


4 Chs

Chapter First 1 Snow Land

The clear sky above, the moon shining below and me walking on it - part of this vast scene. I start repeating the sentiments of the verses in my mind.

The brilliant sun in a chariot with seven horses revolving around the earth and sky. May the glorious Sun always shine on the peaks of the Himalayas. Keep filling us with your energy. While walking on this mountainous land in the morning, I want to hum some words and lines of the sages in the original but I don't know anything by heart. I silently hum something of my own in my mind.

Three worlds: It is believed that the color of the world of the gods is white. The color of human life on earth is red. Below the land, the underwater underworld is blue. It is a strange place. This piece of India, Ladakh. There is bright sunshine and vast expanses of deserted areas at the bottom of the valley. Rocks of different colors. Beige, grey, coppery and even sandy. Ladakh is known by many names-Marayul, Red Earth, Mangyul. Home to many people, Khachhan-pa means the land of snow.

According to historians, the famous Chinese traveler has mentioned this region by this name. It is also called Kamandal of Buddha.

Another meaningful and beautiful name is Buddhadhan of Ladakh. I liked this name very much after seeing the Buddhist monastery and Gopas.

Khardoolong- Reached Dreamland for breakfast in the morning. I had just started eating when Sahib of the tourist department brought my permit for Khardulong. "Ma'am, the car is parked outside. How much time will you take to leave?" "Just ten minutes. Yes, how many people will we have in the Land Rover?"

"Three! - You, me and the driver."

"Have breakfast, we're waiting outside."

We finished breakfast and ordered three parathas and three omelettes for lunch. After filling the thermos with water, we left for Khardulong. As we moved out of the city, the mountain ranges became farther and farther away.

Reached Karakoram from Leh via Khardulong Glacier via Panamik.

May go.

Suddenly the Landrover stopped in front of a tent in the deserted wilderness of the mountain. The driver showed the permit, made an entry in the register and the car started moving up the hill in silence.

If only ! I would have had the duty of checking permits. I followed it diligently and also put my thoughts on paper and executed them properly. In this monologue, Tourist Sahib explains that this is the place where the film Haqeeqat was shot. I see the real military hero Balraj Sahni in uniform and remember Bhishma Sahni. It seemed that in this deserted place, the lion of reality was still roaring from behind a peak. The rover's wheels scale the climb and run along the black-brown rocks. My eyes started feeling drowsy due to the discomfort of seeing the wilderness. The throat started becoming dry. Took a couple of sips of water. That is all . Water is precious. A long shed with a tin roof after a long climb. There must be some government warehouse.

Many turns in the climb. Ranges of rocky bare mountains. Khardulang is the plateau behind Leh. Khardulaang which is also called Khardula. There is a snow covered glacier. As soon as we leave the backyard of Leh, the light colors of the mountains start becoming darker. The blues of the sky make the brown, gray and gray mountains glow in strange stoneness. At such a height, the rays shine in such a way that they absorb the water of the icy rivers and streams with their heat and the wetness of the water evaporates due to the speed of sunlight.

The car has started moving forward slowly on the climb. The car is almost on the side of the road. I hesitate to look down because if I fall from such a height, it will be a full stop. At the next turn, a cement door embedded in the sky was seen. Yes, now we are going up through this. That is the snow peak Khardulong. Snow mountain. There is no fresh snow on the mountain, there is a mountain of hard snow. Ice..ice..ice, this is called glacier. The sun is shining its whiteness. Helicopters are hovering above and Buddhist flags are fluttering on the wireless poles. I got out of the car and am walking on the snow. Walking on ice is slippery.

I have taken off my shoes. I am walking carefully while still wearing socks. Tourist Sahib says, let us show you a rock which is covered with snow. Below that is a rocky field. Here one or the other calendar of Gods and Goddesses hangs. By the way, even a car can fly away in the storm here, it is surprising how the calendars survive. pass through here

All the soldiers bow their heads before him.

