
Skyrimancy in Overlord

With only 10 hours to prepare for his journey to the New World of Overlord, Askuna faces an unusual challenge. He must create his Skyrim character and optimize his gameplay as much as possible within the limited timeframe. But there's more at stake than just his in-game success. Askuna harbours a fierce ambition: to take on Ainz Ooal Gown and crush them in battle. Is such a feat even possible? Only time will tell. Join Askuna on his quest as he navigates glitches, bugs, and gameplay mechanics to become the ultimate Skyrim player and take on the most powerful enemy in the New World. OC, Transported to Another World, Isekai ?

Xarnes · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Looming Shadows of Struggle for Power

Climb's initial airborne experience was far from enjoyable as Askuna's trick of spinning him through the air left him feeling unsteady. Without the need to manoeuvre through flight, he took the opportunity to observe their alleged captors.

Both were garbed in sick-looking black spiky full-body armour that gave them a devilish appearance. The armour had a reddish hue and was so similar in appearance that they could have been identical copies of each other. Despite the armour's sinister appearance, Climb couldn't help but notice how expertly crafted it was, with its sharp edges and gleaming surface.

But the kidnappers' appearance was not the only strange thing about them. Their abilities were equally mysterious. Climb focused his attention on Askuna, the leader of the duo, who exhibited sadistic tendencies that made Climb's skin crawl.

He still could remember when Gagaran came crushing at him and Renner, breaking their bones in the collision. Frankly, remembering it made him shudder inside.

Then, Climb shifted his attention to the second kidnapper. During the battle, J'zargo was further away from the others, but he was just as dangerous. Climb watched as J'zargo held off three members of the Adamantine team together without breaking a sweat.

Even Evil Eye, a powerful magic user of the fifth tier, was no match for him. From a distance, Climb could see J'zargo throwing fireballs left and right, cloaked in flames, and decimating his opponents.

Climb gulped, his heart pounding with fear as he thought about what awaited him and the princess. But he took solace in the fact that the princess was with him and that, despite their terrifying abilities and sinister appearance, the kidnappers seemed to have no intention of harming her.

As they flew through the air, Princess Renner couldn't help but let her mind wander, despite the gravity of their situation. Her innate curiosity was a part of who she was, and she simply couldn't resist asking questions.

"Tell me, Askuna, how did you acquire such a magnificent set of armour?" she asked, her voice light and curious.

Askuna regarded the little monster with a mocking tone. "Info gathering? So early. Oh, let me think," he seemed to ponder the mysteries of the world while the princess still gave him a 'golden' understanding smile, and then he decided. "Very well. I have crafted and enchanted it myself."

Not at all put-off, Renner tilted her head, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Is that so? I remember how you offered Climb new armour. I'm sure I can be even better protected if my knight has good protection." She turned to Climb and asked, "Isn't that right, Climb?"

Climb began to respond, "Yes, Princess, I'll make sure you're well--"

However, Askuna cut off Climb's response with a snort, clearly annoyed with his compliant attitude. "I never offered anything, and stop trying to manipulate me," he said brusquely. "But sure, if that will make you more cooperative."

Renner nodded thoughtfully, filing away the information for later. She turned to J'zargo. "And you, J'zargo. I couldn't help but notice the incredible power of your spells. Where did you learn such magic?"

J'zargo preened under her attention, undoubtedly wearing a smug grin under his helmet. "J'zargo is the greatest wizard of all Khajiit! J'zargo has studied magic for many years, and J'zargo's spells are the result of hard work and experimentation."

Renner raised an eyebrow. "I see. And what led you to kidnap me, if I may be so bold to ask?"

Askuna and J'zargo exchanged another glance before the former finally spoke up. "I could say something like 'let's just say that we have a job to do, and you, Princess, are an important part of it.' But honestly, I can't be bothered."

