
Sleep Learning: Nap Even in the Great City

"Hue? Where?" (Harumi)

Harumi woke up under an unknown ceiling.

"Hue? Heeeeeeeh!? You fell asleep during the interrogation! It is already morning, you sleepyhead!" (Gin)

"Who?" (Harumi)

The young man wearing armor collapsed speechless, his metal armor banging noisily. *Gacha gacha*

"— tsu!? This cat-eared girl…you don't even remember what you did—-before sleeping?" (Gin)

"Hmm-? Un'!" (Harumi)

"Don't just nod energetically-! You caused me trouble-!" (Gin)

The name of the young man is Gin, a rookie adventurer. He worked as a guard on the north gate facing the Haunts of [Yaminodai Forest], which was originally a job for a more experienced person. Every month the Guild, the Knights, and the army would rotate, however, in an emergency they gathered to face the bahamut. Because the place couldn't be left empty, the rookie Gin was ordered to guard the gate.

This was the beginning of Gin's hardship.

When his shift was nearly done, a cat-girl with long black hair walked towards the gatekeeper with a dizzy gait. At this point, he was convinced that Harumi was a girl. Seeing how sleepy she looked, he immediately ran up to verify the girl's identity.

"Goodnight~" (Harumi)

Speaking such gibberish, she leaned against Gin and began to fall sleep, breathing deeply.

Somehow he brought her into the break room and set her on a chair. Though he asked the girl questions, it was rough going getting answers out of her due to her sleepiness. Since he couldn't verify the identity, then she must be interrogated. He only managed to get her to say that she would really love to sleep, and that she wanted to be an adventurer.

Gin decided to report this to the Guild, which his grandfather Mainz manages. Using a magical transmitter device, he reported to Mainz and then reluctantly sat on the sofa of the break room.

He had to handle everything here alone, because the Knights, adventurers, and soldiers were still summoned away. Underneath Gin's eyes he had accumulated more fatigue than from his sword training. Dozens of times he had patrolled for some distance from the gatehouse, until Harumi had appeared.

"Heh~ Thanks for your hard work~" (Harumi)

"Che- If you weren't a woman I would have hit you!" (Gin)

"Eh? But I'm a man?" (Harumi)

"What?" (Gin)

"Look!" said Harumi as he grabbed his pants to lower them. Gin, with a red face, managed to stop the whim of Harumi and lifted the pants desperately.

At that time, the door of the room was opened by a third party, an old man with gray hair. *Gacha* It was the Guildmaster Mainz. After seeing the current state of his grandson Gin and the cat-eared girl, he closed the door gently.

"Sorry for disturbing you." (Mainz)

"That's not it! Please come back Grandpa!" (Gin)

Harumi tilts his head at Gin's scream.

"Hm? What happened~?" (Harumi)

"It's all your fault-!" (Gin)


"Regrettable. I thought that spring had finally come to my grandson, but no. Truly a shame." (Mainz)

"Unfortunately nya-" (Harumi)

Harumi and Mainz had become good friends. Sitting on Mainz's knee, his tail was swinging with a *furi furi* as he was in a very pleasant mood. Mainz was just like his grandfather in his previous life. Just being close caused him to become drowsy.

On the other hand, Gin was completely haggard. It was even enough to say that he was past burnt out and had become white ash. He feared his grandfather's cunning would…let this event slip. Then there would be rumors throughout Hairun the next day. He wanted to prevent that.

In the past he had confessed to a young woman in town but was rejected, and in his suffering he had confided in Mainz. The next day it was widespread in third city Hairun that Gin had been dumped. He did not want to repeat that nightmare.

"Grandfather. Seriously, don't say anything! Not just for me, but also for Harumi's sake!" (Gin)

"Ya, I got it." (Mainz)

"ya-ay." (Gin)

Gin crumbles at Mainz's half-hearted reply and collapses.

While Gin is annoyed at the attitude of Mainz, Harumi repeated the last portion of the conversation and continued.

