
So I'm a traveler now?

Marvel x Harry Potter x Fairytail Well no one can say that Harri life wasn't interesting. I mean after all falling through the Veil, meeting death, different universe, stepping in when someone was suppose to die, and then being stuck in that universe cause death decided he wanted a vacation? So what does she do? Become an assassin and make more paperwork for him after all she didn't ask to be his Mistress.

Ashmulee_Mulee · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1

"FIRE DRAGONS ROAR!" Screamed a salmon haired teen as he attacked a giant Demon named Lullaby. Whilst he was doing that two other people were also attacking the said Demon.


"Of course you guys had to destroy something" Muttered a dark haired mage as she held Master Makarov in her arms, as he was still in shock, and ran with the others not far behind.

The salmon haired man chuckled "Come on Hari admit it that was fun" Making a blonde girl behind him scoff as a shirtless teen ran beside him "Shut up Flame brain." Making said person turn around and snap back "Want some Ice Queen?!?!?" But before they could start arguing a red head smacked both of then in the back of the head "Shut it you two" with a glare pointed at both of them Causing them to gulp loudly and shiver in fear of the woman.

The dark haired woman carrying Makarov just sighed as she had resigned herself to this fate a long time ago when she first entered this world and joined Fairytail.


Harri closed her eyes as she floated around within the veil for what felt like hours before she felt magic cover her it was cold but strangely comforting it..felt like home to her.

As the magic fully covered her she opened her eyes to see a dark cloaked figure in front of her. "We meet again Mistress." It spoke in a gravely hollow voice. Causing Harri eyes to widen in shock as she stutters out "B-But how cna I still be?!? I left the stone in the forest, snapped the wand in half all I have is one of the hollows as it became an heirloom to be passed down my family line." When she finished she was meet with a dark chuckle "Mistress do you think that I death will let a master be chosen like that? No, yes your the first person to collect all hollows. But you only collected then to defeat Voldermort and you threw them away you didn't want them for power, fame, or fortune. All you wanted was to save your friends and family only to be met with a man you thought dead and be betrayed by the ones you loved."

Harri's eyes closed as she remembered their betrayal even though they were controlled didn't mean it didn't hurt and there were some that wasn't controlled.

She sighs "Why?"

"Because you accepted death, and you don't discriminate against any magic your open to all kinds. Just as when you found a dementor in the forbidden forest you didn't run you just spoke to it with kindness and forgave it. I watched you..as I've always did in your life. You were deemed to my Mistress, partner, companion for eternity."

Her eyes widen 'Enternity?'

Her heart started beating faster as she was shocked only for death to put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm my Mistress."

-----FB ENDED---

'I'm ok with spending eternity with him now but damn if he isn't a possessive asshole.' Hari thought as she chuckled silently causing Natsu and Grey to look at her weirdly as Erza turned towards her the best she can on one of the train seats with a brow raised. Shaking her head Hari says "Nothing just remembering some things."

Erza nods accepting the answer as did Lucy only leaving Natsu and Grey looking at her weirdly before shrugging and go back to taunting each other about one being motion sick and the other stripping.

'HELLO MISTRESS' A voice sounded in Hari's head as she looked out the window with a slight smile she answered back 'Hello my death.'

What can Hari say she's also equally possessive of her Death.