
Slave To The Wolf King

Jesse is a normal girl from a fucked-up family. The only thing she wants is freedom. Casimir, the dark and ruthless Wolf King, reigns in the underground dens of the wolf world with the power to compel anyone to do anything he commands. But he needs a new mate because the last two killed themselves. After watching Casimir steal the minds and wills of the other women kidnapped as potential mates, Jesse knows he is even more powerful than the urban legends she's heard. Fearing that she might lose herself forever, Jesse offers to submit to Casimir's dominance, make herself his slave, and bear his heir. But in return, he must vow never to use that compulsion on her. Fascinated by her boldness and the surge in his power when she offers herself, Casimir accepts her as his mate. But Casimir isn't the only wolf who wants Jesse. While Jesse cannot deny the sizzling chemistry between herself and Casimir, the King is emotionless and sometimes cruel. She's often drawn to the tender safety offered by a much less powerful wolf. A male Casimir would kill if he knew how deeply they connected. Will Casimir break Jesse just as he broke two mates before her? Will he discover her potentially deadly connection with another male? Or, will the smart and resourceful Jesse betray him and flee with the other wolf? Has the Wolf King finally met his match? *** "The position of Queen requires three things," I snapped impatiently. "First, the ability to bear heirs. Second, submission to me as King and Mate. And third, acceptance that I will not offer love." I stopped for a moment, "My Queen will receive anything material she wishes. But she will submit to me, and I will not bow. She will share my bed, my power, and my wealth... She will not share my heart." I waited, but none of them spoke. Good. I turned back to my servant to order them moved to the next challenge when a quiet but strong voice rose behind me. "Are you violent?" I turned back to the fire-haired woman with a flat smile. "Show me a wolf who isn't. And I am the King of the others. What do you think?" Her throat bobbed. The tear in the neckline of her cotton shirt offered a fleeting glimpse of plump cleavage. My cock twitched. "I meant with your Queen… um, Sire," she said uncertainly. "You said you have to dominate, that she has to submit. What is she submitting to?" I smirked. "I don't make a habit of leaving bruises," I said, letting a dark promise seep into my tone. "But they've been known to happen." It was quite thrilling when she paled. I once again turned away, gesturing to my man to start moving them when her voice rose one more time. "I'll volunteer," she said. When I whirled, she licked her lips then stepped forward. "I will be your mate… if you'll have me." Hiding my shock, I offered my most predatory grin to the poor, naive idiot. "My mate, like everyone else in this kingdom, is my slave. Now... are you certain?"

Aimee Lynn Lane · 都市
365 Chs

CHAPTER 145 Evidence

  ~ JESSE ~

  I felt Cazz shudder and for a moment I thought it was just pure passion. But something in the bond went cold and my entire body tensed.

  'Cazz?' I asked through the bond as I reached back for him, putting my hands on his thighs and squeezing to try and get his attention. He was clinging to my stomach, his face buried in the back of my neck, but he wasn't moving. Wasn't even breathing.

  'Cazz? What's wrong?' When he didn't answer even in the bond, I grew truly worried and dug my nails into his thighs to try and snap him out of whatever trance he was in.

  His body was steel behind me, trembling.

  Then there was a strange sucking noise, and I realized he was struggling to breathe.

  "Cazz!" I leaned down, fighting against the way he gripped me around the stomach to reach my ankles and unbuckle those cuffs with trembling fingers. "Cazz, what's wrong? What happened?" I hushed as I got myself free, then started to stand up, to turn around- I needed to see him!