
Chapter 3: fears

"what the hell should I wear?"

Nicole asked as she rummaged through boxes, feeling stupid for talking to her cat but who else was she to talk to? In moments like this was when she missed living with people, but at the same time, this was a lot better than the set up than what she would have if she had stayed in the city.

"What do you think Calamity Jane? Should I go dressy or casual?"

Ironically the cat mewed in response, causing the redhead to roll her eyes.

"Too bad I can't speak cat...but I am sure you probably just said something sarcastic or something anyway." she stated before just grabbing a random blue shirt out of the box and heading toward the bathroom.

Wynonna groaned as soon as she saw Waverly's bloodshot eyes and reddened cheeks. "What happened? Who am I going to have to kill?" she asked, ignoring the cooler that she was filling and heading over to the younger girl who just sighed and took a seat on the couch.

"No one, Wynonna. It's not important."

Wynonna sighed as she heard this and sank down beside of her.

"Don't give me that shit baby girl, What happened after I left Shorty's? Did Bobo try to hurt you? Or was it that bastard you call a boyfriend?" she retorted, putting an arm around Waverly, who practically melted into the embrace.

"It wasn't Bobo, but I don't want to talk about it right now."

Wynonna sighed at that but nodded "I'm sorry I left you there to deal with that shitstorm, I promise, next time I be there to protect you from comes your way."

"Wasn't your fault. I know you and Bobo can't coexist in the same space without fists flying." Waverly managed to choke out, earning a scoff.

"Seems like I owe that bastard a favor now."

Waverly could hear the bitterness in her tone at that although today reminded her of something that she remembered from her childhood, of her first memories of the strange man.

"You know he was the only person besides you that ever seemed to care about me? Remember when Daddy would come home drunk from Shorty's but I always seemed to get home after he passed out?" Waverly asked, earning a confused look.

"You always told me that you were at a friend's house." Wynonna pointed out, earning a sigh.

"Bobo knew how Daddy was when he got drunk....he would keep me anywhere but the homestead until he was sure it was safe. He said he heard some of the things Daddy had said to me one day and it made him sick."

"He never hurt you did he?" Wynonna couldn't help bit ask, earning a look.

"No. Do you think I wouldn't have told Gus?"

"Point taken...or you would have just kicked him in the nuts as hard as you could."

That effectively got a grin out of Waverly, much to Wynonna's relief.

"Now you might want to go get ready for that bonfire tonight, I invited this girl named Nicole who looks to be around your age. Maybe you'll be in the same classes?"

"Really? That's unusual since we haven't had anyone move here in forever. Who is going to be there, besides us and this mystery girl, Nicole?" Waverly questioned as she pulled away.

"Just Doc and Xavier. You can invite Chrissy if you want, I don't care."

Waverly snickered a bit at that and rolled her eyes "Chrissy is even more Vanilla than I am. There is no way she would come to a party where alcohol is, even if she didn't have to drink." she began, her brow furrowing for a second before she added, "Do you think that's one of the reasons that I can't even keep Champ happy?"

Wynonna inwardly flinched at that and made a mental note to beat the boy into a pulp later.

Champ's just an fuck boy. Don't worry about anything that son of a bitch says." she answered before adding in a lighter tone "and Waves, you don't get to call her vanilla since you won't even fucking say ass."

"Shut up, at least I don't end up on a YouTube video because I am drunk out of my mind and decide to give a striptease!" Waverly retorted, only to end up getting smacked in the face with the a pillow that she had bought to 'decorate' the couch.

"That was one time you little asshole." Wynonna chuckled, the tense aura that had been looming over Waverly seemed to lift as she shoved Wynonna off the couch, laughing at the shocked look.

"Oh, you are so going to regret that, little sister."