
solo ang imong inahan

All humans on Earth were moved to another globe once the great transformation began. They were to train for ten years and become Hunters, with the objective of being able to defend themselves against the evils known as monsters.  Jin, a bread shuttle at his institution, had been bullied and humiliated.  He had hoped to become the strongest after being moved to another world, but he was the world's weakest hunter, contrary to his expectations.  He was still stuck at level 1 after ten years.  He had entirely squandered the power that God had bestowed upon him, leaving him despondent and depressed.  Jin tripped in the moment they were going to return to earth. As he awoken, he realized that he was still stuck in this fantasy world but with a huge difference. Everyone has gone frozen in time.

Lerex · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 1: The Great Evolution

Year 2040, the Great Evolution has occurred on earth. From the religious beliefs, this was so-called Judgement Day but as what they expected, it wasn't.

The clouds echoed thunder, storming down the world and what could be seen from above are fractions of light forming from above.

Beams of light hit down every human on earth which they disappeared instantly and nowhere to be found. From the elderly to the most infant, there was no exception.

After this phenomenon had been finished, all humans on earth had disappeared leaving only ruins of the city burning in ashes and everything had become quiet for once.

Jin, a 1st-year college student was also hit by the beam. He had thought that this is the end of his life. Living as a bread shuttle, he was bullied and disgusted due to his figure, a very skinny, weak, and naive, everyone had avoided him. His classmates only treated him as a slave that they could give errands in which he couldn't fend them off due to him being relatively weak.

No one had bothered to talk to him and he himself didn't care less. He accepted reality as it is. Ever since his elementary days, no one wanted to be his friend because he was too silent. He didn't participate in any activities when it includes oral recitation. Still, he was an average smart person that could still pass any examination.

He had a shaggy hair causing him to look like he haven't cut his hair for years. He doesn't do any physical exercise causing him to be rag n' bones and the only exercise he could do was being beaten up and scolded by his bullies if he wouldn't be able to do what he was ordered.

Other than having an averagely smart brain, he was bad at everything. He was a loser in every aspect that even his family disowned him other than her mother that had been struck by an illness in which she couldn't wake up.


As I opened my eyes, the world I thought I had just lived in completely changed. I had been transported in a fantasyland that you could only imagine in novels and movies.

Not just me, I was acquainted with my classmates who also were filled in shock. A giant magical panel had greeted us and teach us the instructions to this world.

It was the will of God, this was his way for humanity to survive. We have to prepare ourselves for upcoming challenges that would threaten our world.

We were supposed to train in this world for 10 years and after that 10 years, we would return to Earth and start with our new life as Hunters.

To exterminate all evil and vanquish them to the pits of hell. This would become our new goal. To become the strongest and achieve what was impossible.

I thought that in this new world we are temporarily living, I could become a hero that everyone would love. But just like in my life on earth, it was just the same as here. Still a sore loser who is only purpose is to support my fellow classmates.

Having petty and useless skills, they called me the weakest hunter. No one helped me and I was force to strive alone.

Everyone grew strong for the past years while I stayed weak. I was pretty hopeless and continued to die. Thankfully, we couldn't disappear from this world since after we would be killed, we'd revive and continue to grow strong.

I had only waste the power God gave me. I blamed myself for everything as I wasn't strong enough to even defend myself.

I had become a loner and irritated. I wanted to go home and return to earth as fast as I could. Everyone looked at me as a burden to their shoulders as I was only a pesky gremlin to their eyes.

10 years had passed, we were now about to return to our world. I stood on a cliffside depressed. Everyone looked happy as they could now return to their homes and use their new power to help and defeat monsters.

I looked at the beautiful sunset from the seashore. I stared at the time for the countdown in the window panel.



"I wasted 10 years for nothing, sigh. I pretty much am a loser."

Jin muttered to himself. He looked at the beautiful horizon slowly going down and he didn't mind the timer.

"Welp, I can't help myself since I'm just a complete waste."