He paused to let his words sink in before continuing in a casual, matter-of-fact tone. "So basically, we need someone who's very smart and can think strategically to help us achieve our goal. J'zargo and I are better at destruction than planning, but we know the value of a good strategy. That's where you come in, Princess. Your genius mind is exactly what we need to ensure our success."

Renner raised an eyebrow, intrigued by their cryptic explanation. "And what is this goal you speak of?"

Askuna paused, seeming momentarily unsure of how to articulate their plan. After a beat, he spoke up starting slowly "As the first course of action, we're after a powerful artifact called the Downfall of Castle and Country. It's a World Item belonging to the Slane Theocracy, and we plan to take it from them."

Renner's eyes widened in surprise. "The Slane Theocracy? That's a dangerous mission. Do you have a plan?"

"We do," J'zargo spoke up confidently. "We have obtained valuable information about the Theocracy's future movements and their plans. With your help, Princess, we can create a flawless strategy to ensure our success."

Askuna interjected, "However, that's not all. After acquiring the World Item, we plan to subdue a powerful vampire named Shalltear Bloodfallen, who we know will be in the vicinity of the first group. It won't be easy, but we're confident that with your assistance, we can accomplish our goals."

The only response was Renner's cryptic, "Is that so?"

"Yes... there is more to the story. You could say that I have seen the future of this world and its coming events," started Askuna. However, noticing the doubtful expression on Renner's face, he interjected, dropping the bombshell. "That is because J'zargo and I are not from this world."

That was not an explanation that the Golden Princess had expected to hear, especially after the previously ridiculous statement. She narrowed her eyes trying to come up with a way of subterfuge, before abandoning this approach as it seemed that Askuna was just straight up answering her question.

'How novel of an experience,' she mused while smirking, clearly out of touch with the simplest approaches to gaining intelligence, due to years of navigating the deceitful court.

"So, what do these supposed future events tell you?" Renner decided to entertain the idea of seer abilities.

"Two days ago, there was a massive underground tomb transported somewhere in the Great Forest of Tob. It is called Nazarick, and its leader took the name Ainz after his former friends' guild's name, which was Ainz Ooal Gown in a faraway land," Askuna explained.

He continued, "Now, their future events will completely change the dynamics of the whole world, starting with the Kingdom, then the Empire, and so on, and on, until every nation falls to their might."

Hearing this Renner leaned forward with a frown. "So, let me get this straight. You and J'zargo are from another world, and you've somehow gained knowledge of the future events of this world, which will largely revolve around the actions of the mysterious Ainz Ooal Gown and the guardians of Nazarick."

Askuna nodded, "That's right. We have a prescient perspective on the future, and we plan to use that knowledge to our advantage."

Renner weighed his words carefully. "Honestly, it sounds absurd, but if it's true, it should be easily verifiable and there may be some merit to you kidnapping me." She paused, tapping her finger to her lips. It was an odd sight, considering they were mid-flight, but their speed wasn't too high, so they could converse without issue.

Then she nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And what about the guardians themselves? How do they operate, and what are their weaknesses?"

Askuna nodded. "Well, obviously, we wouldn't need you if we were assured of our victory. The problem is that everything in Nazarick is several times stronger than most things in this world, except maybe some of the strongest dragons."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "One major weakness we could expect from Nazarick's residents is that they are prideful and tend to underestimate others. However, after some successive victories or even after taking control of Shalltear, that could change significantly."

Continuing, he said, "Another weakness, or perhaps strength, is their leader. He's a very lucky fool, like me, you could say." Askuna paused as if mesmerized by the realization, but his mood quickly dampened as he added, "Or perhaps not. He has a certain skill set of social working that works quite well in surprising his guardians."

Next, he said, "He would do everything to protect his 'children', that is, everyone in Nazarick, even at the cost of his life. On the other hand, he would eradicate anyone who ever harmed his 'children', was disloyal or posed a threat to them. Basically, as an undead, if certain things threaten the things he cherishes, he goes to extremes."

She didn't show any outward signs of surprise or concern, but internally she was weighing the risks and rewards of getting involved with these outsiders.

