
CH827: Unbelievable Sights  


CH827: Unbelievable Sights 

Alpha Platoon's Team 1 under Korede's command swept through the Airport's buildings, clearing away everything on their path like a tsunami.

Eventually, they came upon the last unraided building on the premises.

The building functioned as a customs office where every product brought into and taken out of Bazaar through the airport was recorded.

Team 1 came upon the building to find it locked. 

The hostiles had barricaded themselves within the building.

The team gathered around Korede who issued orders.

"Bravo 1-1, take your guys up the stairs at the back and breach from the top floor. The rest and I will breach from the front and pull their attention towards us."


"The Head controller here keeps a record of all inflows and outflows from this airport. I want to know everything that has ever entered or left this place. Our target is that Custom manifest and records ledger.