
Sole Weapon Sorcerer: Mastering Victory

If a dagger doesn't work then he'll use a spear, if a spear doesn't work he will use a sword, and if a sword doesn't work then he will use an even bigger sword. Ray Ace a boy who had to move out from his parents home because he wanted to chase his dream of being a gamer, he started playing a vrmmorpg game called victory online, using his character Abysall lord watch as he becomes unparalleled in the game world. It's short because i don't think anyone likes a long prologue. A friend helped me make the cover art and he's also a fellow author. His name is MaxandMills and the name of his novel is comeet legacy so you guys should give it a read This is my entry for webnovel spirity awards. If i can enter power ranking. Top 200- 2 chapters per day Top 100- 3 chapters per day Top 50- 4 chapters per day Top 10-5 chapters per day

Amnotgay · ゲーム
19 Chs

Storm Breakers VS Radiant Stars

Walking back to his small apartment, Ray felt a wave of frustration. He had dedicated so much time to training and playing "Victory" to improve his skills, especially under the guidance of Elric. But now, all the praise Elric had given him felt hollow. This was the second time he had faced a crushing defeat, the first being against the wolf boss and now against Sam. Both times, he had been brutally beaten. He needed to think carefully about how to approach his next encounters with them.

Clearing his mind, Ray tried to focus on the positive aspects of the experience. "Besides, that man asked me to come back and fight again. Maybe I can use this as an opportunity to get free lessons," he thought mischievously.

Entering his apartment, Ray decided to cook something simple for lunch. His sister had gone home, so he made himself instant noodles. While eating, he began strategizing how to defeat Sam and revising his plans for the wolf boss. After finishing his meal, he washed his plate and returned to his room, still mulling over the fight. To distract himself, he decided to watch something on his phone.

He opened his phone and searched for "Victory." The top search result was a live match between Victory professionals. Victory professionals, or pros for short, were players who devoted their lives to the game, surpassing the capabilities of ordinary players. They were the elite among elites, and few regular players could match them. Those who could often were already scouted by professional teams.

One unique aspect of Victory was that age didn't matter as much as skill. Unlike other esports where players might retire young, it wasn't unusual to see a 30-year-old still playing at a high level.

Ray clicked on the live match, which had just started. The title read: The Storm Breakers VS The Radiant Stars.

He began watching the match, and the commentator's voice boomed through his speakers.

"The match is about to begin, and we start with individual matches!"

"From the Storm Breakers, we have Blue Slash, and from the Radiant Stars, we have Battle God." As the commentator introduced them, two characters walked out into the virtual arena. One wore light blue armor and wielded a coral blue axe—this was Blue Slash. The other, Battle God, donned black armor and carried a high-quality sword that radiated power.

The fight commenced with Blue Slash charging forward, his axe gleaming as it caught the light. Battle God stood his ground, his stance unwavering. Blue Slash swung his axe in a wide arc, aiming to catch Battle God off guard. But Battle God was quick, sidestepping the attack and countering with a swift strike to Blue Slash's side. The sound of clashing metal echoed through the arena.

Blue Slash recovered quickly, using the momentum of the miss to pivot and strike again, this time with more precision. Battle God parried the blow with his sword, sparks flying from the contact. The crowd watching the live stream roared with excitement as the two warriors exchanged blows, each showing incredible skill and strategy.

As the individual match continued, Ray was engrossed. Blue Slash attempted a powerful overhead swing, but Battle God blocked it with his sword, pushing back with a burst of strength. Taking advantage of the opening, Battle God performed a series of rapid strikes, forcing Blue Slash to retreat and defend.

In a sudden twist, Blue Slash feigned a retreat and then lunged forward with a surprise attack, catching Battle God off guard and landing a hit. The crowd gasped, but Battle God quickly regained composure, using a special ability to heal some of the damage and retaliate with a devastating combo. Ultimately, Battle God's superior strategy and skill won the match.

Ray watched, fascinated, as the individual matches concluded and the dual match began. The commentator's voice rang out again.

"Next up, we have a dual match! Team fights are always exciting, but dual matches bring out the best in coordination and synergy."

The virtual arena shifted to accommodate the two-on-two format. From the Storm Breakers, Blue Slash was joined by Thunder Fist, a brawler known for his powerful punches and quick reflexes. Representing the Radiant Stars alongside Battle God was Lightning Mage, a caster specializing in high-damage electrical spells.

The dual match started with a burst of action. Blue Slash and Thunder Fist charged in tandem, coordinating their attacks. Battle God, with his ability to control space, teleported a short distance to dodge the initial assault, while Lightning Mage unleashed a volley of lightning bolts.