Then, in a jovial tone, he said, "And that is our guarantee you will never defect from us, as he will do everything in his power to eradicate you, even chasing you to the end of the world for helping us, ignoring all voices of reason. He is a skeleton, and you are harming what is his."

After this revelation, Renner's face finally started to show signs of apprehension at the mention of the leader's extreme reactions. She was no stranger to ruthless leaders, but the idea of someone who would go to such lengths to protect their 'children' was concerning. She made a mental note to keep this in mind as they planned their strategy.

Upon saying so, Askuna looked at Renner and Climb to gauge their reactions. Renner furrowed her brow upon hearing about the leader's extreme protective measures, while Climb looked visibly panicked at the thought of facing such powerful opponents, he glanced back and forth between Renner and Askuna, unsure of how to address their concerns and provide reassurance to the princess.

"We don't know how we compare to the guardians, but we suspect that we are significantly weaker, especially if we don't take into account some of our more esoteric abilities and my powerful armour," clarified Askuna.

Askuna spoke with a hint of cheekiness, wiggling his finger. "Thankfully, we have a few advantages. Firstly, I'm immune to any abilities, magic, or otherwise. Secondly, as a master crafter, I can create the strongest armours and weapons in this world. And thirdly, the vampire we plan to control is one of the strongest guardians in the tomb."

He paused before adding, "Of course, we can't be sure how we compare to the guardians, but we believe that our unique abilities and resources give us a fighting chance."

Renner considered Askuna's words with a calculating expression on her face. "And what do you plan to do once you have taken control of Shalltear? Surely the guardians of Nazarick won't take kindly to their comrade being used against them."

Askuna leaned forward, his eyes glinting with ambition. "Our ultimate goal is to destroy Nazarick and claim its treasures for ourselves. With Shalltear under our control, we can begin to sow chaos and discord within the Tomb. It won't be easy, but this is where you come in."

Then he explained himself, "Sure, J'zargo and I can devise a simple plan like 'We intend to lure the guardians out of the Tomb and engage them in battle outside of its walls. With our combined strengths and abilities, we can take them down one by one,'" he mocked his own strategy with a high-pitched imitation.

Despite this, he continued, "But as you can see, that consecutive elimination of forces would lead to our enemies' counter-plans. Suffice to say, they have three geniuses at your calibre among their ranks."

"Understood," Renner said, her expression thoughtful, she paused for a moment before asking, "Do you have any information where the Slane Theocracy forces and Shalltear will be passing through?"

"Somewhere between E-Rantel and the capital, there is a bandit camp, and in its vicinity, there is a forest. It will happen in this forest; those two groups would have originally faced off there," replied Askuna.

Renner's sharp mind was already in motion, processing the limited information they had and formulating a plan of attack. As she considered their options, her expression became impassive, but her thoughts were racing.

"First, we need to locate that bandit camp," Renner said, her tone matter-of-fact. "From there, we can gather information on the surrounding area and ask the bandits if they've seen anything suspicious."

Climb looked surprised at Renner's sudden assertiveness. In his eyes, she had always been the demure princess who preferred to stay out of the spotlight. But now, as she took command of the situation, he could see a different side of her, a side that was cool and calculating, like a monster of logic in disguise.

Askuna, on the other hand, looked pleased that he wouldn't have to take the lead. He had always preferred to be the muscle, leaving the planning and strategizing to others... more qualified in his opinion.

Renner continued, "Elaborating, we could gather information from the local villages and towns, see if anyone has seen anything suspicious. And we'll need to be careful, make sure we don't draw too much attention to ourselves."

As they flew towards the forest, Renner started to slowly take control of the situation, directing their course and issuing orders with confidence. It was clear that she had a plan, and everyone was expected to follow her lead.

Climb couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Renner's newfound leadership. He had always looked up to her, but now he felt like he was seeing her in a whole new light.

