
Someone I Can't Trust

TinyyBunss · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 4

I wake up groggily from my couch. I turn my head to see my mom on the floor cuddling a box. I get up slowly and made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a paper cup and making myself some coffee. I made my way back to the couch as my mom slowly lifts herself off the floor and groans. She smiles at me and looks around the room, sighing. "so we just have to load the boxes into the car and decide where were going." I sigh, then gesture to my cup and the kitchen. "The pot is still hot." she smiles at me again and stands up, making her way to the kitchen. "So, what about oregon? you like the beach dont you?" she says, coming back into the room soon after.

A couple days later I'm sitting in the window of a weekend beach house. my mom thought being by the water would help me. Once again, I had no friends. but I guess I never really did anyway. we have never stayed in once place more then 6 months. I walk down the steps of the house onto the beach, my skirt dragging across the sand softly. as I approach the water I wonder what life would he like if I was normal. how many friends would i have? how many would be here right now? how many fights would I have gotten into? how many boyfriends? enemies? where would he my home...?

I wake up a couple hours later to my mom sizzling something in the kitchen. I throw my feet over the edge of the bed. "Good morning baby, coffee?" I groan. "Yes please." She pops her head around the corner with a cup in hand. "Coming right up." she strides across the floor slowly, hands me the cup, and smiles. "So what's on today's agenda?" I sigh and sip the coffee. "I might go find a local little coffee shop around here. I need someone I can go work." she laughs and turns around heading back into the kitchen. "Okay you do that. I'm going to get groceries and continue unpacking." I laugh and stand up, finishing my coffee. I grab a set of clothes from my bag and head to the bathroom to shower.