Thunder Fist dodged nimbly, closing the distance to engage Lightning Mage in close combat. Blue Slash kept the pressure on Battle God, who deftly teleported around the battlefield, avoiding the heavy axe swings. Despite the chaotic flurry of attacks, Battle God and Lightning Mage maintained their composure, countering whenever possible.

Ray was captivated by the strategic depth of the dual match. Thunder Fist and Lightning Mage were locked in a fierce battle, with Thunder Fist dodging spells and landing powerful punches. Meanwhile, Blue Slash struggled to land a decisive blow on Battle God, who utilized his spatial control to evade and counterattack with precision.

Just when it seemed the Storm Breakers had the upper hand, Battle God executed a masterful move. Teleporting behind Blue Slash, he landed a critical strike, staggering his opponent. Seizing the opportunity, Lightning Mage cast a powerful chain lightning spell, hitting both Blue Slash and Thunder Fist. The crowd erupted in cheers as the Radiant Stars took control.

With a coordinated effort, Battle God and Lightning Mage pressed their advantage. Thunder Fist, weakened but not defeated, fought back with a flurry of punches. Blue Slash, recovering from the earlier blow, launched a desperate attack. Despite their valiant efforts, the Radiant Stars' teamwork and Battle God's spatial abilities proved too much. The dual match ended with the Radiant Stars' victory.

The commentator's voice echoed through the arena. "An incredible display of skill and teamwork from the Radiant Stars! Now, we move on to the team fight! It's a 7-on-7 showdown between the Storm Breakers and the Radiant Stars."

The virtual arena expanded to accommodate the larger battlefield. Both teams assembled, each member taking their position. The Storm Breakers' team included Blue Slash, Thunder Fist, Shadow Dancer, Flame Knight, Ice Sorceress, Iron Defender, and Wind Archer. The Radiant Stars countered with Battle God, Lightning Mage, Steel Guardian, Spirit Healer, Earth Shaker, Dark Assassin, and Sky Ranger.

The team fight started with a coordinated attack from the Storm Breakers. Thunder Fist and Flame Knight led the charge, with Iron Defender providing cover. Wind Archer and Ice Sorceress launched ranged attacks, while Shadow Dancer flanked the enemy. The Radiant Stars responded in kind, with Battle God and Steel Guardian taking the front lines, supported by Spirit Healer's buffs and Lightning Mage's powerful spells.

The battlefield was a chaotic mix of clashing weapons, magic, and strategic maneuvers. Ray's eyes were glued to the screen as the teams fought fiercely. Flame Knight unleashed a torrent of fire, but Steel Guardian blocked it with a shield made of pure energy. Meanwhile, Dark Assassin sneaked behind enemy lines, targeting the Storm Breakers' Wind Archer, but was intercepted by Shadow Dancer in a flurry of blades.

In the center of the battlefield, Battle God and Blue Slash faced off once more. Their duel was intense, each anticipating the other's moves and countering with precision. Around them, their teammates fought with equal ferocity. Ice Sorceress cast a blizzard spell, freezing part of the battlefield and trapping Earth Shaker in ice. Lightning Mage retaliated with a thunderstorm, striking multiple enemies at once.

As the battle raged on, the Storm Breakers began to gain the upper hand. Iron Defender's impenetrable defense and Spirit Healer's relentless support kept their team resilient. Finally, with a coordinated effort, the Storm Breakers managed to isolate Battle God. Despite his incredible skill, he couldn't withstand the combined might of Blue Slash, Thunder Fist, and Flame Knight.

The Radiant Stars were gradually overwhelmed, their members falling one by one. Lightning Mage, Earth Shaker, and Dark Assassin were taken down in quick succession. Steel Guardian and Sky Ranger put up a fierce resistance but were ultimately outmatched. Only Battle God remained, surrounded by the victorious Storm Breakers.

With his teammates defeated, Battle God stood alone against the entire opposing team. The crowd held their breath as he activated his ultimate ability, manipulating space to teleport rapidly across the battlefield. Using his spatial control, Battle God created illusions of himself, confusing the Storm Breakers.

Blue Slash and Thunder Fist attempted to close in, but Battle God teleported behind them, delivering quick, precise strikes. Flame Knight launched a fiery attack, only to hit one of the illusions. The real Battle God appeared behind Iron Defender, striking with such force that even the tank struggled to maintain his stance.

Ray watched in awe as Battle God continued to evade and counterattack, his movements a blur. Despite the odds, he methodically took down each member of the Storm Breakers. Wind Archer fell to a surprise teleport and slash combination, while Ice Sorceress was incapacitated by a spatial trap. Shadow Dancer's stealth tactics were rendered useless against Battle God's spatial awareness.

