
Soaring High - Pokemon SI Isekai

*DROPPED, CHECK MY PROFILE FOR NEW FIC* SI gets isekaied to unova. Prepare for the protagonist to continously take L's I'll be trying to upload around twice a week ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What NOT to expect: Romance A System

MagicPerson1 · ゲーム
10 Chs

Ch 6 - Raging Hydreigon 3

Hi there, a few things before I start this chapter.

1) Check out the last few parts of last chapter, it's been edited slightly

2)The other platforms I released on got an AI generated image of the 'Boss' but I can't post images here, sorry

3) It's the weekend! expect a chapter everyday. I'm also going to try to add 2 chapters to the start of a backlog so y'all can probably(?) expect daily updates for a bit


The clash between the Dragon Pulse and the fiery stream of Volcarona intensified, each force pushing against the other with incredible power. The sand around us whipped up in a frenzy, creating a chaotic scene within the arena.

As I watched, filled with a mix of awe and concern, I knew that Volcarona couldn't hold out much longer. The strain was evident in its weakened form, and the Hydreigon's power seemed overwhelming.

Thinking quickly, I whispered to Rufflet, instructing him to prepare for a Wing Attack. I knew it was a long shot, but I had to do something to help Volcarona. The battle was too one-sided, and I couldn't stand by and watch the majestic bug Pokémon be defeated.

The man calmly orders his Hydreigon, "Full strength."

"NOW" I hissed out to Rufflet.

With a determined look in his eyes, Rufflet soared through the air, aiming directly for the Hydreigon. He struck one of its necks with his wing, but it barely seemed to faze the powerful dragon. However, the distraction was enough to give Volcarona an opening.

"Tsk, Hydreigon protect." The man orders as he locks eyes with me.

"We should leave, the bug appears to be getting its second wind." The man says to the dragon.

The man's analysis is on point, as I can now see Volcorona setting up what appears to be a quiver dance.

The man sends out a Reuniclus, ordering, "Teleport us out of here"

He vanishes, leaving nothing but a brief flash of light in his wake. Now that the man is gone, only Rufflet and I remain in the room with the fierce bug.

I stood there, stunned and confused, as the bug Pokémon left the arena, leaving behind an egg with intricate markings.

Before I could fully process what had just happened, Liz burst into the room, her face filled with worry.

"Alex! Are you okay?" she exclaimed, rushing towards me.

"I'm fine," I replied, still trying to wrap my head around the situation. "But... look at this." I gestured towards the mysterious egg on the ground.

"An egg?" She asks, confused.

Realizing she lacks context, I fill her in on the recent events. After some time contemplating she realizes "AN EGG FROM A VOLCARONA?! That settles it. I'm coming with you."

Blinking at the unexpected declaration, I can only respond, "What."

"A chance to study the life cycle of a pokemon that the Ancients worshiped? You really think I'm going to miss out on that? This can fuel an entire Dissertation!"

"Wait a second, let's slow down. What ever happened to the men who were chasing you?"

Liz takes a deep breath before explaining, "After they chased me for a bit, I managed to lose them in the maze-like corridors of the ruins. After some time looking for me, they suddenly teleported away out of the blue."

"They must have teleported away at the same time as that 'Boss' of theirs," I theorize.

"Returning to you traveling with me, who's to say I even want you to come with me?," I question.

"We both know you need supplies, this way you can continue to mooch off of me even after we leave the desert."

Hurt by the accuracy of her remarks but conceding her wisdom I agree, "Fine, but you understand that I'm tackling the gym circuit right?"

"That's what I assumed!"

With plans in place, we exit the ruins.


The rest of the desert turns out to be much easier when you can get a good sleep every night and have plenty of water. We would generally Hike from about 10:00 till 16:00, and then make camp for the night.

Not having to worry about conserving resources for this period I finally had a chance to actually do some training after we break camp each night.

Thinking back to the battle against Gurdurr, I am curious what the huge flash of strength that Rufflet displayed was. After some poking around online, It turns out that Rufflet can have the Egg Move Super Power, which feels like a likely candidate.

I work with a rufflet to try to recreate it, but the bird seems unable to for some reason. Based on what I can find online, Super Power works by channeling the pokemon's desire to defeat a foe, and uses that desire to push its muscles past the limit.

With this in mind, I can only theorize that we can likely only perform the move in battle.

Since training that move isn't really possible right now, I decide it would be best if I start preparing for Burgh's gym.

Checking online I was able to find some videos of his matches for trainers with no badges. His primary strategy appears to be controlling the pace of the match with moves like string shot and effect powders. 

However there is one possibility that worries me - Dwebble. Besides the egg, my only pokemon is Rufflet, leaving me super vulnerable to rock types. The only attacking moves that Rufflet can actually use right now are peck and wing attack, leaving me with no good options against the hermit crab.

Unless I can manage to train rufflet to use Super Power before the gym match, but I can't actually train it unless I'm facing an opponent and the desert isn't exactly teeming with trainers who want to battle. That leaves me with one option.


"I want to start battling wild pokemon as we hike," I tell Liz.

"Why on Arceus' green earth would you want to battle wild animals when we're miles away from any healing?"

"That's not totally true, I still have like 1 and half potions."

Liz looks at me as if I'm stupid, "And what happens if Rufflet faints, a potion would be next to worthless, not to mention you have an egg to worry about, what if the wild pokemon decides to start attacking that instead."

Liz's chiding brings my thoughts back to the egg. Caring for a pokemon egg is shockingly simple, the shell is even harder than I thought. Assuming you don't drop kick it, the shell will protect it from most damage. 

Additionally, you don't have to worry about an incubator or anything as the shell self regulates the temperature. 

"What if you and Watchog watch the egg while I battle?"

Liz looks at me with her eyebrows pulled together and a serious expression on their face, "Be careful. You and that egg are my dissertation topic."


The next day It wasn't difficult to find a lone Sandile separated from it pack

"Focus your aggression, you need to channel your desire to win," I order Rufflet. Flying around the Sandile keeping out of range, Rufflet continuously tries to start the attack. After a few attempts, Rufflet finally succeeds in unleashing the powerful move, Super Power. The sand around us is kicked up in a frenzy as Rufflet charges towards the Sandile with incredible force.

The Sandile, caught off guard by Rufflet's sudden burst of power, tries to retaliate with a Bite attack. But Rufflet's increased strength allows it to burst through the attack, knocking the Sandile out in one hit.

After praising Rufflet for its victory, I return it to its ball to give it a chance to rest. Based on articles online, Super Power has an effect which puts a great amount of strain on the muscles, if a pokemon is not given plenty of rest between battles, it can have long term consequences.

Over the next few days of hiking, we continue to battle foes on our way out of the desert. Although we took a few days longer than planned thanks to Liz not hiking as far as I would like, the extra time allowed Rufflet to have more chances to get used to battling.

Eventually, we finally manage to reach the northern gate of Castelia city.