
sold the soul to Devil

jaby koi sold his soul to Devil when he was 11 years old because he wants to talk to his died parents...

D_T_7666 · 都市
11 Chs


rebeca :---- jabyy while crying

jaby:-- relex i am okkk

rebeca:--- you idiot how dare you

jaby :-- i am sorry I never did this again .

rebeca:---- promise

jaby :-- promise ( in weak voice )

and otherwise

devil :---- i promise jaby I will take your soul . I had waited a lot for your soul. But you broke your deal.


after 3 month

before jaby and rebeca' s marriage

jaby:--- rebeca are you ok

Rebeca :__ (Hearing JB's voice came out of thoughts ) yes

Jaby:__ What happened Rebecca?

Rebeca:___ nothing jaby i am scared

The higher priest said that whenever the deal with the Devil is broken. Then the devil comes back for revenge.

jaby:____ relex rebecca