

Madeline opened her eyes she could still feel the throbbing pain at the back of her head but what surprise her was that she couldn't recognize where she was.

The room was so small and dark that she could barely see anything she could feel the bodies of other people moving in the dark room .

Some men came in once stood in front of the other man he had curly hair and looked appealing to be the one leading the men who came in.

" Grab some girls for the auction" the men immediately obeyed the spoken word girls were dragged out and selected Madeline was so shocked and scared she seemed to have understood it quick enough from the girls she saw being dragged .

They look like their very life life was being sucked out of their bodies. Madeline spotted one girl who was defiant and adamant she struggled and bit the men who came near her.

"You realize what you are about inflict on yourself you...."

The man was interrupted by saliva flying to his face he cleaned his face and signaled to some men who knew what to do. They brought two pieces of steel with arrow like tips red aglow like they were recently pulled out of the fire .

Two men grabbed the legs of the girl Who refused to cooperate and as she tried to escape from their clutches ,the leader of the man could only let out a dangerous smile

" there's no escape from me dear "he turned that smile around.

" so submit or suffer"

Her eyes glittered with painstaking fear,the steel soon made contact with the sole of her feet, her screams were very loud and were echoing throughout the room. Madeline could only look down she could imagine ever been tortured by this men for not submitting to their coherent authority. Madeline realized she was taken to a slave establishment it could explain why they tortured people in places that couldn't be noticed easily like the sole of their feet so that they could be sold to the people of the higher society or other slave Traders.

" miss Isabella the search for Madeline has come to know avail" .

The head of the search party who has been looking for Madeline for almost a day had returned with no news about her. As Isabella was going in the direction of her room she met her elder brother on the way.

" You are not going to find her" Isabella paused in her steps

" What do you mean by that don't tell me you have a hand in her disappearance" Samuel turned to face Isabella

" I know you don't care so don't ask".

" Her disappearance affect every member of this family so if you know something about it better speak up" Isabella half shouted at her elder brother.

" I got rid of her, her appearance is a shame to this family".

" Are you going to tell me how?".

" No because you will go telling everybody" Samuel said as he walked away from where Isabella was standing.