

"That's two pieces down. how about we get moving on to the next one. After all, we need to get this over with as soon as possible." Cyrus says.

"Agreed. I don't want to sit through this story any longer than I already have." Elaine agrees.

"So where are we headed to next? The Knight, The pawn, or the king?

"The pawn would be our best bet for now," Elaine says.

"really? Why is that?"

"Because the pawn has is the easiest for us to reach. Or should I say for you to reach.

"What do you mean?" Cyrus asks

"Your going to become a gladiator!"

"A what!?" Cyrus exclaims.

"You're becoming a Gladiator. A warrior who fights in the arena. It's a very common thing here." Elaine explains.

"Alright. but how does this help get my hands on the pawns piece?

"Easily. All you have to do is battle in the Colosseum and win. The more you win, the more opponents you will get to face, and eventually you can make your up to the top. I'm guessing you can figure out who's at the top by now right? The other two pieces are harder to obtain and require a lot more skill. Which is why we'll start with the pawn first."

"Do you think I have the skills to pull this off?" Cyrus asks.

"Of course you do! Just make sure you win those matches and you'll be fine.

"Alright then, let's go grab that pawn.

"I'm glad your so enthusiastic. Come on, Our next stop is the small town of Lelune."


The ride to Lelune was quiet.

Cyrus could see that Elaine was in deep thought. As they rode, Cyrus tried to distract her from her worries.

"I've never been to a town like this before. Is it much different from the capital?" He asks.

"Well, it is quite a bit smaller. There isn't as many nobles or rich folk living here as compared to the capital. However, it is far more populated than most towns and cities around thanks to the Colosseum. People come from all over the world to witness their favourite fighters in action." She explains.

"I see. What kind of fights can I expect to see there?" Cyrus asks.

"Oh, I can't even tell you. The Colosseum is filled with all kinds of contests. Anything can happen in there."

"The only rule that you need to remember is that your not allowed to use magic. That's the only rule that keeps everything fair. Everything else is up for grabs. So the fights range from simple duels to lethal combat."

"Sounds interesting." Cyrus says.

"It is. And it's even better when you watch it as an audience member." Elaine adds with a smile.

"Right. So, what are we doing first?" Cyrus asks.

"Well first you need to get yourself registered as a gladiator. "There's a few places where we can get this taken care of today but it might be a few days until you can get into the ring. So for now we'll just register you with the local magistrate. Then we can take a break until showtime."

"Alright, Sounds good. I haven't had a chance to really take in this world."

"I understand. We will have plenty of time to look around but for now, lets get you registered." Elaine suggests.

"Fine by me."

"Follow me." Elaine says and leads him to the magistrate office.

They arrive at the building and walk inside.

After taking a seat, Elaine begins to explain what needs to be done.

"First, you need to fill out some paper work. Then the magistrate will take your mark and assign you a number. After that, they will fit you with some gear. It's just a simple choker that you will be required to wear while taking any challenges. It's purpose is to restrict the use to magic from the wearer. Nothing too serious for you."

"Alright, sounds simple enough. I'll get started on the paperwork." Cyrus says.

Cyrus sits down at the desk and begins to fill out the papers.

Name: Cyrus

Age: 18

Occupation: None

Place of origin: Eluthera

Race: Human

Strength: Average

Intelligence: Above average

Magic: Not Applicable

Social Status: Unknown

Battle Record (0-10): 0

Combat Rating (0-20): 20

Status: Unregistered

"What is this about a rating?" Cyrus asks.

"It's a system used to rank combatants. The higher the number, the more skilled the fighter is. The more you win the higher it rises. It's used to find suitable opponents for each combatant. We wouldn't want the matches to be too boring. Would we?"

"No, I suppose that makes sense. So, What do I put on here?" Cyrus asks.

"Just leave it blank Your records will update automatically as you fight.

After finishing the paperwork, they move onto the next step as a representative leads Cyrus into a separate room.