The group approached the town, and as they flew lower, they could see the buildings stretching out below them like a sprawling patchwork quilt. The narrow streets were teeming with people, and the sounds of vendors hawking their wares filled the air.

Renner realized that they had neglected to pack suitable clothing for Climb, so she instructed Askuna to retrieve some of the gold that she had packed earlier and gave it to Climb to purchase new clothes. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Askuna also asked Climb to buy some clothes for him and J'zargo.

She directed J'zargo to land in a secluded spot on the outskirts of the town with Climb, where they could find a clothing store for him to purchase the appropriate attire. Climb went inside the store while J'zargo waited outside, concealed in the shadows of an alleyway.

Renner and Askuna, meanwhile, flew in a lazy circle above the town, observing the activity below. The outskirts were a mix of farmland and small cottages with thatched roofs, while the centre of the town boasted more sizable stone buildings with chimneys billowing smoke. It was mid-afternoon, and the air was filled with the sounds of cows mooing and chickens clucking, punctuated by the occasional shout or laugh from the townsfolk.

As they circled above, they spotted a tavern situated on the edge of town, its sign swinging lazily in the breeze. Renner directed Askuna towards it, noting that it looked like the perfect spot for Climb to gather information. They flew closer, keeping a safe distance so as not to draw too much attention to themselves, and watched as patrons milled about outside, drinking and laughing.

Once the group was reunited, Renner landed the group a short distance away from the tavern, allowing Climb to emerge without arousing suspicion. She leaned in close and gave him a detailed rundown of what he needed to do, outlining several plans of action and contingency plans in case things didn't go as planned.

She gave him thorough instructions on what to do and what to avoid, outlining several plans of action that made Climb's head spin with all the details. But as always, she ended her speech by telling him she believed in him, her words melting his heart and giving him the courage to complete the mission.

He took a deep breath and entered the tavern, his new clothes feeling strange against his skin. The noise of the patrons grew louder as he stepped inside, the smell of ale and sweat filling his nostrils. But he was determined to do his part and gather the information they needed to complete their mission.

As Climb set out on his reconnaissance, J'zargo watched from the shadows, his mind preoccupied with his own thoughts. He couldn't help but feel a sense of discontent with his own abilities as a mage. Seeing Askuna become so powerful in such a short amount of time, it was hard not to feel a twinge of jealousy.

He remembered the days when they both joined the college of Winterhold. At first, he had joined Askuna out of curiosity, hoping to learn more about magic. But then, he watched as Askuna quickly distinguished himself by solving the Saarthal mystery, crafting godly armour, and even transporting them to a new world.

J'zargo couldn't help but feel left behind, especially after witnessing the ease with which Askuna handed over the Oghma Infinium, a powerful tome containing infinite knowledge of magic as if it was a mere trinket.

It was mind-blowing to think that Askuna had not just one, but several copies of the invaluable book, further emphasizing the vast difference in their wealth of magical resources.

At first, J'zargo believed that being with the Dragonborn would allow him to gain more knowledge and abilities. But as he watched Askuna's progress skyrocket in just a few days, he couldn't help but feel more inadequate than ever. He even attributed his own progress to Askuna's guidance, not his own strength, which made him feel even worse.

The jealousy that J'zargo felt for his friend's talent and success was a constant source of conflict within him. Despite Askuna's good intentions, J'zargo couldn't shake the feeling of being left behind. He knew that he should be grateful for Askuna's generosity, but he couldn't help but feel like he was owed something more.

'But what if J'zargo can't catch up?' J'zargo thought to himself. 'What if J'zargo is never as good as he is?'

The burden of his own inadequacy weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to match his friend's incredible magical abilities and resources.

'No,' J'zargo corrected himself. 'J'zargo doesn't just want to be on the same level as Askuna. J'zargo wants to surpass him.'

As J'zargo watched Climb move through the town on his mission, J'zargo's thoughts turned to the possibility of betraying Askuna. The jealousy he felt towards his friend's talent and success was a constant source of conflict within him, but he knew he couldn't let those emotions get the best of him.

