
CH1054: Containment Field


CH1054: Containment Field


{A.Q: The only way to win with a toxic person is not to play. Just leave the playground.}

{Enjoy the chapter!}


"I have an idea." Gemini 6-2 suddenly said.

"Let's hear it." Gemini 6-1 responded.

The two Frogmen disengaged from the battle.

"Since the deflection function of the shield works, why don't we try the containment function? We might be able to trap him.

"From what I have seen, he needs distance and momentum to power his attacks. If we can limit his movements, we will take both away from him." Gemini 6-2 proposed.

"That's too dangerous. The deflection and containment functions can't work together. If the containment field doesn't work, the person generating the field will be vulnerable to an attack." Gemini 6-1 argued.

"It's a risk worth taking." Gemini 6-2 said. "If we don't do something soon, we all might not make it anyway."