
42 Pieces of Zoe

The group stumbled through the portal, emerging into Earth as if falling out of a dream. 

The city greeted them with its familiar streets, a comforting sight after their victory at the ValueVault. 

Zoe let out a long breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. 

The tension of battle slowly unwound as she took in her surroundings.

They stood in the ValueMart parking lot. 

It looked almost reassuring in its mundane normalcy, a stark contrast to all the fantastical things they had faced.

She glanced at her teammates, and they exchanged looks, equal parts exhaustion and elation. 

The high from their victory was still buzzing through them, too strong to let them collapse just yet.

"Hey, guys," Zoe said, a sly grin spreading across her face. "Why don't you all come over to my place for a bit? Relax, eat some snacks... you know, non-lethal bonding time."

The others blinked at her invitation, a little taken aback.