
Solitude makes me the strongest

A man trapped in some unknown dimension becomes the strongest after being alone for so long and having one familiar thing that happens every 10 years [attention you are fr-error] [stem reboot. [Attention you will be free in 10 years so do something] and after along time he is finally free what will he do. He even gets mistaken for the villain and a hero when he just wants to explore his new environment peacefully. The origin of the solitude will be revealed later so will the origin of why the story takes place how he ended up where he woke and who he is. The writing may be bad at some points but I will make the story good 1 or more chapters a week And if you want to read a novel better than this go check out villain retirement it’s a great novel There will also be a side story later of what he experienced in solitude but this will happen later

Frozen_fruit · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Hero with no cheats? Grimm’s apprentice

Grimm appeared where the meteors landed. "There are a lot of bones here I wonder why. But that should be no problem to me. Now then what are they going to do with the summoned people." Grimm said the final line as he vanished.

Grimm reappeared at the castle just in time for the hero's skills to be appraised.

"Hero's place your hands on these scrolls and it will reveal your skills."

The hero's placed their hands on the scrolls and each one had a groundbreaking and op skill except for one the hero Tony he had no skill nor cheats that all hero's receive he didn't have it for some reason.

Only Grimm knew the answer to why he didn't have a cheat.

"That hero has no value get rid of him." "This is unheard of" Some man said "he's useless we don't need him." Another man said "throw him out." Some other guy said "get rid of him take him out of here." The hero Tony looked at all the people in the room questioning what he did to revive their anger

"I will take him with me he may have some value. He may still be able to help defeat the demon lord." Grimm said because he was the one responsible for the hero having no skills so he felt a little guilty.

"Come here we should leave this place I am very busy." Grimm said

Tony felt a little fear for he did not know if he could even trust Grimm.

Grimm started exiting without even waiting for him. Tony chased after Grimm since it was the only thing he could do after all no one there liked him.

"Now then for the rest of you hero's you will go to the academy to learn and practice your skills so you can be proficient when fighting the demon lords army."

Grimm left the castle gates with Tony following behind him. "Where are we going." Tony asked

"We are going to the academy because that is my temporary place of work. While there you can be my apprentice. Since you have no special skills I will teach you so you can be as strong as the other hero's. You will be learning a variety of skills."

"Ok master." Tony said "do not call me master call me Grimm"

after a few more minutes of walking they got to the gates of the academy and entered.

"Wow security is so lax it's as if they would let anyone walk in even the demon lord." "Enough of your rambling let's I need to feed my pet I forgot to feed her." "By the way master I can see everyone's level around here and yours is the lowest why is that." "My level is having a temporary vacation don't question it. That is your first lesson levels can be deceiving."

After a few more minutes they got to the teachers dormitory and Grimm opened the door to his room and Neko was there. She was sitting on the bed.

"Watch out master there is a very powerful monster on your bed." "Monster all I see is Neko she is no threat she is very weak and she is my pet."

"What? That op monster is your pet how." "Because it is the power of strength and food my boy all things like good food. That's why one of the things you will learn is cooking."

Meanwhile somewhere else

"Send the second this time no test let's see what happens." "Agreed."

(Authors note)

Chapters are going to be once a week till January because of the holidays. Also chapters aren't as long as some other novels because it is hard to get enough inspiration at a time it's like a painting you can't paint without inspiration. Well you can but it isn't as good. Next chapter will be longer

Also instant leveling skill will return