

Kai is a lot of things a brother though obviously not a very good one. A son though he'd rather not be. Manipulative he's very good at being manipulative and the thing is he never feels bad about it, he really doesn't think he has to feel bad. A psychopath ' a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies' he doesn't feel remorse ever, in fact quite the opposite, he feels proud of the deaths he causes. He's a sociopath 'Deflection, manipulation, and twisting words. The sociopath uses a number of tools to manipulate. If you spend too long around the sociopath, once Mr nice, and Mr Helpful, and Mr wonderful wears off, once he has his slippers firmly under your table, hand in the fridge, and the warm half of your bed, a totally different character begins to appear. To cope with this, you need mental agility,for the sociopath is the master game player ' he is a master manipulater, he tries to get close to you and when he does he uses you for his own gain. He's bipolar 'A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.The exact cause of bipolar disorder isn't known, but a combination of genetics, environment, and altered brain structure and chemistry may play a role.' He's a very dangerous person which is why he's being taken to where he is. The worst asylum out there. He belongs there.


The guards made it to where a chain leash thing Attached to his other chain so they don't get near his hands.

Right now they were pulling him along the hospital hallways. They were a little worried with having Kai at the hospital. They pulled him to a cafeteria and yanked pretty hard on the chains but he barely budged just kept walking at normal pace. He gracefully walked into the cafeteria. His eyes raked over the nurses. The slashers could tell he was looking for the weakest one, and he was he was looking for a way out and they were an option. He made a 'hmm' sound and walked further but stopped and turned to the guards and lifted his hands as to say 'untie me' to which they shook there head. He grumbled and walked to an empty table and sat down. Jerome being Jerome was curious and walked up and sat next to him. Kai didn't look at Jerome or even bother to speak. Jerome frowned.

"Hi I'm Jerome" He spoke

Kai turned to him "right manners, I'm Kai" He said dramatically motioning to himself. Kai leaned to Jerome's ear "are there any supernaturals here" He whispered. Jerome slightly shuddered

"Ah yes. Freddy and Pennywise Chucky sorta is. There are others" Jerome spoke. A smile lit up Kai's face

"Fantastic" He grinned. He glanced to the guards who were watching him like a hawk. He sarcastically waved... Well the best he could. The guards just rolled there eyes "why won't you untie me" Kai asked with a grin as he already knew the answer.

"Because that stupid syphon thing you do" A new guard said. Kai's smile dropped and his jaw clenched as his eyes darkened and narrowed.

"Stupid" He repeated slowly "hmm"

"Wait he's sorry" A nurse said

"Apology exepted" Kai said smile returning. Kai turned to Jerome and winked.

"Ok come on back to your cells" The guards called out. They all got up and walked out as the guards showed Kai to his cell which would happened to be by Freddy and Pennywise because he's stuck in the supernatural ward. Kai got into his cell and plopped onto his bed and drapped an arm over his forehead lazily.

"Psst" He heard a voice say but he ignored it

"Pssssst" He heard another voice say. He groaned and got up and went up to his door drapping his arms through the bars

"What" He asked to a clown and a burnt man in other words Pennywise and Freddy

"Why are you in the supernatural ward" Freddy asked

"Well if I touch someone who's supernatural I can take energy and cast any spell. I'm kind of like a witch but I can steal others magic. And use it" Kai shrugged

"Really" Pennywise asked interested

"Yes. Sadly it's quite difficult to move in all these chains" Kai said with a tiny bit of anger laced in his voice as he pulled at the chains that dug into his skin causeing them to go deeper and causing him to bleed but he didn't seem like he minded. Kai just seemed annoyed with the whole situation

"What's your story" Freddy asked

"I was born to the Gemini Witch coven, along with my twin sister Josette. The Gemini's can only survive with a leader, and they pick their leaders with a merge ritual; in which twins ritualistically fuse their magic, one of them dies (but their soul gets fused with the winner) and the other becomes more powerful in addition to being the leader. Because of my siphoning power, i had an advantage, so my parents kept having children until another set of twins named Luke and Liv were born.