J'zargo remembered how he had previously been handed the Oghma Infinium as a reference when studying Telekinesis. He had been curious about the alteration spell that Askuna had used, Detect Life, and Detect Death. In the book, he had learned that it marked allies and enemies differently.

Therefore, he couldn't allow himself to harbour traitorous thoughts against Askuna, because it is possible for this spell to detect it. No, he would have to bide his time and search for opportunities. Perhaps the princess could help him with that.

Still, he couldn't shake off the worry that came with the new knowledge he had just learned. Whether by boasting or stating the truth, Askuna had confirmed that he was immune to all forms of magic, abilities, and poisons. How could J'zargo, as a mage, ever stand up against him?

Even his only advantage, the stealth ring that could hide him from Askuna's senses, had been given to him by Askuna. It made him feel inferior that he couldn't even formulate a hypothetical plan to betray Askuna, as his friend was just too powerful.

He still contemplated whether to share with Askuna that, in the kitchen, when he had wanted to store some sweet rolls, he tried to activate his inventory space and was surprised to find that it actually worked.

Meanwhile, it seemed that Climb needed some help with illusion magic to extract information, so J'zargo gave him a helping hand.

Both groups, Renner and Askuna, as well as Climb and J'zargho, worked separately to gather information. After several hours of frivolously using their magic to coax the targets into revealing their secrets, they had accumulated plenty of clues.

Renner quickly sifted through the vast amount of information gathered from hunters, adventurers, and traders and determined possible locations that matched Askuna's earlier descriptions.

The next few days were all about preparations. As time passed, they knew they had to be even more cautious to avoid being discovered by the forces of Nazarick as its influence would spread, and they didn't want to risk being discovered.

Despite this, Askuna refused to give Renner and Climb their own stealth rings, fearing that they could simply run off before the confrontation and that Renner could somehow defect to the enemy's side. After their plan caused significant damage to Nazarick, Askuna believed it would be impossible for Renner to do so.

It wasn't hard for Askuna to find a forge, where he could work. Similar to the use of an enchanter and an alchemical lab, he had an intuitive knowledge of how to forge things and upgrade them.

As before, Askuna had the perfect ability to forge whatever he had previously learned, but he was unable to experiment with new techniques or materials. Nevertheless, he was able to upgrade any armour and weapon he came into contact with, as long as he had the necessary components, which were often just a single ingot of some metal that he instinctively knew would work.

In this fashion, he upgraded his gear to Legacy and Top class armaments, which, according to the Merchant, were stronger than Deadric craft. However, there were not enough materials for a second suit of armour for J'zargo, so he planned to give the leftovers from his previous one to Climb.

Another problem plagued him: he did not have enough souls in the Black Star for further enchanting. Even if he did not plan to give Renner and Climb stealth rings, he was not against providing them with a few items that would bolster their resistances.

That is why he had previously planned to visit the prison to do, you know what, with soul steal. But before tackling this problem with the help of the ever-helpful Renner, he decided to summon his favourite merchant from another plane.

"Ah, Mortal..." the Dremora Merchant began in his characteristic way of addressing mortals, his tone exuding a sense of superiority. "It seems there have been some... complications, if I can say," he continued, his voice trailing off in a way that suggested he was not amused.

"What kind of complications?" Askuna asked, not missing the hint of irritation in the dremora's tone.

"The armour you sold me has been confiscated by my superiors," the Dremora replied, his expression darkening. "And now they are interested in meeting with you directly."

"Who are these superiors?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"They are Dremora Lords, powerful beings with connections to some of the most influential factions in my realm," the Dremora Merchant replied, his tone dripping with disdain for mortals. "And they are not known for being forgiving when it comes to matters like this."

"What do you suggest we do?" he asked, hoping the Dremora had the plan to deal with the situation.

The Dremora Merchant paused for a moment, his eyes flickering with a hint of uncertainty. "I suggest you meet with them, Mortal," he finally replied, his tone cautious. "It is better to face them directly than to have them come looking for you."

