
Skyrimancy in Overlord

With only 10 hours to prepare for his journey to the New World of Overlord, Askuna faces an unusual challenge. He must create his Skyrim character and optimize his gameplay as much as possible within the limited timeframe. But there's more at stake than just his in-game success. Askuna harbours a fierce ambition: to take on Ainz Ooal Gown and crush them in battle. Is such a feat even possible? Only time will tell. Join Askuna on his quest as he navigates glitches, bugs, and gameplay mechanics to become the ultimate Skyrim player and take on the most powerful enemy in the New World. OC, Transported to Another World, Isekai ?

Xarnes · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - 10 hour preparations

As Askuna sipped his hot, fragrant coffee and delved deeper into his academic papers, a sudden bright light blinded him. When his vision cleared, he realized that the cup of coffee he had been holding was gone. Disoriented, he wondered, "Where did my coffee go?"

But his confusion about the missing cup was quickly replaced by apprehension as he looked around and saw that his comfortable leather chair had transformed into a hard, lukewarm white floor. It stretched out in every direction, as far as his eye could see.

'What the hell is happening?' he thought, his heart racing with fear and confusion. He slowly raised his head and saw a gaming chair pushed into a desk with three monitors and a running computer.

Askuna reached for his coffee mug, only to realize that it was nowhere to be found. He felt a chill run down his spine as he tried to make any sense of his surroundings.

Nevertheless, as he stood up and stretched his legs, Askuna's eyes roamed over the desk in front of him for any potential clues. Immediately, his attention was drawn to a clock that sat next to a monitor, with a piece of paper attached to it.

Curious, he cautiously approached the clock, eyeing its display as it went from 10:00 to 9:59. Next to it, he noticed a piece of paper strapped to the desk, so he leaned in to get a better view of the small font written on it.

"Warning: You have 10 hours, choose it wisely." he read aloud the uppermost message And the only intelligent thought in his mind left was 'huh'. Then, after looking again at the supposedly time-measuring clock and confirming it still staying at fifty-nine, he refocused on the paper and read what lay below.

Skyrim -> Overlord Rules

Restrictions on Modding and File Modification

You must not mod Skyrim or use console commands, change the version of Skyrim, or modify files in any way not specified below. Additionally, the installed version of the game is a vanilla Anniversary Edition.

Permissible Actions in the Game

Every offline action in the game outside of console commands is permissible.

Character Transfer to Overlord

After ten hours expect to be transferred as a created game character, with everything and everyone in the ten-meter radius from the said character.

Destination and Timeline

The destination is the New World of Overlord, located 250 km from Nazarick, and the timeline is the exact time of the arrival of said faction.

Conversions of Skyrim Items, Skills, and Abilities

Any Skyrim items in the 10-meter radius of the character or inside their inventory will be converted to Overlord items. Any skills or abilities will also be similarly converted.

Conversions are performed as follows:

Any object or ability with in-game lore converts to the one with lore-based described abilities while maintaining a neutral setting disconnected from the Elder Scrolls franchise.

Any in-game attributes and modifiers convert using mostly logarithmic functions.

All progress of skills will be reflected in Overlord's special jobs known as Skyrim Warrior, Skyrim Thief, and Skyrim Mage, each having max 5 levels based on skill progression, and giving the skills and in-game abilities appropriately reflected when they arrive in the New World.

The converted character may receive any further classes and jobs based on their racial progressions or in-game achievements or lore.

Use of Internet Browser

You may use an internet browser for information collecting; however, any communication with the outside world is prohibited.

Responsibility for Game-Related Issues

Expect to be held responsible for any crashes or issues with the game, including save file corruption or other unfortunate circumstances. If there is a situation where the character is not created or the game isn't running during the final time, then expect to be sent directly.

After reading the rules, Askuna's thoughts went something like this: "So basically, I'll get isekai'd as a Skyrim character. Point two seems to imply that glitches are allowed, and I can search the internet."

Noting the time on the clock, which read 9:52, Askuna continued to consider his options. "Theoretically, glitches in Skyrim are OP. The strongest one would be the fortify restoration loop."

However, as he read through the rules more carefully, he realized there were some limitations. "But depending on the base of logarithm and constant, the exponential values may mean little," he reasoned. "Yet even then, some health and magicka regeneration items with millions of per cent modifiers may translate quite well."

Askuna's mind was now racing with ideas. He recalled special items that could be useful in the game. "On the other hand, the lore-based abilities may justify collecting staff of Magnus, Skeletal Key, etc."

But time was of the essence. He had to search the internet for those quests and then try to speed-run them for a reward.

As Askuna considered his options, he pondered the benefits of levelling up his skills. "Getting shouts would be a priority, especially if there's a Dragonborn racial class," he thought. "And maybe I could even gain levels in werewolf or vampire...but wait, wasn't there a glitch to be both at the same time?"

A smirk crept across his face as he remembered a guide he had read on Reddit, detailing how to achieve this powerful combination. A quick search on Reddit led him to a well-written guide on how to achieve this, and he exclaimed, "Oh, it even guides on when to choose perks for necro mage, and that it is affected by fortify restoration..."

Askuna's mind raced as he pondered the potential of the fortify restoration glitch. A sly grin crossed his face as he realized, "Fortify restoration also affects one of the perks that gives spell absorption... this could be huge."

Little did he know, however, that his oh-so-great certainty about the glitch's effects on spell absorption would come back to bite him in the ass.

For those in the know, spell absorption was one of the most broken mechanics in the game. With a 100% modifier, the player wouldn't be susceptible to any abilities or magic, and would even siphon mana from their enemies. 'One could even create a circle of protection and gain mana from their own spell at an insane rate,' he mused.

