
Chapter 138 I'm Actually Worth That Much

"I don't know what you mean by 'everything'," said Sang Shixi's voice.

"Everything means all that I could gain because of the Sang Family, you can take it all, as long as you give me Xia Zhi."

I was standing at the doorway, hearing each word they said clearly; I could even discern the absolute certainty in Sang Qi's tone.

Unable to muster the courage to hear what they would say next, I tiptoed away and returned to my room.

Then I found a bottle of soda in the fridge and bit open the cap, pouring it into my mouth.

Gu Yu snatched it away: "You haven't finished your confinement, you can't drink anything cold!"

But right now, my wild heart had to be suppressed with ice. I sat on the bed in a daze, and Gu Yu handed me a cup of warm water, which I downed in one gulp.

When I returned the cup to her,

my palm was full of sweat; Gu Yu squatted in front of me like a dog, looking up at me with her head raised.