
Solo farming in tower(system)

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy .Farming in the tower alone 0000 XXXX Translation work: I read whole story and it's master piece Link of original : 나혼자 탑에서 농사/ (show some love to them ) Author :sdknight ( thanks .....3000 times for writing it love youuu )

Gnome_Bob · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 15

On the first day of eating honey in Sejun's cave, the poisonous bee realized that its body had begun to change. After that, whenever I ate honey every day, my body started to smell a bit thicker, and my body gradually plump.

At first, I didn't know what kind of change it was, but I realized what it was when the queen bee in the hive started to be wary of herself. It is also capable of laying eggs. So the poisonous bee decided to become independent.

The place to be independent is, of course, Sejun's cave, which is close to food. After a while, a huge amount of cherry tomatoes would bloom, so even if the family increased, the food seemed to be enough.


To that end, they rubbed their bodies against the cave owner every day to show friendship, let them know that they were not enemies, and were allowed (?) to live in the cave. Of course, Sejun will never know when he gave permission.

booby booby.

Today, it was a poisonous bee that started the day by rubbing its body against the owner of the cave.


"Let's work."



I'm sorry!


The morning started with Sejun and the rabbits each doing their own thing.

"Hmm…about 70%?"

Sejun said as he looked at the carrot sprouts that had grown to about his ankle. I did not give up and kept watering and waiting for the seeds to sprout, but only 700 of the 1,000 carrot seeds I purchased and planted at the seed store sprouted.

And the probability of 1200 cherry tomato seeds harvested and planted from magical cherry tomatoes was about 10% lower than that of carrot seeds. Germination rate 61%. 732 out of 1200 sprouted and were growing.

The germination rates of corn seeds purchased from seed stores and sweet potato shoots planted directly were also about 70% to 60%, similar to those of carrots and cherry tomatoes.

"Hehehe. Thank you for growing up."

About 1,000 of the plants he planted died, making his efforts useless, but seeing the sprouts that survived, his dissatisfaction quickly disappeared and a smile appeared on his face.

Then, a message appeared in Sejun's eyes.

[An additional quest occurs.]

[Quest: Give 10 Magical Cherry Tomatoes to the tower manager!]

Reward: None

Upon refusal: Seounham

The tower manager keeps the quest on hold from Sejun and keeps the deal between Sejun and Theo. I didn't ask too much to see if I realized anything.

And the word of offering or the threat of death if refused has disappeared.

Instead, it expresses sadness like that. I couldn't give it to you again because I was so pitiful that it was affectionate to the extent of hatred.

"take it."

10 cherry tomatoes in Sejun's storage disappeared.

[The quest has been completed.]

[The manager of the tower thanks you for your kindness.]

Until now, thank you. My heart was happy because the other person was grateful.


Sejun, who had been smiling happily, hurriedly erased his smile.

'I just looked a bit like a goo.'

You have to be careful. Sejun made up his mind and focused on farming again.

However, when I saw the fresh green waves in the field, a hearty smile was soon drawn on my lips.

It wasn't Hogu, but his mind was broadened, but Sejun didn't realize it.


Day 143 of distress.

"I'm here!"

Theo announces his return by leaping from a hole in the ceiling. His voice was full of energy as he had finished selling it.


"You?! What?!"

Sejun's voice rose at the earlier return than expected. Sejun meant to rebuke why he didn't sell everything, but Theo took it differently.

"I made a mistake. From now on, even if it's sold out, I'll come back right away instead of playing on another floor."

Theo immediately confessed his mistake.

"What?! Have you been playing? How many days?"

"I've been playing for 4 days. I've done something wrong…"

Sejun's voice went down.

However, Sejun's serious expression did not resolve. In my head, I was listening to Theo's words and calculating hard.

According to Theo, it would take about 10 days to return to the 30th floor where the hunters were.

'But even after it was sold out, I had time to play for four days?'

Considering that Theo returned 14 days after leaving, it was said that the sale was sold out as soon as he left.

"Tell me in detail. Or I'll show you the fear of A."

Sejun threatened Theo and scared him. Well, it seemed like there was no need to be afraid that he was already looking intently at Sejun.


Theo, with a big wink, began to explain.

"That's how it happened… as soon as I said a few words, the humans bought it all."

Theo didn't say that he stopped the purchase, as if he had a last-minute notice.

"Really? You don't use special moves?"

"As if."

After hearing Theo's words, Sejun realized that the cherry tomatoes' reaction was hotter than he thought.

"Here is the top 50 coin."

"Good job. Temple Te. Here's an incentive."

Sejun handed Theo 2 top coins, 4% of the sales amount.

"Huh? I'm not Teh's representative?"

"You just got demoted. Where is the representative who comes to play for 4 days? If you work hard in the future, I will represent you again. And if you become a representative, I will raise the incentive to 5%."

"I get it! I'll work hard to become the representative!"

Theo responded enthusiastically to Sejun's words.

"But how do you talk?"

"I just decided to live like this."

After realizing that the Granier dialect appeals to humans, his inferiority complex toward the dialect disappeared.

"Hehehe. Now my name will be known."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The grower is listed in the cherry tomatoes option, so people won't know that I made them."


Sejun's words made Theo restless.

There are several systems for wandering merchants, one of which is a feature that forcibly hides the source of goods such as the producer or grower of the goods sold by novice wandering merchants with low sales.

Words cannot tell. Beep-processed. All I really want to tell you is how to get to that place.

