
Chapter 24 Damien's Anger

That feeling of ease vanished the moment I saw Damien again.

Damien stood at the entrance of my place, witnessing Alex dropping me off.

I saw him standing in the doorway. He seemed to hesitate, not going inside.

As the sound of the car pulling up reached the door, Damien turned around, sensing something.

What a terrible situation it was for Damien to see his mistress getting out of her ex-boyfriend's car.

I felt foolish for accepting Alex's invitation earlier, even though I didn't regret the ease I felt being with Alex.

Now, with a clear mind, I knew I had to leave that ease behind.

"Alex, thanks for driving me back. You can go home now," I said before getting out of the car.

I hoped Damien didn't recognize who was driving me home.

Alex noticed I had moved to a new address. This upscale neighborhood was not somewhere I could afford to live after going bankrupt.

He looked quite downcast.

I figured he had guessed Damien provided this new place for me.