Finally, it came down to Blue Slash and Thunder Fist against Battle God. With a final, breathtaking series of moves, Battle God teleported between them, using his spatial manipulation to dodge their attacks and strike with pinpoint accuracy. Thunder Fist went down first, leaving Blue Slash to face Battle God alone.

In a last-ditch effort, Blue Slash swung his axe with all his might, but Battle God teleported behind him, landing a decisive blow. The arena erupted in cheers as the commentator announced the result.

"In an unbelievable turn of events, Battle God has clinched the victory, securing the win for the Radiant Stars! My apologies for not introducing our guest speaker earlier, but the intensity of the match left no room for interruptions," the commentator announced, excitement palpable in his voice.

"Now, let's hand over the spotlight and microphone to our guest speaker, Peter Thorn."

"Thank you," Peter Thorn began, his voice warm and engaging. "It's an honor to be here in front of all the viewers. Today's match was truly spectacular, with each player demonstrating remarkable skill and dedication. Ultimately, Battle God's exceptional technique and strategic prowess led his team to victory.

"I imagine many new players are wondering if they should choose a skill as powerful as Battle God's spatial manipulation. It certainly looks impressive, but it's important to understand that every ability has its own set of challenges. For instance, those teleportations you saw Battle God performing consume an enormous amount of energy. Additionally, he has to pinpoint his landing spots with extreme accuracy. In the heat of battle, maintaining such precision is incredibly difficult. There are numerous other limitations and risks associated with this ability as well. So, don't be discouraged when choosing your own skills. The key is to find something that suits your playstyle and strengths."

Peter continued, shifting his focus to highlight other players and their contributions to the match. "Let's talk about Blue Slash from the Storm Breakers. His axe technique is formidable, combining both power and finesse. During the match, he demonstrated excellent positioning and timing, especially in his initial exchanges with Battle God. However, his reliance on heavy strikes left him vulnerable to quick counters, something Battle God capitalized on with his agility and spatial awareness.

"Then there's Thunder Fist, another standout from the Storm Breakers. His close-combat prowess and rapid reflexes make him a force to be reckoned with. Thunder Fist's ability to dodge Lightning Mage's spells and close the distance quickly was impressive. He kept Lightning Mage on the defensive, showcasing his ability to disrupt ranged attackers effectively. Unfortunately, his aggressive approach sometimes left him exposed to coordinated attacks from the Radiant Stars.

"Speaking of Lightning Mage, his spellcasting was nothing short of spectacular. The precision and timing of the lightning bolts, especially during the dual match, turned the tide in favor of the Radiant Stars multiple times. Lightning Mage's ability to control the battlefield with area-denial spells forced the Storm Breakers to constantly adapt their strategies.

"Let's not forget about the defensive stalwarts: Steel Guardian and Iron Defender. Steel Guardian's energy shield effectively neutralized Flame Knight's fire attacks, providing crucial cover for his teammates. On the other hand, Iron Defender's impenetrable defense and strategic positioning made him a cornerstone for the Storm Breakers, absorbing damage and creating openings for counterattacks.

"Shadow Dancer and Dark Assassin, the stealth specialists from each team, had a fascinating duel of their own. Shadow Dancer's ability to anticipate Dark Assassin's moves and intercept him was crucial in protecting Wind Archer. Their battle within the larger team fight added an extra layer of depth to the match, showcasing the importance of strategic thinking and adaptability.

"Finally, we have the support players: Spirit Healer and Ice Sorceress. Spirit Healer's buffs and healing kept the Radiant Stars in the fight, countering the damage dealt by the Storm Breakers. Ice Sorceress, with her crowd-control abilities, managed to trap Earth Shaker and slow down the Radiant Stars' momentum, demonstrating the impact of well-timed control spells in a high-stakes match."

As Peter Thorn continued to analyze the match, providing detailed statistics and strategic insights, the viewers gained a deeper appreciation for the complexities and nuances of Victory. Each player's unique abilities and playstyles contributed to the dynamic and thrilling nature of the game.

After watching the match and listening to Peter's comprehensive breakdown, Ray felt a renewed sense of purpose. The match had rekindled his motivation to continue playing "Victory." He realized that his choice to invest time in the game was not a mistake. Inspired by the pros' performances and Peter's analysis, Ray was determined to refine his own skills and strategies. He now understood that every defeat was an opportunity to learn and grow, ready to face future challenges with a fresh perspective and unwavering determination.

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