Angry at being denied my destiny, I go on a murderous rampage killing my other siblings until it was down to him, Jo, Luke and Liv. When i corner Luke and Liv in their bedroom, Jo comes to their rescue, agreeing to do the merge ritual with me. This turns out to be a ruse to get the other Gemini's to trap me in a prison world. In said prison world, i lived the same day in 1994 in a desolated world.

Damon and Bonnie find themselves in my prison world, living in an alternate Mystic Falls, where i eventually meet up with them. Almost immediately showing my true colors, constantly fighting them and tormenting them until its revealed that they are each other's only hope of escape. With Bonnie's help, i make it clear I intend to resume my murder spree. Bonnie opens a gateway back to the real world, and pushes Damon through, leaving her and me behind.

Damon meets up with his friends, Elena, Stefan, Caroline, Tyler and Matt, enlisting their help to save Bonnie. When the gateway is opened again, i make my way through, leaving Bonnie behind. By coincidence, Damon's best friend Alaric, is dating Jo, and Liv has fallen for Tyler. i make my way to Luke and Liv's college where i try to kill Liv but is fought off by Tyler. i am also reunited with Damon and Elena, when they fight and me im knocked into Mystic Falls, which vampires are restricted from due to the Travelers spell. I taunt them by saying he will kill off the residents of Mystic Falls. After getting Jo, Luke and Liv together and attempts to force a merge ritual, but Damon and Alaric come to their rescue and I am knocked out in the fight. i am chained up just outside the anti magic border of Mystic Falls, but empower myself by siphoning the Travelers leftover magic.

Now that vampires can enter Mystic Falls again and im more powerful than ever, i kidnap Elena and tests my new power by torturing Elena. I explain i tried on humans, but i ended up killing them. Elena tries to get through to me, but I prove I have no limits, remorse or empathy. Damon and Jo come to Elena's rescue and they fight me, and i am knocked out and put into a medically induced coma. When the Parker family father, Joshua arrives in Mystic Falls to force Luke and Liv into the merge before it's too late. i awaken and attempts to force Jo into a merge, but Luke arrives exploiting a loophole, and merges with me himself. Luke dies and i come out victorious.

As a result of the merge, Luke's soul merges with mine, i begin to feel his brother emotions. i begin to feel the alien feeling of empathy and remorse. Damon and Elena use these to get me to help save Bonnie. Bonnie has ended up in another prison world, inhabited by the Salvatore's mother Lilly and the Heretics; vampire witch hybrids. Jo also discovers she is pregnant with Alaric's twins, and he asks Jo to marry him When Bonnie is saved, they travel back to that world to free Lilly, but a vengeful Bonnie leaves me behind.

In the prison world, i help them escape into the real world. Having gotten over my feelings of remorse, i seek out revenge. i attack Jo and Alaric's wedding, stabbing Jo in the stomach, killing her and her unborn babies. Joshua and Damon try to fight me, but i cause the windows of the church to implode and drop a chandelier. Elena is knocked unconscious and put into a magically induced coma. i kill myself to complete my transformation into a Hybrid by killing my father. Later i confront Tyler and Alaric, and Tyler being a werewolf, bites me. i also attempt to kill Bonnie and confronts Damon, revealing that Elena's coma is magically linked to Bonnie's life and that she can only be awaken by Bonnie's death. Damon seemingly leaves Bonnie to her fate, only to immediately return and decapitate me.

i later return to help Damon and Alaric about Arcadius. I tell them that he has been in Cade's dimension (unknown to them he made a alliance with Katherine which she manipulates Cade since the minute she entered in his dimension) and they is doesn't help them i will return there Alaric tries to kill me but he tells he can awake Elena and Damons stops him

Later i betray Damon and kills him by siphoning his magic to death.

i try to make a deal with Cade by giving him Elena which Cade accepts.

Later i am defeated while i try to kill Josie and Lizzie and put in 2018 Prison world.

Alaric later hides the Ascendant in his room which years later found by Josie and Lizzie Saltzman. As they accidentally release me later onon and I went on another murder spree and the dick heads that have this hospital injected me with a drug knocking me out" Kai finished like telling an awesome story. The two supernaturals were shocked by his story.

"That's quite the backstory" Freddy and Pennywise said. Kai smirked

"It's not nearly over yet"


I hope you like my first chapter <3