

Come on you stupid burglar bars break loose. It was now nearly five in the morning and this was the third window had I tried to break out of. I stood by the living room window and slowly tried to loosen the screws keeping the burglar bars and window frame together with a kitchen knife.

"I thought we both had a deal?” I heard a man's voice from behind me. When I turned around, I found that man that gave me food. I quickly tried to hide the knife but it fell and landed on the floor.

"I, I um" I tried to find possible explanations for the knife being in my possession but I could not find any.

"You what? Damn it, you cannot leave. You don't get it do you?” I asked her. It seemed as though Cindy had no idea the amount of trouble that she would get me into if ever she ran away.

"Why can't I leave?” She yelled at me. I knew she must have been frustrated but for the time being, she would have to remain here.

"Because I could get into trouble for having a slave in my house and that would not be good for my reputation” I explained to her, hoping that I could get through to her.

"I am not a slave and I am not your property! If the cops arrest you then that is just good for me!” Cindy yelled at me but that did not bother me, the one thing that did bother me was her willingness to send me to jail.

"Well that's cute because if I go to jail Missy guess what? You do not have any papers and you are an illegal immigrant. I do not know what you ran away from or whom you ran away from but I promise you that they are going to send you back to your damn country, faster than the damn Titanic sunk!” I threatened her, knowing quite well that the authorities would not find any faults on her part.

No I cannot go back home, then I would have to marry Nyemi and I do not want to marry him! The realization came flooding into my head, I sank down onto the floor and a tear ran down my face.

"Look Cindy, I am sorry for scolding at you, it's just that... please don't try to run away, if you do then we're both screwed" I told her, hoping that Cindy would agree. She looked up at me and she wiped the tear from her face.

"So get back to bed and sleep” I told her. Not long after that, the loud sounds of police sirens wailed outside my home, sending me into panic mode.

"Shit! Look Cindy, you made a promise remember? Go upstairs and hide in your room and do not make a sound okay... if you do, they'll take you back to wherever you came from” I warned her, hoping that the treat would keep her from coming down those steps. She nodded her head, ran up the stairs and shut the door behind her with a big bang.

Felix's POV

I heard knocking on my door and naturally, I just assumed that it was obviously the cops. I fixed my sleeping gown and tried to make myself look as though I had just come straight from bed. I walked up to my door and unlocked my door, two police officers stood at my doorstep.

"Good morning officers, is there anything the matter?" I asked both police officers, trying my best to keep calm and not look suspicious.

"Yes there is sir, we were called, because a few of your neighbors reported hearing screaming noises coming from your house" One of the police officers confirmed, this causing Felix to smile.

"Oh I'm so sorry my bad, I accidentally slept and left my TV on but I'm really sorry about that” I apologized, deep down I prayed that they had believed my story

"It's okay but can we please see your identification sir?” The much taller and scarier officer requested.

"Okay, come on in” I invited them and ushered them into my house. While they waited, I ran up my stairs, into my room to get my identification book.

Shit Felix calm down. Where is this card? I searched through my walled like a mad man. Finally, I found my card hiding under my pillow. I quickly ran back down stairs and handed the police officers my identification card as they examined it. The officer smiled back at me and handed my identification card back to me.

"Well thank you Mr. Felix Martini. Your neighbors are quit a handful” One of the officers commented.

"Yep they are. I'm pretty sure the person who called you is non-other than Mrs. Slowinski" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. That earned me a laugh from the cops. Soon as they walked out, I shut my door behind them I took a deep breath. Saved once again.

Felix my friend that was a close one. I thought to myself. I walked up to my room and switched off the lights not, bothering to check up on Cindy. I shut my eyes and prayed that this would all just be a dream.

I sat in my living area at eight in the morning, impatiently awaiting Kyle’s arrival. Kyle was thirty minutes late but I knew to expect that from him. Suddenly my front door flung open and in seconds, Kyle walked through my living room.

"Hey Felix my man, how are you doing?" Kyle greeted me as though he had not just turned my life upside down the previous day.

"Well Kyle my life was awesome up until yesterday, when you not only brought me a present but you brought me a human present” I told him sarcastically.

"Are you still mad? Okay anyways why did you call me to your house?" He asked me, totally disregarding my comment about the human present.

"Today my friend, you are going to babysit Cindy” I informed Kyle.

"Excuse me but did you buy yourself a dog?" Kyle asked, the question making Felix madder than he had ever thought he would be this morning.

"No Kyle, but you on the other hand brought me a fucking human being to pet and act as my dog! So take care of her, if she runs away, we are both in trouble. I'll be back at five in the afternoon to take my shift" I informed Kyle, who did not seem pleased with this arrangement. I stood up from my couch, grabbed my blazer and suit walked out of my house. I got into my car and drove myself to work. I did not bother calling to check up on Kyle, as far as I was concerned it was his problem to sort out. Whether he did it properly or not, their freedom depended on Cindy not leaving the house.