and the turtle make a roar of pain, "sorry for this and I hope you find peace, First spirit Skill Swarm Spear", the spear inside of the turtle become 100 and start destroying the insides of the turtle, the turtle make a last roar and fell. The Teng cancel his Martial Spirit.



I came close to the face of the turtle feeling that is about to died, "sorry I had to do it, but I need your powers", I say sitting in front of him, so I touched him and use the Core of Life to Mute the pain and see the turtle stop whining of pain, "you were strong and a good experience, thank you, and I know you are strong but sorry again, I really need your power so what did you say", I show my hand and transmit my feelings to him, "your power will be used for the better of the world", I say honestly, after some minutes the turtle came close to my hand and then I shined, making appear he thousand ring and fell death, "Hope your next life is a happy one", I materialize my spear, "take care me Old San", I sit to meditate and absorb the Spirit Ring, I can feel is more harder but the Core of Destruction help to absorb and the core of life to heal my damage, after 2 hours the absorption is complete and then I open my eyes and see the smiling face of Old San and then I turn to the body of the Turtle and see it disappear, "again", I say, "of course with bat happen too, their bodies enter yours, so in the beginning I thinks it was some kind of attack but I didn´t detect abnormalities", he say to me, "you know the reason mom", I ask my mom, "yes is because the life will not let waste the body and is used to make your body and senses stronger, with the bat your senses are stronger, and this turtle make your skin, muscles and bones more harder", hearing what she say, "damn that´s op", I say mentally, "yes but the Improvement is Minimum, but when you reach Tittle Doulou you will know the difference", stopping talking to my mom I see Old San waiting Patiently, "so what is Second Spirit Skill," I smiled, "Old San I am know Rank 24 and", I say surprising the Old man, the materialize my Spear with two rings 1 yellow and 1 purple, "Second Spirit Skill Crystal Sphere", my spear transform in a kind of Sphere in all the 360 grades, "this is a defense skill that created a spear that cover all sides of my and can resist the attack of some Spirit Elders of the Attack Type and", I make the barrier surround Old Sang, "it can be use as a prison, but the cost of Spirit power depends of how much damage the Sphere receive and the Size it gets, I think I can make it bigger", after I say that I extend the Sphere that surround Old San and make it to reach to me and enter the Sphere too, "see nice right", I can feel the fatigue and the sphere collapsed, "damn that is tiring", Old San laugh, "of course this barrier is good congratulations, and I know you are ready for leaving the Village", he say that seriously

Hearing say that I know this talk is coming, "listen well the Spirit Hall suspect something because we enter three times in almost 1 month so they think I am hiding something so is best if you leave with Suon", I only nod, "what about Father", I ask, "don´t worry they will no use a civilian, even with the three of us in the town, and if necessary I will call some of my old friends", hearing what he say that I feel calm, "good", I respond, "then let´s return to the village.



Name: Huioog Teng

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years

Spirit Power: 24 (Grand Spirit Master)

Martial Spirit 1: Sacred Spear of life and Destruction (700 ring, Swarm Spear - 2000 Ring, Crystal Sphere)

Martial Spirit 2: Wings of the Rainbow Fairy King

Bloodline: Creation, Life, Destruction

Cultivation Method: Creation and Life Core, Endless Core of Destruction

Cores: Creation, Life


Yes a jump in time, i want that the mc start his adventure and yes the Spirit Hall will be the villain here and trust me i will make them bad but really bad

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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