
Solo farming in tower(system)

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy .Farming in the tower alone 0000 XXXX Translation work: I read whole story and it's master piece Link of original : 나혼자 탑에서 농사/ (show some love to them ) Author :sdknight ( thanks .....3000 times for writing it love youuu )

Gnome_Bob · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 7

Sejun put the cherry tomatoes he had harvested into his mouth without washing them. There was no fine dust or pollution here, so there was no need to wash.


Let's chew ripe red cherry tomatoes


The skin of the cherry tomatoes cracked and the juice inside wetted my mouth like a spray. A perfect combination of flavors that cannot be described in words.

Pang! Pang!

Sour bombs and sweet bombs exploded alternately like fireworks at a festival, making my mouth feel dizzy.


Only exclamations came out of Sejun's lips.


Sejun just silently chewed the cherry tomatoes and savored them until the flavor disappeared.

[You ingested magical cherry tomatoes.]

[Decomposes 10g of fat to increase magic power by 0.1 for 10 minutes.]

A message appeared saying that magic power had increased, but it didn't matter.


Sejun put the cherry tomato in his mouth again and continued the festival.


Seeing Sejun's reaction as he frantically put the cherry tomatoes into his mouth, the rabbit husband tilted his head and lifted one of the cherry tomatoes.

'Is this so delicious?'

The cherry tomatoes were quite large for the rabbit, so he couldn't put them in a bite like Sejun.


So I stuck it into cherry tomatoes. Then the juice began to overflow through the perforated skin of the cherry tomatoes.

'What a waste of food!'


The husband rabbit panicked and sucked up the cherry tomato juice so as not to spill it. Spilling food was a sin.


'How does this taste?!'

chump chump chump.

My husband, the rabbit, began to suck on the cherry tomatoes as if possessed.




Upon seeing their father, the baby rabbits picked up the cherry tomatoes one by one and began to suck them.

chump chump chump.

chump chump chump.

For a while, there was only a sound in the cave.


The sin of eating cherry tomatoes as a group except for the wife and rabbit was great. And the sin was concentrated on her husband Rabbit.


the husband rabbit approached the pouting wife rabbit who was preparing dinner and rubbed his body and acted aegyo. However, the wife rabbit turned her head away and completely ignored the husband rabbit's charms.


The husband rabbit looked at Sejun with a sad expression on his face. It was a sign for help.

'cheer up.'

Sejun, who had never seen anything good between couples, refused by clenching his fists and cheering for her husband Rabbit with a fighting stance.

enjoyable meal time.

Lunch is piranha, cherry tomatoes, and grilled green onions. The menu only increased by one, but the meal felt much richer.

The wife, rabbit, spread the food evenly on the leaf plate and placed them in their respective places.


The husband rabbit quietly protested to the wife rabbit when he saw only grilled green onions on his plate.


I couldn't understand the language, but I think I said 'just eat it!!!'. The husband rabbit eventually failed to relieve his wife rabbit's anger.


'Poor fellow.'

Sejun secretly gave his wife Hare a gift to her heartbroken husband, Hare.


Husband Rabbit sent Sejun a grateful glance and quietly disappeared.

And when you're eating the flesh on the piranha thorns in the corner of the cave,


My eyes met with my wife rabbit, who approached me thinking that her husband rabbit was crying.



Like a married couple, the conversation went back and forth.

where did you get that


The husband rabbit pointed at Sejun with his eyes.


You tell me that right away!

After a while, I don't know what happened, but the two rubbed each other and got into an uproar.

After all, it was Sejun who once again learned the lesson that one should never intervene in a couple's fight.


After lunch, Sejun started picking cherry tomatoes again. Within a few hours, I had fully ripe cherry tomatoes.

[Acquired Ripe Magical Cherry Tomatoes.]

[Job EXP slightly increases.]

[Acquired 10 EXP.]



67 cherry tomatoes picked in the afternoon. I harvested a little more amount than in the morning. I leveled up once more and reached level 5.

As a bonus stat, strength and stamina were raised by two. Because strength and stamina are the most important in farming.

The harvested cherry tomatoes were stored in a storage in a cool place in the corner of the cave. The storage was made by digging a hole in a cool place in the corner of the cave and densely laying pine leaves to prevent soil from entering.

Sejun puts the cherry tomatoes in a plastic container and transfers them.


Daddy rabbit carried two cherry tomatoes on his side.




Looking at the father with respect, the rabbits picked up the cherry tomatoes one by one and carried them to the storage.

"One, two, three… one hundred and five."

A total of 120 cherry tomatoes were harvested, but 15 were eaten and 105 remained.

Seeing the heaps of cherry tomatoes piled up made me feel proud again.


When Sejun returns to his seat with a smile on his face,



A couple of rabbits were catching the baby rabbits trying to play and pushing them into the burrow to get them ready for bed.

"Today is also over."

Sejun also prepared well while watching the rabbits.


Gather dirt to make a pillow and puck

! puck!

He pounded the soil to make a place to lie down, and laid pi paris that had been dried in the sun on the floor to prevent the soil from coming up. It was an ergonomic mud bed with 75 days of accumulated know-how.

"Oh good."

As I lay down on the pie leaves, I felt the warmth of the pie leaves heated by the sun.

"I lived well today too. Sejun Park."

When Sejun tries to end the day by praising himself

, [Quest occurs.]

[Quest: Offer 100 magical cherry tomatoes to the manager of the tower.] Reward:


1 job skill is rejected: Death

strikes . .

Sejun was furious and sat upright.

"What, did you leave me something to eat?!"

