
Solo Leveling: The New Ruler

Another victim of the dreaded Survey questionnaire, our soon-to-be Kara will become a force of nature within the world of the Hunters! I do not own Solo Leveling or any of its characters, you get the gist. MC IS A FEMALE. Cover: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/5770305762820987/ Since we can't make our own tags anymore: #SoloLeveling #OP #Romance #FMC

ForgeCoffee · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Big Brother!?

Some months passed yet again, yet Kara filled those months with Earth-shaking news, all alone. Who knew a person alone could be the cause of everything.

One of the wildest shocking news was the discovery of who lives there. Elves, dwarves, Demi-humans, spirits, and more! The once fantasy races came to life!

Of course, there was some protest regarding it. Some said the non-humans should be free to roam the Earth and all that bullshit. However, Kara already knows the makings behind these protests.

She guesses that a scientist or governmental organizations want to take hold of a race to milk them of their profession. After all, the few fortunate Hunters who bought arms and armor from Sanctum skyrocketed in strength.

Because of that, the price of mana stones increased since the Hunters who could enter Sanctum didn't want to sell them anymore. Before, the Hunters sold them to the government since mana stones became an energy alternative instead of fossil fuels. Human craftsmen also used them to create weapons and armors.

[AN: This is canon, they actually used mana crystals as the new primary source of power.]

The people who manage to enter Sanctum are only allowed within one of the four islands. That island had a library, inns, restaurants, specialized shops, and many more built. It eventually became the commercial island of Avant Heim.

People who tried to sneak into the World Tree's island and the residential island were beaten black and blue as a warning; those were S-Ranks at that.

Anyway, only a handful of countries accepted to have a teleportation platform built. But those that had ones had an influx of Hunters visiting.

However, there were times when Hunters get subjected to being burnt and healed on the platform. It seems Kara stuck true to her words of their fate having a cruel punishment. But everyone already knows that those Hunters had ill-intentions, so no one bothered.

Another funny thing was when some missionaries and clergies knocked on Sanctum's door. Trying to establish and build a foothold for their religion to spread the word of God to the other races, but they were told to fuck off by Kara.

She doesn't need a religion trying to control how her people live and believe; hell, the true God is dead is what she wanted to say.

AN: For the religious people reading, please don't be a snowflake. If you think I talked about your belief, well, I didn't. I used the general terms to not refer to any specific religion. Peace.

Anyhow, these were the events that happened. That is until a gate appeared within Avant Heim. A dungeon gate that borders close to an S-Rank gate, making Kara somewhat mad.

Kara has read the novel and the comic; Rulers are responsible for sending gates on Earth. Meaning they are the ones that place the said gates.

'Those Rulers actually dare to place a gate within the confines of my influence?' Kara thought. This event made her visit Go Gun-Hee, the vessel of a Ruler, only second to Ashborn.

And here we are, present-day Korea within the Hunter's Association.

"Miss White, welcome to our Hunter's Association; how may I be of assistance to a caliber such as you?" Gun-Hee asked. He wasn't nervous in the least. He, at least, knew Kara wasn't some unhinged Hunter. Maybe.

However, when Kara first arrived, he didn't even sense anything. Not until she announced her visit, that is. Either Kara was the weakest Hunter, or she had levels of control to make it seem unnoticeable. Well, the answer is obvious.

"Hm. Nice to meet you, gramps! Here drink this; it'll bring you back to your youthful days. And here's another for your wife. Take this as compensation for my unexpected visit." Kara handed to vials of a transparent golden liquid, but it had bits of a tree bark within it.

Gun-Hee was stunned to hear of such a thing, but he wasn't doubtful of its authenticity. The person in front of him has the power to get anything, no reason to curry favor from a withering old man such as him.

"Well, if being disturbed will bring me back to my youth. Then, by all means, interrupt me as much as you wish, Miss White. So, how may I be of help?" he said with a grateful smile.

Kara giggled. Now she knows why Jin-Woo held so much respect for the man. 'He's straightforward and doesn't beat around the bush, good.'

