
Snowfall adventures

The story is about a man being tasked by a god to form a peerage. He became a fate version of jon snow and was tasked with visiting worlds with a servant so as to complete the story and recruit one individual to join the peerage. The first world is Harry Potter Pls check out my patr eon. Smithsonian86_

Smithsonian86_ · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

First day

With a loud yawn Jon slips out of bed, his feet touch the icy floor yet he doesn't even flinch. Compared to life in winterfell and in the true north the floor may as well be hot coals for Jon.

He looked at the clock stashed away in the corner of the room, the time showed 5:30 so he nodded and began doing a quick workout. The saitama routine is a good start except he changed the running for jogging on the spot and added jumping jacks and a lengthy plank to his workout.

After that some stretches to get the blood flowing and make his muscles stretch followed by repeating in the bathroom. The tempered steam does wonders for the skin. After washing the sweat of him he returns to change and head down for breakfast only to meet hermione reviewing the content for the day in the common room.

"Good morning hermione, care to join me for breakfast" the bristly haired girl raised her head and replied "I'd love to Jon, I tried to wake Mordred but she wouldn't budge. Any tips"

Jon nodded "yes but none that you could follow, take me to your room" she blushed "but that's the girls dormitory. You can't be up there." He simply gave her a dry look. "Hermione I had two sisters, there's nothing up there that I haven't seen before".

"But what about those who sleep with a lesser amount of clothes on". "Nothing I haven't seen before" he chimes as he makes her lead him to the their room. Along the way they bump into the female prefect who was glaring at Jon. "What do you think your doing up here first year".

"I'm going to wake up Mordred, I know for a fact only one of the teachers would be able to wake her besides me". The girl seems to take offence "how so?" He just gestured to the room so the prefect allowed him entry while watching him like a hawk.

Mordred was spread out on the bed drooling with her hair undone, it had resembled a lions mane with how wild it looked undone. The prefect walked over and began shaking the blonde girl. When Mordred remained unresponsive she began calling out her name and even shouting but there was still no response.

She turned to Jon with wide eyes "is she cursed or something". He chuckled "nah just lazy, she needs to eat and sleep a lot. Nothing out of the ordinary where we're from. You mind if I wake her up now, you may wish to step back".

Hermione grew more worried and the prefect stepped back. Some other girls came to see what the ruckus is and couldn't help but gossip when they saw Jon. The boy himself just looked at the sleeping Morgan doppelgänger. The world seemed to dim for a moment and Jon's tone turned harsh as he said "get up now!" His killing intent poured onto Mordred causing her eyes to snap open as she sprung out of bed only to glare at jon.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT!!!!!" She screamed before throwing a pillow at him so hard it knocked him out of the room. He just released a sigh and stood up before dusting himself. Everyone else is shocked at how explosive she is. Jon just spoke through the door she slammed shut.

"Moe, we came to get you for breakfast. Get washed,dressed and fix your hair". "Don't tell me what to do!" She roared back yet complied with his order nonetheless.

Jon turned back to the prefect who was shaking with a mix of fear and rage. She was angry that she couldn't do what that first year did, she has no idea what that was but she knows it resembled some of the creatures presences that they learned about in the DADA class. She made the decision to go and inform the head of house about it.

Jon just returned to the common room only to find a gathering of boys. He looked at them and asked "what?" The boys all looked at each other before the weasely twins came forward. "Tell us" "how was the promised land". All the other boys from the upper years just nodded.

Rather than reply just just tilted his head and replied "bunch of virgins, go peak for yourselves. Gryffindor is for the brave and adventurous not the meek and cowardly". And with that he left as Mordred came dragging hermione with her. Some of the boys had a fire burning in their eyes at his comment so they bravely charged into the girls dorms.

Some of the girls awoke and began to change so when they saw boys entering they screamed and grabbed their wands. As Jon and the group left the room through the fat lady he distinctly heard someone scream "Bombarda!!" As a rumble echoed out and boys screamed in pain.

The group quickly reached the great hall and found fresh piles of food being constantly placed. Naturally Jon and Mordred began acting like any other Saber and eating nonstop. Jon wouldn't be the protagonist if he couldn't eat mountains of food in one sitting.

