
Solo farming in tower(system)

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy .Farming in the tower alone 0000 XXXX Translation work: I read whole story and it's master piece Link of original : 나혼자 탑에서 농사/ (show some love to them ) Author :sdknight ( thanks .....3000 times for writing it love youuu )

Gnome_Bob · ファンタジー
15 Chs


Eileen Pritani, the black dragon, found the sweet potato Sejun had hidden in the corner of the cave. And after persistent persuasion (?), he received three sweet potatoes and leaves from humans as a quest and started roasting them in a furnace.

Making roasted mashed potatoes looked very easy when viewed through a crystal ball, as it was just a matter of wrapping it in leaves and putting it in the fire.

"There's no way humans can do what a great black dragon can't do."

Eileen guaranteed success.

However, the first roasted sweet potato was completely burned and turned into charcoal, so I couldn't even eat it and threw it away. The second one was taken out too quickly and the inside was not fully cooked. Roasted sweet potatoes were a profound dish that tested patience.

"Hee hee. Is it good?"

With eyes full of anticipation, Aileen took out the last remaining roasted sweet potato that gave off a sweet burnt smell from the furnace. I was sure of success this time because I had already accumulated know-how from two failures.

With two fingers, he carefully grabbed the roast horse and broke it in half.


It felt different from when I cut the roasted sweet potato that humans gave me in half. what?

However, as soon as steam rose and the flesh of the ripe yellow sweet potato was revealed, I quickly forgot.

"It's done! It's done!"

Eileen was delighted to see the finished baked sweet potato.

"Hee hee. Human, have you seen it? The Gungoma made by the black dragon, Eileen Pritani!"

Eileen looked at the roasted sweet potato with a proud expression.



I peeled the skin of the roasted sweet potato and put half of the roasted sweet potato into my mouth.

It would be more delicious if you bite it like a human, but he is a black dragon. It was unacceptable to assume human form in a degrading manner.



It's not this feeling. The teeth should go in without any resistance, but I felt a subtle resistance. It's not the mushy, chewy, soft texture that humans have dedicated.

It was sweet, but it didn't even have the more concentrated sweetness of the roasted sweet potato she ate for the first time.

"I can't believe it. My fire is stronger…why is mine not as tasty…" He

couldn't believe that the great black dragon could bake roasted sweet potatoes better than humans.

Yongin, I can't control more than a human being! Eileen was frustrated.

"Eight! Injury to pride!"

Eileen disassembled herself today as well.

"I'm pissed off, so let's see what humans are doing?"

Eileen started looking around Sejun's cave with a crystal ball.




As soon as he woke up, Sejun was awakened by the sound of a busy rabbit couple.


As soon as Sejun got up, he went to the wall where the date was written.



A line was drawn on the wall with a fish thorn to complete the square.

On the wall, there were two lines of 10 squares, and the third line below them had four squares.

[The 120th day of distress]

'Almost 4 months have passed…'

Sejun looked at the wall and went to the pond to wash his face and have breakfast.

And started farming in the morning.

Talk. Talk.

[You have harvested ripe Cherry Tomatoes of Magical Power.]

[Job EXP increases very slightly.]

[Harvesting Lv. The skill level of 2 rises very slightly.]

[Acquired 10 EXP.]



it's raining

I'm sorry

off the beaten path.

The baby rabbits who ran to Sejun who was harvesting cherry tomatoes looked pitiful.

"Heh. If you think your uncle will give you cherry tomatoes just because you look so pitiful, then you are mistaken in Gyeonggi-do."

Did you miss it?


uncle are you crazy The rabbits, who did not understand Sejun's words, tilted their heads and began to back away.

Isolated Sejun's gag did not develop with the world and was evolving independently like Galapagos. No, degeneration might be right.

"I'll give it to you if you rub it on Uncle's cheeks."

As the rabbits tried to run away, Sejun hurriedly got down to business.



The rabbits frowned and sighed. The sound of falling in love with the baby rabbits seemed to be heard in real time.

sorry. I didn't know that this was such a request.

"Your uncle was playing a joke. Now here…"

Sejun jumped as he tried to hand over the cherry tomatoes he hastily harvested

. jump.

A baby rabbit stepped on Sejun's knee once from the ground and jumped up onto Sejun's shoulder. It was a rabbit that only followed Sejun.



He rubbed his face against Sejun's cheek. It felt good to feel the soft fur.

"Oh-! You two!"

Sejun gave two cherry tomatoes to the rabbit who listened to him. One each for the rest of the baby rabbits.

I'm sorry!

I miss you!

The rabbits who received only one cherry tomato protested, but no more cherry tomatoes were given.

"Hehehe. This is what happens when you upset your uncle."

At Sejun's words, the baby rabbits shouted, went to a cool place in the cave and started drinking cherry tomatoes.

After harvesting the cherry tomatoes, Sejun took a short break and caught piranhas for lunch and prepared grilled fish.


[the tower's manager gets angry at you]

"Why again?"

Sejun calmly passed the message from the tower manager, who was angry alone for no reason.

At first, I thought it was a huge deal, so I was nervous, but since I got angry a few times, I just thought it was going to be like that.

"Is it an anger control disorder?"

When it was time to eat lunch, the bee


The poison bee went to work today to collect honey.

"Come on."

Bubi bubi.

The poison bee landed on Sejun's shoulder while watering the carrot field and saw Sejun's face. He rubbed his body and stamped his way to work.