[Well, I need nothing from you. I need to speak to the person above.] Kara said in monster tongue. Kara even showed her set of wings and halo. Something not known to the public. Yet.

Gun-Hee was confused and stunned. The once hidden aura was now present. What surprised him more was how well she contained this aura!

But before he could speak, his consciousness blanked out, and another presence took hold of him. [How did you-!]

However, before the Ruler can even finish his sentence, Kara gives her version of bullshittery. The Kara has long planned this out; she knew the Rulers would think of her as an anomaly.

[Big brother! Why did you send a gate to my place!? Is it fun bullying your little sister?] Kara said with a tint of red eyes.

Yes. Kara has planned to trick the Rulers by acting as their younger sister. A sibling created by the repeated usage of the Cup of Reincarnation. Truly genius.

The brightest fragment was shellshocked. Who wouldn't be when Kara suddenly calls him Big Brother.

[W-What do you mean by big brother? I do not remember having a little sister created with us?] Brightest said with a bit of stutter to it.

Kara was confident in doing this, for she knows a Flugel's cannot get mind read. And even if they could, she would know.

Kara, seeing his confusion, struck while the iron was hot. [B-Big brother d-doesn't know that I e-exist? *sniff* And yet, *hic* I know all of my brothers exist! *hic*]

At this point, Kara was sniffing and heaving through the tears. A world-class act!

Feeling guilty, the Bright Fragment immediately kneeled and patted Kara's head. He does not know much about human emotion, but when he saw Kara cry. It was like he committed the greatest sin ever, even worse when he killed his own Master.

[I am sorry, but B-big brother genuinely had no idea that we had a little sister. We only knew that you were an anomaly that suddenly appeared.] Brightest explained but stuttered when calling himself a big brother.

[*Hic* I came from the *sniff* Cup of Reincarnation! After so much usage, I got suddenly created, and the next thing I knew, I was born as part human and Ruler! *Sniff*]

'But I am a Flugel at heart!' Kara thought. She hopes this could explain the wings and halo.

Brightest hearing this was already relaying everything to his fellow brothers, not Rulers anymore. And like everyone else, they were stunned.

But, the one most shocked was another. It was the Ruler who chose Thomas as the vessel for his power. He watched Kara grow, so he felt the most guilty.

[There, there, how about this. Finish the gate, and we will personally deliver books to you within the dungeon. How does that sound?] Kara, upon hearing this perked up.

[R-Really!? *sniff* You won't lie, right?]

[Yes, I promise. But I must go now, or else this vessel will collapse. I have already altered this person's memories. So all he will know is him falling unconscious when you visited. See you again, little sister.]


But soon enough, Gun-Hee regained his consciousness once again. "Hey, Gramps, are you alright? You fainted all of a sudden; your age might be catching up to you, you know?"

Kara's words made Gun-Hee not question her words but stand up instead. "It seems it has, then it's all the more reason that I thank you for the potion."

"Anyway, what I needed you to do anyway was to stay as a chairman and help Korea as you have always wanted. Well, time for me to go, peace!" she said hurriedly and left.

[Ruler's Realm]

Inside a room of a majestic structure were seven powerful beings. They did not look human, but it was evident that they were thinking hard.

"We made our little sister cry, so what books will she love? She must've been hurt after us not knowing of her true existence," One of them asked.

"I do not know; how about we just give all?" Brightest suggested; he was the strongest of them all.

"Hm, indeed! Then that's what we shall do! We can just keep the copy for ourselves," another shouted.

"Everyone in favor?"

"Yes!" (x6)

But, another one spat out an idea. "Why don't we gift our little sister the Cup of Reincarnation as well? She was created by it, after all!"

Brightest hearing this nodded, "Indeed, but let's do it on her 16th birthday. From what I have seen, the humans on our little sisters' region call it the Sweet sixteen."

"Right! A perfect gift for our sister!"

And on this day, a group of powerful being turned into siscons.




