
Slave To The Alpha

Omega Asher's life hasn't been a bed of roses, a fate that he didn't decide to be born with but his Father makes it more difficult for him and after his mother died at the hands of his father he ran away from home, As fate will have it have its way, Asher will be saved by the Head Alpha, Governor Theodore, which didn't have interest for Asher at first, but Asher desperately volunteered to hand over his life for him, pretending to be who he is not, A Beta that he will never be. Governor Theodore saved him for an unknown reason meanwhile Asher felt a bond connection with Theodore and immediately he knew they were fated mates but his life turned out to be what he least expected.

LameRuler · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Family Crisis.


"You better get on your feet before l open the door," father's sonorous voice came at the other side of the door, l wasn't able to blink an eye last night especially because it was the last night of my heat cycle, l have been here for five days, how does he expect me to stand up? Did he forget that he tied me to these chains?

It has always been like this, right from the night l bloomed, that has to be the worst night of my life, an Omega Wolf is totally unfortunate to bloom into this breed, it is like an irrecoverable curse, its self doom, hell is what l feel on my skin, endless days of Father beating up mother like of pieces of trash, it is not her fault that she gave birth to an Omega, l didn't ask to be this way, Mother is a Delta and Father is a low-rank Alpha, yet l bloomed into this.

I'm always living according to rules, l don't have friends and it is not my problem, it just worries Father a little too much when he sets his eyes on me, he gets immediately irritated and takes it out on Mother, some days when l try to intervene l get beaten up too.

And mother would rather die than watch Father sell me out or go to report to the Governor's administration that he has an Omega son, that means l will be killed immediately, I'm not supposed to exist in this land.

My Mother has been working in the Pack's Public Hospital since when I was born, that is where she can get her hands on the Tsundra' a scent inducer, one that won't let anyone know that I'm an Omega, it is a green-like pill in an oblong shape, transparent like a sea, and has 1D8 imprint on them, l would take one pill a day and the effect lasts only for three days, no harm done to my body.

Mother does the right thing for me better still, only days like my heat cycles week cause havoc in my life like this, heat inhibitors are extremely expensive and are far-fetched, although they can sometimes be available at the black market, Father would kick against having to buy it, he would rather use the money for alcohol and his selfish interest having my mother to work overtime.

"Did your brain leave with your cycle? Didn't you hear what l said?"

"I'm sorry Father. " l apologised as l surged to sit up uncomfortably my lower body was banging like my bones were reconstructing, and my trouser were damped with loads of shams that l had cum all these days.

My eyes widened as my face tilted to the side, Father had slapped some senses back to me, my locked with his eyes as he wrapped his hard hands around my neck squeezing it hard that l could barely keep my eyes open.

"Are you done fooling around? You are a liability if only the Moon Goddess had blessed me with a rank like Beta, l would die a happy man, and your mother wouldn't have to suffer so much, Get up, take your bath and take your damn pill and go hunting like a man, act like a man, catch a deer for dinner, prepare it before your mother comes back, then deliver the chopped Woodstock for Elder Kenneth to burn it at night, it good for his cough just like your Mother said, now get on your feet," Father said as he unlocked the chains and l watched dingle to the ground.

 I groaned helplessly as Father kicked my ribs painfully, l curled to my stomach trying to contend with the pain, my legs are so weak and l have barely had what to eat all these days.

"Get up, Asher," Father growled harshly. I'm certain my mother had left for work or she would be running to my room at this moment to save me from this maniac called my Father.

I sat up sluggishly, daunting around, and immediately l placed my hands on the ground to make my way to my feet, Father yanked my hair forcefully making my knees slam hard to the ground and groans of pain escaped my throat. 

"Continue praying hard that I don't lose my patience or l will go and hand you over to the mercenaries for a good amount of money," Father mumbled as he pushed me to the ground aggressively as he walked out of my room.

I laid back on the ground rubbing on my wrist lightly, it looked awful and the irritation was quite deep on my skin causing it to itch for a certain period.

I went ahead and stood up, cleaned up my room and did the laundry ignoring Father to all his urgent messages, l took my time. If he comes back he is only to beat me, he won't kill me, especially if he knows that would make Mother hate him more.

 I strolled downstairs and he had soaked himself in a wholesome bottle of alcohol and snored to the hearing of the neighbourhood. I went ahead and picked the Packed bundles with both hands heading to the outskirts of the town and delivered them to one of the Elder.

The weather had gone gloomy and l could see the lightning emerging from the dark skies, it was a sign that it was going to rain and l needed to hurry back so l can as well go hunting before it totally dark,  scurried as fast as l could, although my body wasn't corporations with me, l felt like my legs were too heavy and unable to move, l used a lot of strength in making sure l push forward.

I don't intend my body to be weak like the myth says of every Omega, l need to act strong like a Beta and be manly as possible so nobody will ever suspect me to be weak and fragile.

The downpour had started heavily yet l didn't give up and still ran as fast as l could until got home, l held on to the doorknob tiredly, drenched and l could water drip from my hair to the ground at the time I heard a scream inside the house that I hurried in.

"Mother? " l howled as she fell to the ground as Father pushed her, l hurried to her side, heaving her to stay on my thigh at that time, Father threw a plate at me which smashed on my head scattering to the floor, l could feel the blood rushing out of my head like the flow of uncontrollable tears.