
So I'm a traveler now?

Marvel x Harry Potter x Fairytail Well no one can say that Harri life wasn't interesting. I mean after all falling through the Veil, meeting death, different universe, stepping in when someone was suppose to die, and then being stuck in that universe cause death decided he wanted a vacation? So what does she do? Become an assassin and make more paperwork for him after all she didn't ask to be his Mistress.

Ashmulee_Mulee · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


In an abandoned courtyard that was nothing but ruins stood three men with cloaks and their wands pulled, pointed at the lone girl with waist length raven black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Harri Potter, your under arrest for helping the dark lord during his rein and sold out your friends for your own safety." The one in the middle spoke as he looked at the newfound Harri Potter.

Harri looks at them with disbelief and disappointment in her eyes as she spoke aloud. "Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger told you that didnt they?" As she shook her head mumbling to herself "I shouldve expected this..I shouldve listened to him about Dumbledore."

"Were not aloud to say. Now come with us peacefully or we'll resort to more forceful measures Potter." The same one spoke as he took another step forward and went into a defensive position as it waiting for an attack to occur at a moments notice.

Harri laughed loudly as she pulled out her own wand and spat in their direction "As if, not but a month ago you were yelling in joy at the defeat of Voldermort now your taking the word of two traitorous thieves and a bloody old coot who faked his own death." She laughs insanely now "Oh this is rich." But then she straightened herself as got into a defensive position "I will go down fighting" She said as she threw herself at the three men through spells left and right out of her wand.

The three men also started throwing spells at the former savior of the wizarding world.

Nearing the end of the fight Harri casted a high level stunning spell (Stupefy) combined with a shielding and body binding (Petrificus Totalus), stopping all forms of attacks those three men would throw at her.

Panting heavily she stood up with one hand resting on her knee as her emerald green eyes harden, Apperating herself in front of the veil that her godfather Siruis had fallen into not long ago and looked around before turning back towards the veils and as she was about to walk in she heard a thunder of footsteps and the dooring slamming open.

Standing in front of the said door was the one and only light lord Albus Dumbledore. With by his side her two ex-bestfriends Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley while also being paired with a number of Aurors.

Dumbledore spoke up as he eyed Harri "Harri, my child you need to come with u-" But Harri cut him off with a slight chuckle as she glared at him murderously "Its for the greater good huh Dumbledore? What a load of bullshit. Was it the greater good that you pushed Tom Riddle into becoming the dark lord? Was it for the greater good that you labeled all Slytherins dark? You let Siruis go to prison without a trial? "Tut tut. She clicks her tongue" And I can continue more if you want me to."

Dumbledore's eyes widens a fraction but soon slipped on his composer as he spoke mournfully "Look at how you've fallen" As inside he was cursing Harri hatefully, angry that shes trying to ruin his plans. 'All I need for her to do is agree, then kill her as she was trying to 'escape'' He thought to himself as he played along with his grandfatherly persona.

Harri laughs slightly hysterical as she held her arms out away from her and slowly leaned back, Mouthing the words "perdidi tamen quod nulla oblivione delebitur" as she fell into the veil causing confusion and unease among the faces of all those that were present as Hermiones seem to click as she had pure unadulterated horror on her face for what she had done as she turned on Dumbledore with her want pointed.