As the rooms were flooded with students most watched in awe and the duo stacked plate after plate. A house elf saw this and scrunched its brows before popping into the kitchen with a serious look on its face. The army of elves in the kitchen all turned to look at it. The elf squeaked out "we've been challenged, full power!!!" And like that the elves began cooking in overdrive.

The great halls tables began to overflow with food yet Jon and Mordred were still eating. The professors came in to have their breakfast and were astounded by all the students. The hufflepuff and Gryffindor students were all chanting for the duo to eat more. The raven claws were studying their biology as to how they can fit that much food In their bodies and the slytherin were betting on how much they could handle. Word then changed to who could eat more, Jon and Mordred heard the comment and looked at each other.

Maybe it's because Jon is in a younger body but his competitive nature seems to have engorged as of late. Mordred however merely recalled how several knights of the round table could eat and drink her under the table, she refused to let Jon do the same.

So the duo began eating much faster while sneering at the other. The professors even tried to take food from them only to be glared at like they were taking a steak from a starving dog. When dumbledore entered his glasses slid down slightly as he watched the scene. He clapped his hands causing all the food to vanish and ordered the elves to stop producing.

The students realised that breakfast had ended and they all stupidly pushed their food towards Jon and Mordred. Harry walked over to the betting table and claimed his money, he bet that the staff would end it before they found the answer. What? Orphans gotta eat!

The professors then shooed the students to their classes as they swept some food away to their offices. Jon looked at the schedule for a first year. They have eight classes in first year with having two a day while Friday would be the subject that their head of house taught and a study period.

The classes normally lasted two hours with a large break in between before the afternoon class. On Monday the Gryffindors had transfiguration and history of magic. Tuesday is charms and potions. Wednesday is herbology and astronomy at night. Thursday is DADA and flying with Friday being the subject that their houses head taught which for Gryffindor is transfiguration.

As they entered the classroom Jon and Mordred noticed the cat sitting and watching them intently. It stated deeply at Jon as it learned of his feat in the girls dormitory and couldn't help but feel the worst about him having a killing intent. The cat closed its eyes before looking at the clock counting the minutes. It noticed a few students with two major ones being late.

As Potter and Weasely entered the ginger thought it wise to try and pet the cat. Even Mordred knew better than to pet a random cat in a magical area. The cat transformed back into the head of their house startling most of those in the room. Minerva notes that Jon and Mordred showed little to no reaction over her transformation showing that they may have perhaps met an animorphagus before.

After berating the boys who were late she began her explanation into her subject to draw the students attention and hopefully earn their love for the subject.

"Attention everyone class will now begin, this subject is known as transfiguration! It is widely known for turning one thing into another which is only partially true.

The art of transfiguration is divided into four main areas of practice. The first is transformation which is changing one thing to another. The second is vanishment which is making objects vanish or simply transfigured them into non-being. The third is conjuration which is bringing things into being such as the elements (she then sparked some fire from her fingers earning the students sparkling gazes). The last is untransfiguration or better yet known as undoing your work.

Throughout the next five years or seven should you wish to pursue this path last the OWL level you will learn and be able to perform all four of these topics." After that she made sure that she had everyone's attention which she most certainly did.

After that she made us memorise the spells which we will be learning this year. Within her class we will discuss, practice, branch out and quite possibly improve upon those spells. They included; Avifors, fallomeles or badgering, mutobuprestis, acusignis, muresarca, Reparifarge, Cochleafors and restituo.

The first we practiced throughout the majority of the class was acusignis or turning matches to needles. This spell was created to train transfiguration or wood to metal and vice versa. McGonagall then displayed stronger versions of the spell such as making her desk into an iron throne. My spine tingled at the mention of it.

After that it was our turn, we managed to make the matches into needles rather easily after watching the professor show it and an advanced version. The thing that made it easier for me was imagining alchemy from FMAB with the transmutation marks help the change process. Surpassingly it did indeed work.

But everyone else was slow so I took some more matches and began making more needles, out of boredom I tried combining the needles with each other. For thirty minutes I began sculpting a little needle knight. After I was finished he stood tall with his sword pointing upwards.

I used the levitation charm covered in the charms book for first years to make it move, I made the joints moveable for this purpose. As I began to make the needle knight river dance like Arya Stark I turned to Mordred to see her progress. She seemed to have liked my ideas as on her desk was a needle hedgehog sculpture with its noise pointed upwards arrogantly. She focused on finer detail rather than making it moveable.