He sighed with regret while standing at the edge of the cliff. He looked like he was about to go suicidal but even killing himself isn't enough to replenish the depressed emotion he had.

He had died about a thousand times and due to this ridiculous feat, he had the record for the most deaths. He was rewarded by the system for having the most deaths a hunter could ever achieve in 10 years.

Pain nullification (Passive): Any physical and magical pain will be completely resisted.

He had become an infamous hunter, they call him, Pain Killer. A man who doesn't feel pain. The hunter who injected his body with a million of anesthesia.

That was the only great achievement he could boast. But still, he was weak and fragile. A single tier 2 skill could instantly kill him.

An average hunter who had trained for 10 years would have accumulated up to 30 levels. There was a penalty of death, you'd have your level reduced by one so for Jin who had died a thousand times, for these ten years, he was stuck at level 1.

He recalled the past memories from the 10 years he had spent in this world. Every death he experience was recorded in his mind and in the system's memory.

He would even rate his death on how brutal it is from 1 to 100. He recorded about 34 brutal death that he had rate 100, like being ground by a cogwheel, burned alive, even feed to giant sharks.

He couldn't forget it, the pain he felt was very excoriating. But now for him, it was just another fun experience.

As he looked at the time. It was now about time to return to earth.



"Its been fun dying but I'm out."

As he was about to walk back. The ground on where he stood cracked causing him to trip and fall down the cliff.

'Bummer, this would be a hard fall so I might rate it just 57 out of a 100.'

As he crashed down, his head was bashed on the giant rock killing him.



The timer went to zero just as the same time Jin died.

Every human who was anticipating at this moment were smiling with joy. As time ran out, the same beam of light hit down everyone as they disappeared in thin air.



You have revived!

Your level has decreased by 1 but due to being level 1, level won't change.

"Damn, this is just stupid. W-wait! Why am I still here? Shouldn't I be back in Earth!?"

He was confused, the timer should've ticked to zero and he should have been transported back to earth but why was he still here?

"What the fuck? Is this supposed to be some glitch or a bug?"

As he thoroughly scanned his surroundings. Everything was normal, his player system was still working fine and yet he was still here.

He quickly teleported back to the town he started to and with his surprise, everyone had disappeared but those who had been here didn't move.

No, it seems like they where frozen but not like freezing cold, it's like the system had paused everyone.

"This...this is just crazy!"

He laughed at this event. He thought that he had gone insane due to dying too much but even if he bashed his head a million times, nothing changed and all this was were completely real.

He approached the frozen people and as he pokes them with his finger, they were still intangible and nothing changed.

Even the items in the stalls could be used but when he tried using the equipments, the system prohibited him from doing it.


Using items without permission will result in a penalty. Please return the equipment.

Jin immediately returned the equipment he had just tried to steal and got in a conclusion.

"I see... I can't use equipments and consumables since the system promoted me to."

He continued checking the other stuffs and experimented with it.

"Can I still damage someone?"

He thought of that idea. He equipped a knife from his spatial inventory and tried to hit a person but he was having second thoughts.

"If I hit an innocent person, my charisma would drop and the guards would sent me to jail. But everyone had been frozen, does this mean I can kill anyone?"

He thought of this serial idea. With a slight slash from his bayonet, he hit the person dealing a small amount of damage.


Warning! Charisma has decreased by 1!

"Oops! It seems the system still decreased my charisma. But other than that, I can do anything I want! But it would be bad if my Charisma drops down to zero."

Charisma is a special status that helps in talking to people and getting tasks and quests. The higher the charisma, the better the quest that could be received.

"People" is the term used for humans that are not from Earth.

For now, Jin exempted from killing the people. But since he could damage anyone, he might as well kill monsters.

But before that, he had to plan out everything. Luckily, all the knowledge he accumulated in 10 years didn't disappear. Now he could start on again, with the error by his side, he might become the strongest hunter.

He didn't forget good hunting spots so he first went to level 10 areas. His first hunting area was in Dulahorn lands.

