
Chapter 28: This Is a Trap


As I followed Ciana and her former governess, or so I’d learned, back to the Alpha’s mansion, I couldn’t believe the story she’d made up about me. How dare she?!

The girl was obviously having way too much fun. It all seemed so amusing to her, and I just wanted to shake some sense back into her–to take her in my arms, stare into her eyes, breathe in her scent—and tell her it wasn’t funny at all.

But I knew it wasn’t the right time to do so, so I forced myself to filter the nonsense pouring out of those two women and focused on the key piece of information—revolution?

Would it have anything to do with that Luther guy? What was their ultimate goal?

Regardless of the situation, something wasn’t right here, and I needed to know exactly what was going on, not only for Ciana and her pack, but also for the overall security of the country.