The representative takes Cyrus to the changing rooms. Inside the room is a long row of stalls. Each stall has a large mirror on the wall and a stool in front of it.

In front of the mirrors are piles of cloth and equipment.

"This is where you will be getting dressed. Take your pick." The representative says.

Cyrus looks over the options and chooses a set of clothes that are made of light material. They are a dark blue color that has silver thread woven throughout them the sleeves are thick and padded with more threads.

Cyrus puts on the outfit along with the choker that was provided. The choker feels comfortable and fits comfortably around his neck.

When he's finished dressing he moves over to the counter where the representative is standing.

"You're all set. Once we find an appropriate opponent for your first match we will notify you" The rep says.

"Alright, I'll be waiting." Cyrus says.

"So now what?" Cyrus asks.

"We can use this time to have a look around if you'd like. I was going to visit the the local library if you want to accompany my." Elaine suggests.

"That sounds great. I still feel like I have no idea what's going on around me. If nothing else, I could use a little bit of research."

"Okay then, Let's go." Elaine says.

After exiting the building, they begin to make their way towards a small building near the edge of town.

As they walk, they pass several people who greet them with friendly smiles.

"Good day." They all say in unison.

The town is bustling with activity. Everyone seems to be going about their business with ease.

The buildings are constructed from sturdy stone and wood. The streets are paved with cobblestone and lined with trees.

"It's nice to see such a lively community." Cyrus says as they continue to walk.

"Yeah, it's hard to believe this place is at war." Elaine says.

"So, what exactly happened that caused this war to break out?" Cyrus asks.

"Well, It's a long story but i can at least shorten it down a bit for you. A man named Zezume, who works for the church, came and told the king that he had discovered a new prophecy." Elaine explains.

"I see, well what did he predict?" Cyrus asks.

"He said that a demon would invade the kingdom and destroy everything in its path. Not only this, but that the black king was the mastermind behind the tragedy. That he would use the power of the Demon Lord to control the entire kingdom and bring death to all. When the king heard this, he believed it and gathered his forces to storm the black kings kingdom.

However, they were met with fierce resistance from the black king. Before the king could secure the black king's castle, the black king had already abandoned the castle and fled with his people to an unknown location. Despite this fact, the black king has still been able to endlessly send troops out to combat y fathers forces. For years and years, the armies have been fighting without any end in sight. Even now, We don't know exactly where the black king is or where his forces are coming from," Elaine explains to Cyrus.

"Do you think there's any truth in the prophecy? When I was brought here, I don't remember seeing any demons?" Cyrus says.

"I'm not sure. As far as I know, none have yet to be seen by any of the people. Honestly, I don't trust That Zezume guy. As far as I can remember, He never existed in any of the previous loops. It's seems pretty fishy to me."

"I was thinking the same thing. We might need to look into this guy later."

"I think that might be a good idea. If there's another unnamed like you causing trouble in the story, We need stop him."

"Agreed. But for now, let's hurry inside. We might be able to learn something new while in the library. Besides,it's hot outside."

"Ugh. You can say that again."

Inside the building, they head straight towards the back where the books are kept.

There are three rows of shelves that hold books neatly stacked on top of each other.

There are also a few tables scattered throughout the room that are filled with scrolls and loose sheets of parchment.

"Welcome!" A librarian shouts from the entrance of the building. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, thank you. We are looking for any information on our history. Specifically, anything about a prophecy. I was hoping you might be able to point us in the right direction."

"Certainly, I can help you." The Librarian says. "Let me go ahead and see what we have."

She walks away and returns a moment later with two large books under one arm and a stack of papers in the other.

"Here you are." She says handing them to the pair. "If you look through these, you might be able to find what you're looking for. Do you need anything else?"

"No, That will be fine. Thank you very much." Elaine says.

"My pleasure. Have a good day." The Librarian says before walking off.