The monsters in this area are goblins, dire wolves, lizardmen, ogres, orcs, and kobolds and this was the only area near the kingdom.

"Whoooo! This is exilhiriating! I can't wait to kill some monsters!"

If the monsters moved, he wouldn't stand a chance to defeat them but this time was different.

Jin arrived at a goblin village. There where about fifty goblins living in the village who were about level 4 to 7. The highest level was the Goblin Chief who's level was 7.


-7 -7 -7 -7 -7

Jin continuously slash the goblin who had guard the entrance with his knife only dealing 7 points of the goblins health. The goblin had 700 HP so meaning, Jin had only dealt 1% of the goblins health with each slash.

It was very tiring for Jin who was weak and thin. He had to use high force to even move the knife although it was only a small weapon.

He panted and sweated but he didn't stop, even if it meant slashing the goblin 100 times. The goblin's health slowly depleted...80%,70%,60%,50%,40%,30%,10% and finally! The goblin died.

+1000 XP


The player interface popped up after the goblin dissipated into dust. Due to having a high-level comparability, one goblin had given him a level.

"Pant! Finally, I killed it."


Jin tirelessly fell to the ground, this was one of the most tiring accomplishment he had ever achieve. He was happy that it had gave him a level but he didn't stop here, he must clear all of the goblins in this village to level up fast as he didn't know when this error lasts.

In 4 hours, Jin had completely defeated all the goblins in the village. In contrast, he received 4 levels. In level 1, he had to gain 1,000 experience points to reach level 2 and in every level gained, the experience points need would be multiplied by 1.2 so reaching a level had become a very hassle thing.

You would need to grind for a day just to gain a level but depending on your combat ability and the difficulty of the monster, it would entirely depend on your skillset.

Gaining 4 levels in just 4 hours was just ridiculous! You would need to grind a week in a level 10 hunting grounds for you to reach that levels but this was entirely different in Jin's scenario.

No one would hurt him since they were completely frozen so he could kill them with ease without thinking of tactics. Just throw slash them with your knife and you're done.

For now, Jin's plan was to continue grinding levels until he reaches level 10. He needed this to enter the level 20 grounds so he can continue in reaching higher levels.

But first, Jin had to distribute the status points that he had received.


Name: Jin

Class: <none>

Level: 4 (2%)

HP: 100/100

MP: 80/80

[AGI]: 12

[STR]: 9

[VIT]: 10

[INT]: 8

Status pts: 20

Status points must be distributed wisely, if you're being reckless, it could mean having an imbalance character. This would decrease your growth and constrict your body from leveling up.

The wisest choice was to place the status points wisely. If you were not sure of what class you were to choose, the best decision is to either save the points for later or balance out your status.

Well, it would be different to Jin, he had already planned out what he will do with the points. Not only he had known of the outcome, but he to also insert the scenario momentarily.

"If I want to deal a faster and heavier damage, I should raise my strength and agility. This should also help to move faster so I can travel to places without wasting much time."

Jin had made his decision. He placed 10 points in strength and 10 points in agility. 1 point could completely change your body's extremities.


As the ringing noise echoed in his ear, he could feel his body getting lighter and stronger at the same time like he was enlightened.

The fatigue he felt earlier had completely disappeared. He stretch his body trying to warm up with this new power inside him and averted his gaze to the next location he would go.

"Wooh! I feel stronger! Now let's see how fast I can go."

Jin dashed down the way. His speed was now comparable to Olympic athletes competing in a 400-meter run. He sprinted on the way leaving trails of dust, joy etched on his face as he smiled in satisfactory well only for a short amount of time.

Due to being absorbed with satisfaction, he didn't realize a stone in the way causing him to trip and tumble down the ground.


Rolled down the ground receiving minimal damage, fortunately, he didn't feel any pain due to his passive [Pain Nullification].

-2 -3 -2

"I need to practice more, seems like I still can't control my body."

Jin stood up and returned in sprinting but now, he was being slow and steady.