And give me something nice as a reward!

After being seeded with a job skill, Sejun didn't expect any reward at all.

I couldn't refuse either.

'I can't die.'

"Here you go."

Sejun cried and offered magical cherry tomatoes to eat mustard.

[The quest has been completed.]

[The manager of the tower is satisfied.]

[Job skill as reward for completing the quest – Harvest Lv. You obtained 1.]

"Ah! Really!"

What skills do you need to harvest!

Again, there was no answer.

I didn't even bother to check my skills. It will come out that something has risen slightly, but it will only make you angry.

"I'm the only one who loses if I'm angry…"

Sejun calmed down and lay down again. One second after I closed my eyes to sleep.

grow up

Sejun fell asleep.


It was Sejun who tried to protect the cherry tomatoes even in his dreams.




Sejun woke up and drew another stick on the cave wall.


There were 16 positives in front of him.

The morning of the 82nd day of distress began.

I had a lot of work to do this morning. Cherry tomatoes had to be harvested from the eight cherry tomato trees that were later planted, and the flowers on the cherry tomato trees that had been harvested earlier had to be pollinated.

In particular, because he had to gain experience points, harvesting the cherry tomatoes was entirely up to Sejun.


Sejun picked a cherry tomato that had a bit of green left over.

[Harvested slightly unripe magical cherry tomatoes.]

[Harvesting Lv. The effect of 1 makes the fruit optimal.]

[Harvest Lv. Skill level increases slightly by 1.]

[Job EXP slightly increases.]

[Acquired 10 EXP.]

Harvesting skill was more useful than I thought. The Harvest skill had the effect of making it optimal when harvesting slightly less ripe or more ripe fruits. And each time you harvested, your skill level rose.

Thanks to this, crops in optimal condition were harvested, and even when harvesting unripe cherry tomatoes, job experience could be raised normally.

The harvest was over quickly as there were only 8 trees. Harvested 50 cherry tomatoes from the tree.

"Guys, let's eat mounds."



At Sejun's words, the rabbits who were climbing the cherry tomato trees and pollinating the flowers came running.

The baby rabbits, who are already about a month and a half old, have grown up thanks to the well-fed food, and now they have grown to the shoulders of their husband rabbits.


chump chump chump.

The baby rabbits put their mouths on the cherry tomatoes and started sucking the juice.

"Now here."

Sejun also handed a cherry tomato to the working rabbit couple.



The rabbit couple bowed their heads and expressed their gratitude.


Sejun also put a cherry tomato in his mouth and bit it.


"It's great. It's delicious."

As the sweet and sour taste danced in my mouth, I immediately exclaimed.


[The tower manager urges you to complete the quest.]

"I don't like it. I'll do it later."

Ever since he started harvesting cherry tomatoes, the quests given by the tower manager became more and more greedy without knowing the extent. From time to time, the number of cherry tomatoes that the tower manager called to offer increased.

The reward wasn't good either. After giving the Harvest skill, there was no reward.

It has been the 5th day since I gave the cherry tomatoes like that.

[Quest will occur.]

[Quest: Offer 500 magical cherry tomatoes to the manager of the tower.]

Reward: None

If rejected: Death When

the manager of the tower asked for 500 cherry tomatoes, Sejun's anger gauge I took MAX.

'This is over the line!'

500! I can't be beaten like this every day!


Sejun coolly poured out the anger he had stored in his heart.

My chest felt cool, but my hair went white.

And I thought of a way to live in haste.

'ah! Come to think of it, I just don't have to refuse the quest!'

"I'll give it to you later!"

[The tower manager is flustered.]

Sejun was defying the tower manager by putting off completing the quest.


[The manager of the tower is furious that he ate magical cherry tomatoes alone.]

"Then I'll give you only five."

Sometimes, when the manager of the tower got angry, he offered a small amount of cherry tomatoes to appease him. Even so, as the manager of the Tower, I shouldn't be hated too much.

[The tower manager says he will endure it this time.]

Sejun was pushing and pushing with the tower manager.


91st day of distress.

The fourth blue moon is approaching.



A rabbit couple prepares for the Blue Moon by pushing their young into the burrow and covering the entrance with soil.

Sejun also prepared for the Blue Moon by turning off the lights and cleaning up smelly things.

And this time, in order not to faint, we prepared earplugs made from well-rolled pie leaves and cherry tomatoes.

I've heard before that if you have high magical power, you can withstand the roar of monsters, so if a situation like the last time happens, you can use cherry tomatoes to increase your magical power even a little.

'It's best not to have something like last time.'

While Sejun was thinking about that, the sunlight turned blue.

The blue moon has begun.


after a while !


The roar of monsters excited by the Blue Moon came from afar.

'Nobody come! Don't come!'

Sejun prayed in his heart like that, and when about an hour had passed,


A mysterious phenomenon appeared in Sejun's eyes.

A green energy began to form on a cherry tomato tree. It was the energy of the Blue Moon.

Blue Moon's energy slowly moved along the stem to the cherry tomatoes and was absorbed into the cherry tomatoes.



The cherry tomatoes turned blue. The sight of the energy of the Blue Moon being put into the cherry tomatoes was mysterious and beautiful.

For the first time, Sejun witnessed the whole process of blue moon's energy being put into cherry tomatoes.

'I want to harvest quickly.'

Sejun waits for the Blue Moon to end quickly.



I could see the blue energy moving in the sweet potato vines as well.

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy!


I will translate this novel anyway but to motivate me you can buy subscription of my patron account, which is only $1 for full novel 
