
Son of Gods (Doulou Dalu)

ALL CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF DOULOU DALU, ONLY MC IS MINE A boy is reincarnated in the dangerous world where only the strong prevail, but he has a powerfull bloodline and two strong parents, but this world is different, come and enjoy. Please support me for more chapter, i will apreciated please. thanks to the original author of the manhwa patreon.com/SimpleWriter1000

Yorath_Herons · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 13. Awakening and Talk



I am meditating inside the Yin and Yang well and is very lonely, consciousness of my parents are in a kind of hibernation, forgetting to give the teachings of the law of Space, but anyway at first was painful but with time my body accustomed to the temperature of the well, "how much time as passed since I am here, even if I a meditating I can feel that I am reaching the bottom, and I don´t think San reach here the first time, it must be because I am the son of two gods, or because of my cores", after more meditating I can feel my body growing stronger, then when I touched the bottom, I feel someone pulling me into somewhere and when I woke up I was in a place where there was a volcano to my right side and to the left one is a glacier, then I feel two powerful forces and from Volcano a huge Serpentine with red scales dragon appear, and the glacier break showing a same type of dragon but this its scales almost looks like ice, both of the look like Chinese dragons and if I had a guess they are almost 40 mt long, "damn so this are the two Dragon Kings", I say looking in surprise at the two dragons that continue flying around me, then both of the heads came close to mine.

"Child of the gods", the red dragon start to speak, "you know who we are", the Ice dragon ask, "both of you are the Two Dragon Kings who fought in the war against the Divine Realm and where both of you fell", I respond, "yes we are and you knowledge before you say where are not angry, we are only remnants of the soul of the Two Dragon Kings", the two say at the same time, "what did you mean", I had to Ask, "we are only of what remains after the battle our souls had been damage so the originals cut a little part of their soul and let rest the disappear, that is what the two are and we reside here, this water was blessed by our blood", I was surprise the two dragon kings must know about the soul to this, separated a part of the soul is hard, "we were hoping to restore our souls but the damages was too extensive to fix it, so we are trapped here", poor dragons, even if they are a small part of their soul I only feel pity, "if you recover your soul how where you are going to do it without a body", both of them look at each other and then back to me, "if the soul exist, no matter if the body is destroyed we can reconstruct our bodies but it will take years to recover our strength, besides the divine real also suffer some loses", I nod at them, "both of the can be considered gods so of course the can revive and repair the body or create new ones, but because their soul is weak they can do it", I close my eyes and try to feel their soul, and feel the size of it is the one of a human then I open my eyes of a bold idea," you go quite and close your eyes what happen", red ask me then I look at him, "sorry I was thinking, but before that let me introduce me", I make a bow, "my names is Huioog Teng, I am the son of the goddess of Creation and life, and the God of Destruction, pleasure to meet you", I can feel both of them are surprise, "son of two supreme gods a miracle, because to different sides that are creation and destruction can´t fuse, you are really a special boy", I look at them questionably, "you are not angry of the gods for what they do", both of them look at each other again, "no, we fail that´s that and besides we don´t want revenge, we lost so what can we do, we only wish to see the outside again", both of them said at the same time.

I was thinking of something, "I had the power of life and their souls are the same size of a human, then can I used the creation to made them human bodies", no I shake my head ignoring the questionable faces of the dragons, "no….it to advance for me at the moment but...if I find two bodies of child I can put their souls in them and their existences can become spirit masters and absorb rings and I can feel they are lonely", I look at them, "if I had a way to let you get out of here will you sworn your allegiance to me, don´t misunderstand I had plans and is because my parents told me of a menace that will came and I need all the capable hands I can", both of the roar without telling me and they start to fly like dancing, then the two faces came to close to me, "can you do it, can you gives us bodies", I was surprise by their enthusiasm, "been here for thousands of years can be tiring", I look at them seriously, "I had the power of life", I lift my hand showing my life qi, "I can find two bodies of 6 years old children and put your souls into their bodies, your bloodlines will become your martial spirit and you can cultivated to become gods, like spirit beast that choose to go human", I finish telling them my plan, "let us think ok", I nod, and the two of them go a little far away, after some minutes they return, "we accept your conditions", red say, "besides we are bored and Golden Dragon provoke the gods so is his fault that we lost and dragon clan weaken but we want to restore the dragon clan", Ice say, I smile at it, "two powerful dragon kings at my disposal", I think mentally, "then you need to wait until I find suitable bodies, and about rebuilding the dragon clan, you can have children and I f both of you are male, you can had a harem and had a lot little dragons", I smiled at my words, "before that are you both male or female", I ask, "I am male", red say, "I am male too", ice say, I nod, "ok two boys bodies, now I need something to call your souls into their bodies when I find them, but I need more time to practice the qi of life, if is okay with you to wait a few years", both of them nod, "we are been here for years, what can be some days of months more", red say, "before you return, we will give you a gift", ice say, then both of them touch my chess with their claws and I can feel something hot and cold enter my body, "this our gift", all become dark,

