

My name is Calypso, but my friends call me Cali for short. I've been on the run for 3 months from the Prince of the Bloody Waters kingdom. During those 3 months I have changed a lot. My fire red hair gained 2 streaks in it, one white the other black. My eyes became a darker shade of green and my once smooth fair skin is now tanned and callused. I am in one of the neighboring kingdoms. With a bounty on my head I need to lay low. I steal food to survive and hide in the forest that surrounds the towns and villages whenever there are guards near, or bounty hunters. The Prince and I first met in the royal stables as I was getting ready to ride into town. Every time after that he followed me when I went to ride into the town. To my horror he had wanted me to be his queen. He was a werewolf where as I am a werefox. It's a mix that should never happen, but occasionally does. You see werewolves hate us foxes. Especially ones that they want but can't have. And the Prince much to his dismay can't have me. My vixen Trix and I are a great team. I let her have control when I'm in tight spots and most other times I'm in control.

There aren't many werefoxes left anymore as we have been hunted as a prize for doing the kings deeds, making us rare and even more desirable as mates and slaves. My family is among those slaves. We weres reside happily in the human realm peacefully coexisting. Witches took over the old were-animal realm so we had to leave and make adjustments to the human world. Very few humans know about us. We keep pretty much to ourselves here each species has it's own town and kingdom, some however are combined such as the wolves and foxes. Well enough about that, and back to me. I'm 18, I shifted upon my 16th birthday. I was to find my destined mate who was made for me upon my 18th birthday. Instead I ended up being chased from the kingdom with an arrogant Prince wishing for my hand in marriage. I'm a green eyed fox. My mom once said I was one of a kind. Most foxes are either red and white or Blonde and white. Very few have more than 2 colors and almost all have blue or hazel eyes. I don't know why I'm different but I do know I don't want to be stuck with an arrogant Prince for the rest of my life. I also work in the stables a lot. I even sleep there on the straw with the horses and other stable hands. we are all between the ages of 10 and 25. The oldest in my best friend a blonde fox with hazel eyes. His name is Jayden, he's 24 which means he'll be leaving in 2 years. No one knows where they are sent, all we know is that soon after each one turns 25 they leave and are never seen again. Every time one pure blooded fox leaves a new 10 year old wolf/fox hybrid turns up. The newest one was a 10 year old girl with white blonde hair and ice blue eyes. She had fair skin and full lips. Now I don't know much about the hybrids, but I do know that they are the size of a female omega when they are in their second form. These foxes and hybrids are my family since I was taken away from my own. A plus side of being a fox is that I can adapt to just about anything. Most people that live in our town are either human or wolf. The humans they don't know we exsist. To them weres are just a legend from long ago.