The merchant was banished, so he had to resummon him again. Curious about the motives of the higher-ups, he inquired, "Do you know why they are interested in this meeting?"

"Mortal, I have previously concealed certain information from you," the Dremora Merchant replied, his voice low and cautious. "What you have claimed to have created were not Divine Items, as I have told you, but something much more powerful. Artefacts."

The Dremora Merchant continued, "There are many crafters across the realms who can imbue strong materials with unfathomable enchantments, but doing so for a mere daedric armour? That is the domain of Gods. This is why you have drawn their ire."

Askuna felt a wave of panic wash over him as he tried to process the implications of what the dremora had just said. It seemed that his supposedly free ability to acquire Skyrim items had backfired on him.

'Though, I wonder how my spell absorption would work against Gods,' mused Askuna, suddenly feeling a premonition that his curiosity might be leading him down a dangerous path.

Nevertheless, Askuna decided to be bold. "And what could those gods do against me? How would they even find me?" he asked, trying to wrap his head around the gravity of his situation.

The Dremora Merchant looked at Askuna with a mix of contempt and pity. "You are a mere mortal. The Gods are far beyond your understanding and they can do whatever they please. They can see into the depths of your soul and pluck you out of existence if they so choose. As for finding you, well, they have their ways."

Askuna didn't give a shit about the supposed fear of gods. As a vampire, it was fifty-fifty that he had no soul to lose anyway, but it could be useful to know more.

"Have you ever met these Gods you preach of?" he asked, wanting to know more about his current situation.

The Dremora Merchant simply replied, "I pity you, Mortal. You know not what you go against. Your fate is in their hands, whether you like it or not."

"Maybe, but can they come here and face me?" Askuna pressed, his tone defiant. "Can they whisk me away to their realm? What can they do to threaten me?"

The Dremora Merchant shook his head. "No, they cannot come here. But they can send their champions to force you to comply with their whims. And believe me, their champions are not to be trifled with."

Askuna laughed aloud and said, "I knew it, they have no real power there. They always need someone to do their bidding. You know what? Let me worry about that when it comes." He then composed himself and asked, his voice firm, "Are you going to cease being my supplier?"

The Dremora Merchant sighed and shook his head. "Your days are numbered, Mortal. But there is always time to strike a bargain."

Askuna thought for a moment before posing a question to the Dremora Merchant. "Do you sell souls, perchance?"

The Dremora Merchant's eyes widened at the question, and then he let out a devilish grin. "No, but I'm buying them," he replied, his tone laced with amusement.

"A shame," said Askuna with a shrug. "Provide me with some good armour and more ingots, and I'll make them into artefacts, same as before. Even better, considering the increase in quality."

"Is that so?" replied the Dremora Merchant, his interest now piqued by the armour that Askuna was wearing, the very same one that he had sold him. His keen eyes could see how it now emanated powerful magic not present before. "Yes, I can see that you are a fast crafter, magnificent Mortal. Your soul will be priceless, indeed."

The Dremora Merchant's words sent a shiver down Askuna's spine, but he pushed his fear aside. If he was going to face the gods and their champions, he needed every advantage he could get. And if that meant striking a deal with the devil, then so be it.

Their negotiations proceeded smoothly, but both Askuna and the Dremora Merchant had little to offer at this very moment. Askuna had not prepared anything for sale, and the merchant had not yet restocked any items of sufficient quality.

Later that day, Askuna met up with Renner to visit one of the potential locations for reconnaissance at the outermost point closest to E-Rantel and, by extension, Nazarick. Meanwhile, J'zargo and Climb would be going to a relatively safer location.

Climb received upgraded Armour consisting of pieces Askuna didn't think too op, that is just resistances, or like bow shooting proficiency. As Climb departed carried by J'zargo, he couldn't help but look with worry at his princess for leaving her side. Nevertheless, Askuna turned to said princess and lifted her up with a similar spell.