"Wow, These books are huge!" Cyrus exclaims

"Really? They seem pretty normal to me. Maybe they're just big on your side." Elaine laughs.

"Haha, Yeah, I guess. I'm going to take a look around while you dig into those beasts. If you need me, Just yell."

"Alright, I will. See you soon."


After a few hours of flipping through the pages, Elaine finally finds the section she's looking for.


The Kings legacy

A long time ago, there was a king. He ruled over a land of peace and prosperity. The citizens of his kingdom lived in harmony with each other and the surrounding lands. There was no poverty amongst his people. All was well. This went on for many years until one day, a messenger arrived at the palace with news that a large army had invaded the borders and was marching directly towards the capital city.

The king immediately assembled his strongest warriors and rode out to meet the approaching army. However, when they arrived at the battlefield, it was already too late. The enemy had completely overrun the armies defenses and was preparing to assault the capital itself. The king knew that the people would never forgive him for not protecting them against this threat. And so, he turned to the only person he thought could save him. The kings adviser Zezume.

Zezume had been a trusted adviser of the king since he took the throne. He promised to lead the king's forces against the invaders and defeat them. The king promised Zezume that if he could defeat the enemies, he would grant him whatever wish he desired.

But Zezume, being a smart man, knew that he couldn't win this battle. His skills weren't up to par with the opponents. To make matters worse, the enemy was led by an unknown force that had already defeated the kings greatest generals in their own backyards. Zezume needed help to make sure that the king didn't die in vain.

Since he couldn't defeat the enemy by himself, he decided to go to the great god of magic and ask for his assistance. The god agreed to help him out if he provided a sacrifice worthy of the task. Agreeing to the deal Zezume returned to the kings side with an unbound amount of power. Power that none had seen before. With this power, he was able to turn the tide of the battle and defeat the invading army.

With the threat gone, the king was able to focus his attention back on the capital. However, the damage had already been done. The Kingdom had suffered heavy losses, as well as the loss of many of their most important and valuable treasures. The king realised that the price needed to bring honour back to there great land was too much and with Zezume returning soon to claim his reward, The king made a rash decision. He decided to use the power of an ancient relic to seal away Zezume allowing no one to ever see him again. With Zezume sealed away the king used his power to rebuild the nation continuing his families legacy. After all, the citizens deserved nothing less.

Now, many years further. The kingdom is once again in turmoil. The king is old and sickly. He knows that he is unable to fight off the invading army alone. And so, he Passes on the relic containing the sealed Zezume to his heir allowing him to obtain the power needed to secure peace once more. This Cycle has been repeated without fail until one day centuries after the original king had sealed Zezume away. The next king to receive the relic had not gained any of the power that the previous kings had. Not much is known of why this was the case but the tradition carried on nevertheless. The relic continued to be passed on more as a ritual to celebrate the next king as the reason behind the passing had slowly been lost.

Eventually, the relics power was long forgotten. Now the relic us used as a symbol to represent the kingdoms continued prosperity. It is kept in a glass display case placed in a hall of fame within the palace.


"Interesting... I wonder if the Zezume from this past is the same one who had met with my father? It seems possible. Elaine ponders.

"I agree. If he's the same one from this story, I would imagine that he would hold quite the grudge against your kingdom" Cyrus says.

"This might be a big problem if its true. If the reason behind the relic losing its power was Zezume's escape, The his power must be unparalleled. But the question is why hes forcing the kings to kill each other? If this story is true, he should have enough power to destroy this nation with ease. Why does he need the kings to do his dirty work?"

"It sounds like he has some kind of plan. Whether that involves us or not, remains to be seen."

"I agree." Elaine says.

"You know, It might be best to not worry about it right now. If hes so powerful, we should be grateful that he has chosen not to take action yet. Lets just hurry and fix this story before he chooses to step in."

"Yeah, You're probably right. We can deal with that later. Let's get to work!" Elaine agrees pumping herself up.