I awake on the bottom of the lake and then swim to surface a very fast speed, then I jump of the water, in front of Suon, Xiaogang and Kiss and I can feel some changes in the three, but I see them all blushing well except Kiss, I look down and see I am naked, so I use the power of creation to make some pants, "this would for now, wait how I created a pant and so fast, before I couldn´t that, I was shock of what I discover, "sorry for the wait how much time it pass", I ask both of them, "you were missing Two weeks, but we are not preoccupied because we see you shining on the lake", Suon tell me, I look at them and nod, "can you wait at the camp I need to check my body", both of then nod, and leave with kiss flying looking good is new appearance, I close my eyes and start to meditated and feel the changes in my body, my cultivation reach Lv 30 and is about to burst, so when I obtain my third ring the break out will be a great quantity, but I feel some three new cores in my body I enter my soul and see besides the cores of my parents, they are one in flames, one in water and the other is like a sphere of ice, "they gave me the control over fire, water and ice, absolute element manipulation" I say a little happy, I open my eyes smiling at what I discover I start to look for my essence tool but I can´t find it, "I think it broke…..oh well is a shame", I start to walk but I sudden thought came to my mind, "now that I think about Ning Fenzhi must be a kid right, if I give him the herb to break and transform the pagoda like his daughter in the original I in a way gain a powerful ally….yes that will work, if I want to created my school I need allies", I look at the sky, "but the school will no build in any of the territories of the empire, no even in this continent, my allies and me will go away to the continent where the Star Luo Empire go after Doulou Dalu 2, besides the dragon graveyard is there and I can grow my forces there, maybe I can convince the people of Holy spirit village and other poor villages and cities tired of poverty and nobles to move, with my power of creation I can created fruits and the power of life to help them grow, yes I will do that", I say with confidence, then my stomach make noise, "first food, then to obtain the ring, then return to the capital and search for the Seven Treasure pagoda Clan", I smiled and run to the camp, "besides I again grow some inches more jejeje", I smiled happy.



Name: Huioog Teng

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years

Spirit Power: 30 (Grand Spirit Master)

Martial Spirit 1: Sacred Spear of life and Destruction (700 ring, Swarm Spear - 2000 Ring, Crystal Sphere)

Martial Spirit 2: Wings of the Rainbow Fairy King

Bloodline: Creation, Life, Destruction, Fire Dragon King, Ice Dragon King

Physique: Ice and Fire Dual Immunity, Dragon King Physique

Elements: Life, Absolute Fire, Absolute Ice, Absolute Water

Spirit bones: (Left hand external Spirit bone one million ice dragon king), (Right hand external Spirit bone one million fire dragon king)

Cultivation Method: Creation and Life Core, Endless Core of Destruction

Cores: Creation, Life, Destruction, Fire, Water, Ice


Name: Wei Suon

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years old

Spirit power: 20 (spirit master)

Martial Spirit 1: Divine axe of the Sun (500 years, change of weight)

Martial Spirit 2: Sunshine

Physique: Blessing of the sun


Name: Yu Xiaogang

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years old

Spirit power: 10 (spirit trainee)

Martial Spirit 1: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon (true form)

Bloodline: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon


Name: Kiss

Age: 2000 thousand years old

Gender: Male

Cultivation: 5000 thousand years old

Species: Wind Celestial Eagle

Bloodline: Wind Celestial Eagle

Physique: Blessing of the Goddess of Wind


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