
Snow Way


AndrehDukmak · ホラー
4 Chs

part (3)

Now we realize what life we ​​are living in. We started our morning. The next day Jack's mother was preparing breakfast and she said to Jack your father, tell me everything, do not worry, son. We will help you to overcome this crisis

Jack went to college to meet Rose, the first lecture began, and Jack was distracted because he was thinking of Rose, and the teacher told him: What's wrong with you, Jack, and he said to her: I'm a little confused: I'm sorry.

The teacher said to him: Go to the bathroom, wash your face, and wait for me outside. The lecture ended, the teacher came, took Jack to the office and began to ask questions.

Jack was disturbed by the teacher's questions, so he left the university to go home, and on his arrival home his mother suspected that her son was not in his normal condition.

Jack's mother called the university to ask about her son, Jack, and spoke to his teacher who asked him questions She said to her: Excuse me, my son, that he is in a sad situation these days

He is sad and confused because he went to see Rose, but she will not come and her place is empty.

Jack asked her classmates about her, and they said to him: "Something happened to Rose," but we don't know what it is

Time ended, and while he was leaving the lecture, a message came to Jack saying if you want to see Rose, come to the forest by yourself, without anyone.

Jack was afraid of this message. Jack spoke to his father and told him this letter. Jack's father said, should we tell the police or not?

So Jack said no, dad, if he told the police, they would harm her. Jack's father started the car and went to the woods, and when they got to the woods, they heard strange sounds but they could not be located while they were on the way towards the middle of the forest and they found Rose's shoes on the ground. Jack and his father followed footsteps. Which on earth.

But suddenly a man jumps behind them. He was on the tree. He tried to kill them. He followed them and they went quickly to the car, but what they saw was terrifying.

A man kills people and rapes women, but this man we do not know, but Jack and his father were surprised, among all the people who were in the jungle, did not see Rose and returned to the car, terrified, fleeing.