
Sold to a Prince!

In the land of magic and beasts, Sylvia was betrayed by her family and sold off as a slave. She was expecting the worst, but fortunately, it was a handsome prince who had ‘bought’ her! Who doesn’t love a charming, benevolent, and kind prince, not to mention ridiculously handsome? But, little did Sylvia know that the charming handsome prince was no angel but rather a devil in disguise! The calm, kind and good-hearted Sylvia found herself slowly changing under the devil's influence but worst of all, she found herself becoming more and more addicted to the two-faced devil who harbored dark and dangerous secrets. But could she ever fully trust the shameless devil? Or was he just one of the many who desired her hidden powers? Let the games begin! ....................... Excerpt: "Are you getting ready for your engagement, my sweet kitten?" The devil's familiar voice drawled, making Sylvia's entire body tingle with an unfathomable need. She gazed into his dark coal black eyes, lost within them, as he rubbed her lips with his thumb. This man... This man in front of her alone had the power to make her knees weak and her heart crumble. "Heh. Being silent, are we?" The devil chuckled, his hand moving away from her lips to the back of her head. He clutched a handful of her soft silver hair and pulled her closer to him, capturing her lips with his. Sylvia snapped out of her trance and commanded her body to push the devil away but her traitorous body only yearned for him more and she wrapped her hands around his neck instead. The devil's lips curved upwards, his grin widening in satisfaction. His hand then moved down to her gorgeous engagement gown laced with diamonds and rubies which came undone as soon as he touched. The laces, the veil, the flowers, the jewelry, everything was ripped to shreds, leaving behind only herself. An entire morning spent on getting ready and dressing up gone to waste just like that! "You!" Sylvia glared at the shameless devil angrily. She had given him an inch but he went for the mile! She pushed him away with all the force that she could muster, pinning him against the wall, imprisoning his rude mannerless hands. "Heh? Why are you angry, my darling? Aren't I helping you? Why waste your time attending the meaningless engagement, when you already know that you belong to me and me alone?" "Go to hell! Who said I belong to you! I belong to no one." "Is that so?" The devil leaned forward, gently knocking his forehead with hers. "Shall I leave then...?" He whispered, his warm breath caressing her cheeks. Sylvia's face instantly reddened as she couldn't resist the devil's sweet temptations anymore... She gave into the man's wicked allure and pressed her lips over his, stopping his mouth from taunting her and teasing her any further. ....................... Instagram: yolohy_webnovel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yolohy Discord: https://discord.gg/5CvPuX6M88

Yolohy · ファンタジー
229 Chs

Camping with the Devil Part2

Sylvia gaped in amazement as she watched the small child lift his bow and casually release the double arrow shot.

Cassius made it seem so damned easy and effortless.

The two arrows whirred in the air as they sliced towards the couple of big black boars.

Sylvia watched keenly as the arrows rapidly approached the unassuming animals.

However, one of the boars probably sensed something wrong and turned to glance in their direction.

The animal's eyes widened in surprise but it was too late as both the arrows pierced directly at their respective throats.

Blood spurted out everywhere and the two boars struggled in pain.

It was an extremely gruesome sight!

Before Sylvia could digest this gory image in front of her, Cassius had already picked up two more arrows and shot them out the very next second, also aimed at the two animals' throats.

Zing. Zing.

These two arrows shot forward with a purpose and finished the job instantly.

As they hit their target, the two boars did not struggle for long and fell lifelessly down on the ground with loud thuds.

Sylvia gazed at the bloody scene and a knot formed in her throat. They were just now alive but they were already dead.

Sometimes life was too short.

On the other hand, standing by her side, Cassius jumped up and skipped in joy. "Uncle! I did it! I did it!"

Mikel ruffled the young boy's hair while his eyes lingered on the woman whose face looked pale and colorless.

It was the typical reaction of someone who was not used to seeing blood spill and bodies rot.

Mikel lifted his hand and snapped loudly in front of Sylvia, making her look back at him in alarm. 

"What are you waiting for?" His sharp voice commanded her. "Do I need to spell everything out for you?"

Sylvia blinked, having no idea what nonsense the villain was spouting now.

Mikel's straight face suddenly broke into a gentle grin as he leaned closer and grabbed the woman's jaw.

"Grab both those boars, skin, and clean them. Then set up a fire and cook them."

Sylvia's eyes widened as she stared at the man wondering how the hell was she supposed to do all of that when she had never done it before.

"What? Do you not know how to?" Mikel asked.

Damn it! This man can definitely read minds! Sylvia gulped nervously. She didn't have the nerve to answer that question.

"That's what I thought." His grip on her jaw tightened making her cheeks puff up cutely. 

"You better pick up the pace. If I get too hungry, then…" He leaned in closer, "I might just eat you up."

His cool lips brushed her ears, sending shivers down her spine.

Eat me up? Sylvia gulped, the words of the devil replaying in her head as if they were on repeat. 

She felt the man's grasp on her loosen and she immediately turned around to run towards the dead boars.

She would any day prefer these dead animals over the living devil.

"Uncle, why is slave gal running?" Cassius asked curiously furrowing his brows.

Since Mikel's back was facing him, he could only catch a slight glimpse of the colorful expressions on Sylvia's face and did not know what his uncle said or did.

Mikel chuckled, revealing a gentle smile, and this time it was not fake. "She is preparing dinner for us."

"Do you want to teach her some things?" He tapped the kid's nose playfully with his finger.

"Yes. Yes." Cassius beamed and jutted his chest out proudly, before running along and going over to Sylvia.

His eyes fixed on the two figures, Mikel casually flopped down onto the soft green pasture covering the forest grounds.

He leisurely breathed in and out, amusing himself with the theatrics unfolding in front of him.

Theodore, however, still stood erect in a standing position, his body ready and prepared to tackle anything unexpected that came their way.

"Your highness, maybe we should head back?" he mumbled to Mikel since they were alone.

"Hmmm?" Mikel raised his brows.

"That girl… I have a bad feeling about her." Theodore explained.

"Is this another direct warning from your lizard brain, Theo?" Mikel chuckled, but he did not really doubt the knight's words.

Theodore turned his head away, his cheeks slightly red. "Your highness…" He sulked.

"Ha Ha. Ok. Ok." Mikel stopped teasing him. "When have I ever not trusted your guts? There might be trouble tonight but we are staying here nevertheless." 

"You should be prepared to handle things. You are stocked full on supplies I assume?" Mikel asked, his tone this time a lot more serious.

"Yes, your highness." Theodore nodded.

"Mmhm. Then tonight is going to get rowdy!" Mikel chuckled lightly, his gaze returned back to the two busybodies dragging the dead boars closer to the group.