When I reached there wearing socks, the rock was as cold as ice. In the shell of the rock, there are two calendars of Goddess Durga and Lakshmi, carved in the snow. Don't know how to survive in the strong winds of Khardulong. We said with astonishment, "They must have been blown away by the wind." "Yes, if this happens then our soldiers set a new calendar," said Tourist Sahib.

I first run on the ice and then sit somewhere for fear of slipping. Tourist Sahib says, "Ma'am, please sit in the car if you want."

"No, I have been able to reach here, it is valuable to me."

The flags and flags are fluttering in the shining sun. Asked the tourist Sahib, "What are these flags like?"

People coming and going here take some pride in their minds and hoist flags on the poles. I should have told you this too. Even if I don't hold anything in my mind, I still want to hoist the flag at this height. I'm having trouble thinking about it, so much so that I feel like I'll have to come back for it again.

All three of us opened the food packets. The Dreamland packet contains the same and the same contents as the Tourist Sahib and Driver Sahib packets. Three parathas and three omelettes each. All three of us laughed after seeing it.

This is called equality and this is called Ladakh.

The ensigns were visible again. I took off my shawl. I decided in my mind that I will leave here only after waving it. If this doesn't happen then I will have to come there once again. I offered the shawl forward, "Here, driver sahib, hoist it on the pole somehow."

Mam, the warm shawl is heavy, it will not last. Will fall down with the wind."

" "It doesn't matter, he will fall on this icy glacier. On the bright snow." Hearing this, both of them laughed. "If you do this then we will have to pick up the shawl."

Will I have to come here again?" I was serious about the ensign. I said lightly with the golden goatee.

She handed him the coverlet and, wearing a shawl, started waiting for him to reach the top like a flag. Driver Sahib jumped high and in no time my false flag started fluttering entangled in the wires.

I saluted Khardulaang with deep emotion. If possible I will come again. Otherwise, it is my good fortune to reach here on this icy glacier. The jeep kept going down the slope. Stopped there after seeing a small water source just on the left hand side after taking a turn. She sat on the frozen rock on its side. First So he filled a glass of that cold, icy water and splashed it on his face to his heart's content. Drank the water and then felt like putting her feet in it, but stopped herself. No foot in such cold water. I wish I could sit for a while longer!

Another thought occurred to me. It would have been written on the page and hung on the glacier, 'Himraj, why did you show so much frugality in providing water for your children living on earth nearest to you? You are the source of water.'...

Woke up suddenly in the night. It seemed as if someone had thrown a torch into the room. There was moonlight coming in through the window. So clean that different colors of the blanket covered above were visible. The sky surrounds the window and the face of the moon is bent on the glass.

Why am I leaving here today itself? If it was not necessary for me to reach Delhi, I would have seen Pagkog Lake later in the day.

She was about to turn when she got up and stood up. One can sleep even on the plane. Looked at the clock, 3:30. Wearing a shawl. Took the torch and closed the door of the room and went down the stairs. Started thinking while walking in the open. Deep transparent silence within itself as if it was shining in its darkness in the flame of the stars above. Separated from the world of my life down in Delhi, the moon, the stars, the earth and the road leading towards 'Busy Circuit House' were like a footpath connecting the earth with the sky. Why not go there also in Leh this early in the morning.

He extended his hand to open the gate. Looked at the watch. It would be better to wait for a while. I am walking on the road now. Looking at the rocky range that surrounds Leh. I am listening to the sound of my feet in silence. Deep down there is a feeling that whatever is happening in this Amrit Bela is for the first time and perhaps also the last.

I remembered two lines from Buddhist sermons, 'Whatever you see, see as if you are seeing it for the first time in your life. Then look as if you are looking for the last time in your life.

Same .

It seems as if I am seeing the dawn rising from Buddha's lotus for the first time - I am seeing it for the last time as well, just as our ancestors had seen the redness spreading from behind the Himalayas. There is nothing else on the site except rocks, high mountains and a climb towards the sky.

Author _ Kishan Lekhak

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