"I'z good. Besides becoming tomorrow's laughingstock Nya~…what is Harumi to do?" (Harumi)

"Would you like to become an adventurer? You'll be able to take care of trouble." (Mainz) (「冒険者になりたいんじゃろう? なら面倒をみるしかないの」)

"I want to become an adventurer- as well as travel to sleep in various beds~" (Harumi)

"What was the reason you said earlier…disregard life for sleep?" (Gin)

"A child who sleeps will grow well. (寝る子は育つというしの) Good, good." (Mainz)

"Ehehe~" (Harumi)

Mainz gently patted Harumi's head as he sat on his knee. The old man had a sweet spot for children. There was a time when Mainz had also spoiled Gin.

"It's good isn't it? Grandchild, you haven't formed a party yet, right? As rookies, why don't you and Harumi join up?" (Mainz)

"Haaaaaah!? To join up with a girl who can't fight –impossible!" (Gin)

"I'm a man though-" (Harumi)

"I would hate that option, grandfather. I will join the party of that [Cold Princess]. This is my only request to be accepted by grandfather!" (Gin)

"My grandson is dreaming too much. Even if that girl is recruiting party members there's no reason for her to choose a rookie." (Mainz)

"How'd I know if I never try!? In the guild I may be still be a rookie F rank, but even grandfather said my capability was A ranked! I defeated 20 Lizardmen by myself! How is that a dream-ne!?" (Gin)

"…how sweet. Your ability is certainly A rank. But will you be received by the S rank?" Mainz declared so with a serious face.

Even so, Gin did not give up. The break room became wrapped in an indescribably unpleasant atmosphere. However, the voice of the strongest 'Clueless One' tore through the air.

"With the grandfather and grandson arguing, I wonder~ what should I do~?" (Harumi)

During the fiery quarrel, Mainz and even Gin had completely forgotten about Harumi.

"So it is ja-. I'm sorry, I got too excited. Wahahaha!" (Mainz)

"I had forgotten about Harumi. Sorry. But what would you like?" (Gin)

"What?" Harumi tilts his head.

"The last thing you asked for before grandfather interrupted!" (Gin) (「爺ちゃんの語尾がうつってんだよ!」)

After that, the conversation advanced and Harumi was allowed to enter third city Hairun. He was given a guild ID card, under a condition regarding Gin…Mainz had decided that on impulse that taking care of Harumi was part of a guard's job. Mainz went back to the Guild, saying he had something to do.

Since it was nearing lunch time, they headed to take a meal near the Guild. In this strange world, with the scenery of a new town, for the first time Harumi felt a little excitement.

"Wow~ there are so many armor and weapon shops-" (Harumi)

"Well, it's because this country borders the Haunts? Crafters of weapons and armor for combat make up 90%, of the shops and…" (Gin)

"Is the remaining 10% brothels?" (Harumi)

"…how specific. After battling with monsters the spirit is fatigued so—w, what kind of thing'm I teaching to a girl!" (Gin)

"I've said that I'm a man~!" (Harumi)

Even now Gin still believed that Harumi was a girl. With a child-like face and long black hair, Harumi also has a voice higher pitched than usual. At a glance, his appearance was of a girl. A cute one at that. The lone men who devoted their life to battle watched the pair walking down the road with a painful gaze.

"I will go to the restaurant as soon as possible. I have a bad feeling." (Gin)

"What kind of store is it?" (Harumi)

"It's the restaurant that [Cold Princess] is lodging! If my luck is good I can meet her- maybe!" (Gin)

"Hmm, is it delicious?" (Harumi)

"You'll know once you've eaten-ne?" (Gin) (「喰ったことねーからしらねーよ?」)

"..." (Harumi)

Harumi glares at the thoughtful Gin.

"What is it?" (Gin)

"If it's not delicious, I'll get angry~!" (Harumi)

Harumi is wholly dedicated to sleep, and will not compromise. This is also one of Harumi's philosophies on sleep. Eating delicious food fills the stomach, but if you eat bad food then your sleep will be poor.

He lectured, puffing his cheeks like a squirrel.

"Well, should you get angry I'll get downright scared-!" (Gin)

At that time Gin was making fun of Harumi. Then a negative foreboding hit.

"Hoo- is seems downright afraid of us –ne?"

"Because it was the grandson of the Guildmaster, we have had to put up with him, but now my voice can have a thrashing tone! Goraa!"

"Dating a beast woman – Nice. Right, spoiled brat?"

Three rugged adventurers surrounded the two people.