We were drawn away from our work by gasps as we looked at the professor. Her eyes were wide as she looked at our work causing curios gazes to be drawn to our table from the other students.

"My word Mr snow and Miss Pendragon, it's been quite some time since I've seen someone so talented in the art of transfiguration. Miss pendragon shows talent in Art to be able to produce something so finely detailed and Mr snow you show talent in Alchemy to be able to make a rudimentary golem. 40 points for Gryffindor!!"

This caused yells from everyone else in our house as we earned a major amount of points. Mordred looked smug so I took her down a peg. "Hey Moe you sure your not Red saber instead of the saber of red. I'm sure Nero would happily brag about you being her incarnation or comrade, you going to start a theatre yourself?". Mordred snapped a match in her hand at being compared to another blonde saber.

As she growled at me I grinned in glee, I then inspected the curriculum for the year so I know what to study up on. Hmm the four types of transfiguration, the five exceptions to Gamp's law, transformation theory, different spells such as smoke to dagger which would cover making a gas into a solid, whistle to watch which covers making complex constructs and then glass to sand to learn temperature processing.

I think I like transfiguration if this is only a fourth of what we learn of the subject. And this is only the first year meaning it can become much more advanced, I'm also going to try my hand at alchemy. Golemancy reminds me of puppeteers in naruto and learning about enchanting metals could help bolster my armour and weapons in the future.

Later we left for a lengthy lunch, using all that brain power made Mordred hungry so she began snacking on some sandwiches. She consumed so much meat from the sandwiches she may as well have ate the entire animal instead.

After eating and working abit on the homework assigned by McGonagall we went to the history of magic class taught by the ghost professor Binns. I've noticed many of the ghosts running around and it made me curious about ghoul studies which I can pick in second year. Learning about what you may have to kill has been drilled into me after all. Whether it was prey I was going to hunt or supernatural creatures I recorded my battles against I will never shake the habit.

Plus I remember watching supernatural in my first life, if you think I don't have salt lines on the windows and the door frame then your gravely mistaken. Long claw is made from valerian steel, steel is made from iron which means I can kill a ghost with it.

The history class was boring as we listened to the monotonous monologues of the spectre professor. I chose to simply read ahead on my own while Mordred chose to nap. She actually enjoys history considering she lived it in this world so she began learning about historical events as a pastime so she basically knows everything already.

Our learning speed really is monstrous compared to normal humans but that's just what's servants are, monsters. Let's see, the first topic is magical beginnings containing theories about the origin of magic and the founding of current wizard society. This leads to the statute of secrecy and how it's enforced worldwide. The muggleborn students should pay more attention to that incase they decide to marry people from their home towns.

The next few topics include the magical societies of other countries such as America with how they handled Native American sorcerers, Asia and its multiple different cultures including their sect based structure. All that cultivation knowledge I have may actually prove useful should I venture to the shanghai institution of magic.

After that was Africa and their six main tribes which include; Maasai, Himba, Zulu, bushman, Ndebele and the Samburu. There was also references to aboriginals in Australia with similar practices to them. Africans are apperantly amazing at herbology and potions as well as having numerous subjects related to the soul such as animorphugus rituals. I'll have to read some of those later.

Next is the other European countries and their ministries as well as their famous institutions like durmstag. There was also a little about Grindlewald here but it's obvious it's been taken out like much of the curriculum since dumbledore took over.

The final country was Australia and the rest of Oceania, they as mentioned have similar practices to Africa which the aboriginals specialise in but the rest tend to focus on Artificing, this is related to alchemy and engineering. They take muggle technology and merge it with wizard magic. Hmm during the Cold War they appropriated a submarine form the USSR and made that the crown jewel of the subject. Shame I won't get to see what they do with 21st century computers.

Finally there was the topic of magic mixed with religion. I just calmly closed the book as I don't want to think about how Jesus Christ was in fact a hamon user. I wonder if hamon is an actual thing in this world, I best research Japanese magic.

After the final bell sang I asked the gang if they wanted to check out the library. Ron and Harry declines as they went with the rest of the boys. Ron made a snide comment about hermione that irritated her but she ignored it and followed me. After asking directions from a senior hufflepuff we found the largest wizarding library in Britain.

I saw the infamous madam Pince with her impressive hat so I chose to go ask her if she knew where I could find books about certain topics.