
Chapter 139

Orcs were natural-born hunters.

Their level of intelligence fell some way short of that of humans, but they easily exceeded humanity when it came to tracking and hunting prey weaker than they were.

And now, the doorway had been shattered. The 'wall' blocking the dungeon from the rest of the world was gone, and these hunters began pouring out from the Gate.



The Orcs shoved away the annoying corpses of the high school boys and scanned their surroundings.

"Sniff, sniff."


These hunters had been trapped inside the dark dungeon for the whole week, quietly waiting for this day. It was rather obvious that they would get excited from all the smell of blood and flesh coming from their surroundings.

However, this group was merely advanced scouts. Even if their blood was boiling, they weren't supposed to act as they pleased. Dozens of their brethren were waiting impatiently for their reports just beyond the roundish doorway.