, buzzing,

he flew to the flower to suck the nectar. However, he went to the green onion field, not the cherry tomato field. The green onion, which had been left

without cutting its leaves to bloom, finally bloomed. The poisonous bee ate the nectar from the green onion flower first and then moved to the


tomato flower. I pulled out the green onion that had left the green onion

flowers by the root. I had to harvest and eat it quickly because the green onion that bloomed thought it had done its job and died. I added grilled whole green onion to lunch today. I took off the green onion flowers separately and cooked them

. This is because when the green onion flowers are dry, the seeds come out easily just by shaking them off.

Sejun dried the green onion flowers in

the sun and started farming in the afternoon.

I went back home and the afternoon farming ended smoothly.

"It's Blue Moon in two days,"

said Sejun, who was going back and forth to eat dinner and digest food, looking at the wall

calendar .

The blue moon passed peacefully, but like the third blue moon, monsters could appear, so I couldn't


. Looking at the crops , a bright energy swelled in Sejun's heart and pushed away his worries from a moment ago


In the 4th quadrant, the sweet potato field reassured Sejun's heart.

After that day, it became the 121st day of distress.

Today was the same as usual. However, the poisonous bees did not come to lunch today. The poisonous bees are also preparing for the Blue Moon. It was in shape.

When evening came, Sejun turned off the lights and prepared for the Blue Moon, bringing earplugs made from pie leaves and cherry tomatoes.

As Sejun settled down in the corner of the cave and prepared for the Blue Moon, he saw an unusual sight.

"Why aren't you guys going in yet?"

The rabbit couple put the baby rabbits on Sejun's reserved seat and tied the legs of the six babies together with pie leaves.




The rabbit couple went back to the den by themselves, looked at the babies for a long time, and let out a sad cry before closing the entrance of the den.

"What?! What are you doing?"

I'm sorry!



As Sejun hurriedly got up to bring the baby rabbits, the rabbits lifted their soft soles with a solemn expression and shouted not to come closer.

And after a while, the blue moon began.


Farmer White Rabbits have a tradition. Only when you receive the light of the blue moon on the 5th day of the blue moon after you are born can you become a true adult farmer white rabbit.

So today was the most important day for the baby rabbits.

The baby rabbits looked up at the sky with expressions full of anticipation and waited for the blue moon to rise.

And as the sun in the sky turned blue, the energy of the blue moon descended on the rabbits through the hole in the cave.


I'm sorry!

I ignored it for being a rabbit, but the monster was a monster. Seeing the light of the blue moon, the baby rabbits screamed in excitement.

Wood, wood, wood.

The baby rabbits' muscles began to swell. The rabbit, which was smaller than the palm of your hand, turned into a muscular rabbit measuring 30 cm. There was also a prince on board.

If rabbits were like that during the Blue Moon… I didn't even want to imagine other monsters.

I'm sorry!


The baby rabbits continued to scream and look up at the sky. Fortunately, there were no monsters that heard the sound of the baby rabbits.

This time, Blue Moon ended safely. When the blue moon was

over, the muscles shrank like a balloon deflated

, and

the rabbits returned to their cute appearance. However, the size had now changed to resemble a couple of rabbits. will become an adult

dig it


Blue light exploded from the bodies of the baby rabbits.


Sejun, who was watching the baby rabbits, witnessed a strange sight. The blue light moved to the fingertips of the baby rabbits and turned into items as they united.

'This is why I couldn't use my husband rabbit's watering can.'

When Sejun woke up, he realized why no water came out of the watering can. The farmer white rabbits seemed to have their own belongings.

The item gradually took shape and changed into a shovel, sickle, shovel, water stopper, and so on.



It's made of iron, so is it a hammer? Suddenly, an item with a different genre appeared.

Come to think of it, only the guy with the hammer turned black. And the name written above his head.

[Warrior Black Rabbit]

"Warrior Black Rabbit?"


Knock gun!

booby booby.

The warrior black rabbit thought that Sejun had called for him, so he climbed onto his shoulder and trembled with aegyo. It was the guy who received two cherry tomatoes following Sejun.

In the morning, the adult rabbits stopped playing. Each of them used their own farm equipment to help with the farming.

The rabbit with the watering can helped the husband rabbit to water the crops, and the rabbit with the scythe helped the wife rabbit to cut the leaves of the pies.

The rabbit, which obtained a fork as an item, carried the cut pie leaves and moved Sejun's harvested farm products to the storage, and the two rabbits with shovels expanded the field so that they could plant additional seeds.

It is still an immature skill, but farming tools were an item, so it was a great help in farming.

And Black Rabbit, who had no farming tools, helped Sejun hunt.

with a splash.

As Sejun waved a torch near the pond, a piranha jumped up.



The black rabbit waiting for Sejun's signal jumped up to hit the piranha with a hammer.



The timing was wrong. Before swinging the hammer, the black rabbit's body had already collided with the piranha.


Luckily though, the black rabbit fell out of the water with the piranha through a headbutt.


As soon as it hit the ground, the black rabbit hurriedly rose.



I ran to the fluttering piranha and hit it with a hammer.

Peek! Peek! Peek!

I don't know why the hammer made a clicking sound, but the effect was clear. Because the piranha died. Instead, it became so muddy that I couldn't eat it.


The black rabbit looked at Sejun arrogantly, holding a hammer on his shoulder with a winner's expression. What about me?


'don't look at me, look over there.'

There were eyes glaring at the black rabbit.


The mother rabbit was approaching as she saw the piranha that she was supposed to eat as a meal.



The black rabbit had to listen to the mother rabbit's nagging for about an hour.

By the time the newly grown rabbits get used to their own equipment

[30 days have passed since the purchase at the Seed Shop.]

[Seed Shop Lv. 1 is activated again.]

Day 125 of Distress The seed shop has reopened.

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy!


I will translate this novel anyway but to motivate me you can buy subscription of my patron account, which is only $1 for full novel 
