
Sleeping With The CEO

Emily Molson, PA to Derek Haven, CEO of Haven Group has nightmares every night, that prevent her from getting a good night's rest. Derek Haven, on the other hand is lucky to get any sleep at all. The two of them work close together but have no idea that they have the same problem. Then one night they end up in bed together and a miracle happens.

cai_hong · 都市
361 Chs

The Voice

"If you are to look at the quarterly earnings for the year, compared with the earnings of the previous-" The head of finance was talking, but Derek barely heard him. He was zoning in and out his attention on the phone in his pocket. It felt as though if he ignored the device any longer it would burn a hole through his clothes and down to his skin in an effort to get him to listen. It was highly distracting but Derek only had himself to blame.