It was a policy to prevent novice wandering merchants from being disclosed to the public, so that wealthy wandering merchants could not take away new novice wandering merchants' accounts.

In other words, the Magical Cherry Tomatoes that Theo sells do not have the grower mark that Sejun grew them.

And the only way to get rid of this restriction is to become a medium-sized wandering merchant by achieving a sales amount of 1000 Top Coins.

'It's a big deal.'

Theo felt that if he revealed this fact to Sejun, he would be demoted one step further and his incentives would be reduced to 3%.

However, his liver was too small to hide it.

Then there is only one way. get out of this place!

"Give me magical cherry tomatoes. I'll leave right away."

"Already? Take a few days off. I need to get paid."

"No nyang! I'll get it later nyang nyang. I want to make money quickly!"

Theo hurriedly packed his bag full of magical cherry tomatoes and left.

"The kid has grown stronger."

Sejun didn't know Theo's feelings and misunderstood.


When Sejun firmly believed that the cherry tomatoes bearing his name had spread, the hunters who bought magical cherry tomatoes were realizing the effects of cherry tomatoes.

"Dad! Dad! I'll have to buy more of these next time, okay? Must! I love this!"

Dongsik Kim, the leader of the Phoenix Guild, bought 20 magical cherry tomatoes for his daughter who is starving because she is on a diet every day to satisfy her curiosity.

After the daughter ate the magic cherry tomatoes, she was no longer irritated by dieting, and peace came to the house.

At first, I ate three pieces a day, but these days, I eat only one in the morning, saying that I eat sparingly.

Option to energize the body that follows along with breaking down 10g of fat.

This is because the vitality effect is maintained for a long time, and even if you eat less, your body is full of energy and it is not hard, so you can move more and consume additional calories and help you lose weight.

'I shouldn't have yielded then.'

I didn't know you would like it this much. I gave up because other team members bought it and bought only 20, but when I saw my daughter's reaction, I regretted buying less.

"Okay. Trust me. I will definitely save you."

It's been a long time since my daughter asked for something like this. Kim Dong-shik wanted to save his daughter magical cherry tomatoes.

– Enter the tower after 3 days.

Kim Dong-sik sent a text message summoning the team members to enter the tower ahead of schedule.

The dissatisfaction of the team members was expected, but this time, using the leader's power, I didn't know when the cat wandering merchant would appear, so I planned to wait while hunting the spider monster around the place where I met the wandering merchant on the 38th floor.

'If I meet a wandering merchant this time, I'll have to ask for a fixed deal.'


doo-woong, doo-woong.

The team members responded.


-I'm ready.

-Let's go today! Right Now!

Kim Dong-sik expected his teammates to grumble, but they said they would enter the tower as if they had waited. Rather, I urged myself to go in sooner.

They, too, were in a similar situation.


As soon as Jessica returned home from hunting, she handed magical cherry tomatoes to her younger sister, Anna.

I didn't have high expectations.


"Sister, where did you get these cherry tomatoes?!"

Anna, who ate about 20 cherry tomatoes, was excited and asked Jessica, pointing to the magical cherry tomatoes.

"Why? What's strange?!"

"No. I love it. I'm not depressed anymore. I'm full of energy! I just want to move!"


Anna's answer made Jessica look at her in disbelief. In order to get Anna to exercise, she had to beg for several hours to pretend to move for about 10 minutes. But do you want to move yourself?

"Sister, I want to walk."

"Okay. Let's go."

Jessica returned home after completing a lap around the neighborhood for three hours with Anna that day.

After a few days, Anna's weight quickly decreased to 80 kg.

Now, without being told, Anna went around the neighborhood alone three times a day, eating a diet plan and magic cherry tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

At first, the number of magical cherry tomatoes, which had to be eaten 20 each to get energy, decreased to 13 as his body became lighter.

It seemed that in a month or two Anna would be able to find a normal life.

However, the magic cherry tomatoes were showing the bottom.

'I have to go back to the tower and meet the wandering merchant.'


-3 days later, enter the tower.

A text message came to the leader asking him to enter the tower.

-Let's go today! Right Now!

Jessica hurriedly replied and started packing up her equipment.


"It came out, but what to do?"

Theo went downstairs of the tower and was troubled.

"When will the sales amount reach 1000 Topcoins?"

This time, the bag was filled with magical cherry tomatoes and 1,500 were packed.

However, even if you sell 1,500 pieces like this, you have to go back and forth more than 10 times.

"I need to make money as quickly as possible."

I needed a way to quickly reach 1000 top coins in sales and become a medium-sized merchant.

I didn't want to be demoted to the rank of an employee after being found out by Sejun that the grower's mark was being erased.

"I want to become a representative soon."

Having lost what I had once, I wanted more.

So, Theo trudged along carrying a bag full of magical cherry tomatoes and went to the 38th floor, where he had traded with humans a few days ago.

Since it was the first place I had made a deal with, I heard it once and thought about going downstairs if no one was there.


"Ah! A wandering merchant is here!"

"Why are you here so late?!"

"You've been waiting."

The humans who had made a deal a few days ago ran towards him.

"Human, did you wait for me?"

Theo looked blankly at the humans and asked.

"Yes. I waited three days."

"Is it like that?"

Looking at the people waiting for him, a good idea came to his mind.

"Do you have magical cherry tomatoes?"

"Hehe. Yes, but the price has gone up."

Theo's tricks of wanting to sit in the representative seat again bloomed.

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy!


I will translate this novel anyway but to motivate me you can buy subscription of my patron account, which is only $1 for full novel 