As they flew through the air, Askuna decided to strike up a conversation. He didn't want to discuss this matter near Climb, but Renner seemed to sense what was coming. "So, what's the problem?" she asked coolly.

Askuna didn't hold anything back. "To enchant items, I need souls. Preferably human souls. I'm running low on stock, and I was thinking about hitting up some prisons or dungeons. What do you think?"

Renner tilted her head and replied without showing any emotion. "No. That could be dangerous. We don't want to cause any more disruptions to the flow of events, well, more so than what you already did in the capital. For our safety, let's hope that information travels slowly."

"Then what's the solution?" asked Askuna, clearly interested in what a strategic genius like Renner might have in mind.

Renner shook her head slightly, her expression was pensive. "I don't think there's a perfect solution that's both safe and efficient, at least not one that can provide us with a sufficient number of souls all at once,"

Then she added, "However, we could potentially gather souls from a few individuals here and there, without raising too much suspicion. Adventurers are often targeted by powerful monsters and can lose their lives outside the safety of the cities, and news of their deaths or disappearances can take a while to reach the general population."

Askuna listened intently, considering the options. "That could work," he said thoughtfully. "We could also try to locate individuals who are more vulnerable, such as refugees or fugitives."

Renner thought for a moment and then disagreed, "You may think so, but there are criminal organizations who would begin to question where their main clientele has gone, which could potentially cause news to travel to the bandit camp. We need to find a way to gather souls that won't attract unwanted attention."

Askuna nodded, realizing the potential danger in targeting specific vulnerable groups. "I see your point."

The journey took approximately three hours, and as they reached their destination, it was already late in the afternoon. Renner kept a watchful eye on the terrain below, her gaze sharp and her mind working like a well-oiled machine as she evaluated the possibilities and calculated the risks.

"Based on the topography, I believe we should approach from the west," Renner said, pointing towards a heavily forested area. "It will provide us with enough cover, and we can avoid being seen by any potential lookouts.".

Askuna nodded in agreement, impressed by Renner's tactical acumen. He focused his attention on the hill ahead, using his Detect Life spell to get a better sense of what they were up against.

As they flew up to the hill, they could see masked sentries positioned around the perimeter of the bandit camp. Askuna, with his 20/20 hawk-like eyesight, had a perfect look at the numbers and positions of the sentries.

They seem to be pretty organized," he said, "But nothing out of the ordinary."

Renner nodded in agreement, then pointed to some unremarkable locations on the hilltop. "See those spots there? They could be backup entrances, and that's where Shalltear might come out. Can you see if there are any people there?"

"Yes, I see some people hiding inside the hill," Askuna gestured towards one of the locations Renner had pointed out.

As they continued their reconnaissance, they analyzed the terrain and predicted where the Slane Theocracy's forces might come from and where Shalltear could potentially chase Brain.

Renner's keen eyes and logical mind were a formidable asset as she dissected the location and the surrounding forest, categorizing the different paths and potential ambush points. She shared her thoughts with Askuna, meticulously planning their approach and considering every possible scenario.

In truth, most of Renner's tactical explanations went in one ear and out the other for Askuna. Nonetheless, he appreciated her sharp mind and ability to evaluate the situation.

As Renner shared her thoughts, she quickly realized that Askuna was struggling to follow along. With a sigh, she simplified her explanations and dropped some of the more intricate details.

Once their reconnaissance was finished, Renner led the way back to their meeting point with J'zargo and Climb. Upon their arrival, she began to share what they had seen, including the location of the bandit camp and potential routes for the Slane Theocracy's forces and Shalltear.

As it seemed, the second group had not found anything significant. Upon returning, everyone except Askuna settled in for the night at their rented accommodations, which was quite easy to get with the use of some gold.

As Askuna sat on the rooftop of a small church under the starry night sky, he spotted a soul that was up to no good. He couldn't help but think it would be a pity to waste such a chance.