
Solo Role Playing: I Can See The Plot

Being able to see the flow of his life, Raymond learned that he could escape the predicament he would face in the future. Raymond's second life became a game of some kind of RPG where he was the main character and would have to follow a certain plot. Due to his ability to see the plot, in this second life, he was able to play with his fate and survive every challenge thrown at him. It was like those in Regressor's novel, but his limitation was only that the information he could learn about the future was limited to the coverage of each chapter of the plot. Scheme with the plot and wisely choose how to use the information he gets. That is the only key to living his life.

yohananmikhael · ゲーム
37 Chs

After the Event

Raymond continued his training after the incident. They were traumatized by it, but luckily, only Raymond, Rudy, and Rebecca saw it. Rowena and Lilia were safe from the traumatic memories that could scar their minds.

This training plan was to rebuild Raymond's form and stance. Gandina taught him some movements, but minimally so that Raymond could master them.

"Use the dummy to practice the move. Continue performing it for one hundred and then do the other moves." Gandina ordered Raymond.

Raymond nodded, then picked up the training sword. He then slashed a few times, his footwork included in his movement. He repeatedly performed it many, many times and then moved on to another move.

Raymond continued his training until the sun was about to set. It was only by this time that he could get a rest and then prepare to return home.

"Sir Gandina, what happened in the investigation?" Raymond asked as he was preparing his things from the side where a slightly huge boulder was sitting.

Gandina let out a sigh and shook his head, which indicated that there was no good result from the investigation Gandina did.

"Was it possible to catch the person who orchestrated it?"

"There was no evidence that could link the person you were suspecting with the Trident Org."

"Trident Org?"

Raymond got curious when he heard the name of an organization. Supposedly, if this was a famous criminal group, he should have heard about it since he worked for General McWorthy in the future.

General McWorthy was a thorn in the side of the criminal groups in the village. So, Raymond was confident that at least that organization's name would ring in his mind. But even with how much he thought about it, he could not remember anything.

It could also be that he was still young at that time, so he wasn't able to work with the Trident Org's in the list of General McWorthy.

"So, it was the name of the organization. Were they assassins?" Raymond mumbled as he was almost done with his things.

Gandina, who was also sitting at the side, nodded to him. He looked at Raymond and was amazed at how calm he was about this matter. When he thought about it, Raymond could be a good hunting dog for General McWorthy.

"Yes, they were assassins. However, they were professionals as I got no trace when that could pinpoint where they passed or even their base." Gandina answered.

Raymond was done with his things and stood up. He then fixed his belt and faced Gandina.

"I understand. At the very least, the threats had vanished. They should be thinking that killing my family won't be easy." Raymond stated.

Gandina agreed. "Indeed. They should know by now that you are backed by someone higher than they expected. But, may I ask, why were they killing your family?"

Raymond took a pause and shifted his gaze. He lowered his head and then answered, "Nothing. They were just trying to mess with our family."


In Fulgran's room, he was trembling in anger with his father shouting at him. He was also infuriated, but not by the fact that the assassination failed, but by discovery, they were not expecting.

"Someone protected them! They were protected by someone who was at least a Master Level Soldier. Forget about them, Fulgran. Their backer is not a joke, so you should not tangle with them."

Fulgran paused as he thought that his father might be afraid. But he immediately shook the idea off as it wasn't appropriate at the moment. For some reason, his father was angry.

"What? How could you let it slip, father? They were questioning our power! How could you-!"

Fulgran was suddenly cut off as his father abruptly faced him with a sour face.

"Are you stupid?" Fulgran froze in fear as his father began to move, pinning him to move backward. "Can't you understand that their backer is not a joke? They let them be protected by an important soldier. He had cut those assassins' bodies effortlessly and they were clean."

"But, father. We also have Master Level Soldiers..."

"Shut up!" Fulgran flinched at that shout from his father. "If you want to kill them by now, you can do it by yourself. If you want to torment them, do it yourself and get killed. But remember, if you disobey me now, you will never be my heir again."

Fulgran slowly tried to swallow what his father had said. But he was still confused and his mind was hazy. He needed some answers to his questions. But the fear that his father would be angry again was clouding his mind.

He couldn't get any straight answers.

"You are not my only heir." And with those words, Fulgran's knees weakened. He was frozen, but his knees surrendered, making his butt hit the ground.

"What do you mean about that, father?" Fulgran asked in a slightly nervous manner.

Again, his mind was clouded by confusing questions. He didn't know what to pick from those questions, as his father was giving him perplexity.

He was also afraid of the answer that his father might give him. He should have put his shoulders and knees into firm support, but what could he do? He had been independent of his father since the beginning.

"You are not my only child."

Again, Fulgran was stunned. He was as if he had been hit by lightning because that news was just too strong for him to handle.

"You really are stupid. I also have children that were commoners."

It was normal for a noble to have a child by a commoner. Sometimes they would use commoners to satiate their lust, so it was inevitable for fruit to bear.

"You are the only noble among them, but at least they are not stupid and they know how to obey my words. Nobility is just a title; they could earn it afterward. But you know, a name is hard to earn." His father said, with deep eyes and a sour face.

Fulgran then became nervous about it. He didn't know what to do. And as he thought about it, words were ringing in his head.

'I should follow my father... I should follow my father...'

His father's face was tormenting him slowly, and as he snapped because of it, he uttered, "I will follow your orders, father. Please forgive me."