
So, I'm a Dragon, What of it?

It was just supposed to be a regular day in Highschool, but then he woke up in an egg all alone, desperate for anything to happen... Follow our protagonist as he finds out the truth about the world and the reason for his entire existence. No Harem, a Kumo Desu fanfiction.

Dr_Armstrong · アニメ·コミックス
57 Chs

25 - Insert Title Here

Chapter 25 - Insert Title Here

Written By Curiostyx

~〈The Wyrm〉~

'Woah, Larry! You're so huge! I don't think you can ride on me anymore...' In front of the Wyrm stood his Minion. No longer the meek little Minobster, Larry had evolved into a fierce Elroe Lobster.

"Grr..." The Lobster responded, towering over the Wyrm as a Pony-sized beast of a... Lobster.

Larry's larger-than-Wyrm size seemed to be a universal constant of a fact, unchanging and unbending... Just like the fundamental law of alchemy; the Law of Equivalent Exchange—

"Groar!!! (Rebellion!!!)" Oh no, Larry's entering his rebellious phase!!!

'No.' No need for Heretical Magic, the Wyrm's Intimidation Skill was enough to give Larry another level of Fear Resistance.

"Gr..." The Minion bowed down to his Master... It was just a joke, that was the excuse he was going with.

'Whatever, let's test our new bodies... Larry, grab my balls.' He ordered the Lobster as several balls of white manifested.

Larry did as was ordered whilst the Wyrm appraised his Skill Points and scrolled down the Skill Shop.

'Huh... Where is... Where is Perseverance?' The Virtue Skill which had previously cost only about 100 Points had been erased from the Shop, nowhere in sight...

'Pride too... Where did they go...?' Pride had also been erased...

'No way... Can only one person have one of these special Skills at a time? Hmm... Someone bought it before me...' This wasn't good, if he had known of this fact prior, he would have already bought those Skills without much hesitation.

Though in hindsight, such exclusivity should have been pretty obvious...

'And I only have 400 points remaining... Just one more level before I can buy Sloth.' Even if the Skill negatively impacted his mind, he couldn't care less at this point.

Greed compelled his mind to always be obsessed with certain goals, Sloth should do the exact opposite... So hopefully they counteract each other.

Even if they didn't, such a fact mattered little... Sanity was very overrated, in the Wyrm's opinion.

「The Skill ~Stupidity LV 1~ has been acquired.」

'What the hell, Voice-chan... This Skill actually does nothing!!!' It was more of a label than anything else.

"Doesn't have any effect before LV 10." was its description, very much like the Taboo Skill...

'Sigh... Ok, Larry, throw those balls at me... I wanna see if I can stop them.' Even if he failed, the balls would still do no damage against him... Such were the benefits of Dragon Scales.

"Gro... GRAAUH!!! (Ok... DODGE!!!)" It was finally time for Larry's vengeance as the mad Minion sent a barrage of light toward his Master.

The Wyrm then activated Expel and halted its effects halfway through, only focusing on the 'Control Object' aspect of this Skill...


The white balls impacted his form, instantly diminishing back to MP after making landfall.

'As expected... Even with all my mind-enhancing Skills, I can't do it on my first try... Goddamned Stupidity...' Almost as if the System itself was taunting him, the damnable Skill actually leveled up!!!



Yet Again.

He was met with failure after failure. Clearly, this method was rather ineffective...

"Grrr... (Master...)" Larry was getting quite bored of the monotonous errors... He wanted some action, some fighting to test out his newly acquired strength!

'Oh Dragon God, did you enter some kind of teen phase? First the rebellious angst and now this...' The Wyrm complained... Which he shouldn't have the right to considering he was also a teenager, mentally speaking.

"GROAR!!! (It's not a phase!!!)" The Minion shouted toward his Master, defiant anger in his tone.

'Sure, whatever... Hey, wait... Repeat your sentence.' The Wyrm asked his Minion.

"Gra... Groar? (What... It's not a phase?)" The Minobster couldn't figure out why the Wyrm had wanted him to do so.

'Huh... Your speech is more refined, did Evolution make you more eloquent?' It was certainly a possibility...

"Gra? Gro-Gra-Bar! (What? I've always spoken like this!)" The Lobster barked back at his Master.

'Really...? Hmm... If that's true, then perhaps it's because my Creature Taming Skill is of higher a level...' Perhaps the stronger the Skill, the stronger the connection... It seemed quite logical.

'Well, let's just chalk it up to the Author's whims and move on... ' The Wyrm felt a headache as he uttered those words.

'Alright, I really need to snatch Sloth before the thief steals it... Let's go kill your relatives, Larry.' He wanted to taste Lobster today.

"Gre... Gro! (My Kin... Okay!)" It seems Larry wasn't particularly attached to his brothers...

'You know where they live right? Lead the way, boss!' The Wyrm urged his Minion.


~〈One Of Larry's Kin〉~

"Grr..." The Lobster took a large bite out of the Gunerush corpse, its succulent meat was only beaten by the its more evolved counterpart, the Guneseven.

Drops of blood fell to the ground as continued feasting on the corpse, it was a lucky find... A dead Sea Horse with its womb torn open, a perfect dinner for the Lobster.

The corpse must be at least a weak old by now judging from its rotten scent, though the Lobster couldn't care less about such details...

"Gro~!" The Lobster looked up, finding another Lobster in front of him... This one was smaller, obviously a bit younger than him.

Perhaps a recently Evolved one... Though it held something strange in its hands, a... A ball of Light?


A surge of overwhelming pain hit the innocent Lobster like a bag of bricks crashing into a 4-year-old, the sudden impact left the Lobster feeling dazed, his world spinning like a Beyblade...

"Gra... (May you serve our Lord in his stomach...)" The other Lobster chanted before the innocent Lobster's field of vision was filled with one color; White.


The Ball smacked his face like a butcher slapping a fish as his fangs flew from his jaws, removed in a rather gruesome manner.

The Lobster couldn't have possibly died to such a meek attack, yet the sight of an honorable brother betraying his own kin was enough to momentarily stun even the likes of him...

Enough time for the Master's next move.


His back was torn open in an 'X' like pattern as a huger torrent of blood spurted out, dying the air with a crimson glow.

「The Skill ~Pain Resistance LV 1~ has been acquired.」

Unfortunately, the Lobster wouldn't be able to enjoy his newly acquired Skill... Not with his head flying through the air.


"YO! I won a Miming Competition!!!" -Remark

Rocks are the objectively best move in Rock Papers Scissors... That's why you should give me your stones, damn it!!!