In Overlord, if the conversion worked properly, it could potentially render Askuna invulnerable to all supernatural attacks, that is leaving him susceptible only to raw physical damage.

It was a necessary sacrifice, as using the fortify restoration glitch to achieve maximum spell absorption would render him unable to use conjuration magic, but it was a risk he was willing to take... no the risk he must take.

Furthermore, upon checking Moronga's abilities, Askuna discovered that he possessed a skill that allowed him to control lower-level undead and even had access to some instant death skills. Askuna knew that he would need to be immune to these abilities if he hoped to stand a chance against Moronga.

As he weighed his odds against Ainz Ooal Gown, Askuna pondered his options carefully. He was not one to seek out death, but neither was he content with a life of subservience. If there was a high chance of victory, he would take the risk. After all, the possibility of being free from Ainz's control was too tempting to ignore.

First and foremost, Askuna had to consider Nazarick's xenophobia, as it would put him at a disadvantage, just for not being one of them. Plus they have some quite incredulous minds, which means he could be removed once not needed, or maybe in some pathetic jealousy?

'Probably not, as Momonga's word would be upheld if he was accepted, but then playing internal politics with guardians, swearing loyalty and kneeling all the time... seems annoying. '- mused Askuna

'Also, there seems to be plenty of opportunities when knowing the future and enemies, for example, one can snatch Downfall of Castle and Country and try to brainwash Shaltear at the same time.' - Askuna mused for a second.

There were also other options, like recruiting a mind as brilliant as Renner, robbing the treasury of Slane Theocracy and possible World Items, dragons in the Dwarf Mountains, etc.

Yet, despite having only a half-baked plan ready, Askuna's attention was drawn to the clock as it struck 9:37. Realizing he had been lost in thought for too long, he hurried to start a new game.

As Askuna endured the tedious Helgen introduction, he used the time to research the different races in Overlord. Disappointingly, none seemed to offer a clear advantage. In the end, he settled on the High Elf, despite their unappealing appearance. Their highborn bonus could potentially translate to a useful class, or at the very least, no significant weakness.

He also couldn't help but note their long lifespan, should he ever decide against becoming a vampire.

As he customized his High Elf character, Askuna couldn't help but cringe at the hideous appearance he had created. "Well, it happens," he shrugged before deciding to name the character Askuna, like himself.

Although there were ways to speedrun the unbound quest and level up enchanting quickly, Askuna wasn't proficient in those methods and didn't see the point in trying to learn them now.

As expected, the tutorial went smoothly, and despite never having played at such a low level before, he shamelessly selected the novice difficulty level. As far as he could tell, there was no apparent reason to limit himself, but he couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake.

Honestly, in a cheat run, the difficulty level was inconsequential, as within it a legendary difficulty posed no challenges, bare for a higher chance of death before the fortify restoration loop. With this in mind, he reaffirmed his choice to select novice difficulty.

As he raced through the caverns of Helgen, Askuna couldn't help but feel bored with the process. He avoided all confrontations, and focused solely on reaching Helgen and then White Run as quickly as possible.

Upon reaching the stones before Helgen, he chose the thief stone to level alchemy faster, before running right through Helgen and heading to Whiterun.

Along the way, he was attacked by wolves, but on such a low difficulty level, they posed no real threat. As he encountered a giant, he decided to take the opportunity to kill it and collect its toe, a useful ingredient, indeed.

Askuna didn't waste any time once he entered Whiterun's hold. He immediately headed to the potion shop. He had a trick up his sleeve, a known glitch that allowed him to enter a shopkeeper's inventory and drain their inventory and money in seconds.

With a few quick mouse movements, he selected one of his items and moved his mouse sideways and up, then clicked the sell button. Wuolah! He is now selling the shopkeeper their merchandise, from which he swiftly took everything.

As he browsed through his new spoils, he discovered that he took some wheat and realized that for the next glitch, he needed a follower. He had forgotten about that, but no worry. With a quick fast travel to Riverwood, combined with delivering letter, boom, ten seconds, Faendal is a companion.

After quickly teleporting back, Askuna dropped the toe and wheat and asked Faendal to pick them up before leaving. He re-entered the hold just a moment later, finding the items both in Faendal's inventory and duplicated on the ground.

He repeated this process until he had accumulated 100 of each ingredient. Then, he ran to the potion shop and crafted a potion of health using the duplicated items.

Although he had to repeat the duplication process a few times, it only took a few minutes to achieve the 100th level in alchemy. With the grind completed, he abused another glitch, selling the shopkeeper's items and resetting their inventory with a punch. Satisfied with his earnings, he headed to the carriage outside Whiterun and travelled to Solitude.

It was 9:05 on the clock, and Askuna knew he needed to act fast. He sprinted all the way to the cloth store and hastily bought all the unique enchantments available.

Using the previously described method, Askuna managed to obtain the enchantments he needed the most - water walking, poison resistance, water breathing, and disease resistance. He wanted to collect them all, as he knew they could be hard to come by later on when he levelled up his character past level 20.

In Whiterun's reach, he skipped through the dialogue with the Jarl and Farengar and quickly bought all the unique items and spell tomes from the wizard. With a quick reset of the merchant's inventory, he was able to buy more.

After that, he replicated the duplication glitch on daggers and grand soul gems by the doors. It took him some time, but he managed to collect around three hundred of each item. However, the weight of the items overloaded him, forcing him to crawl to the enchanter.

The grinding was monotonous and took Askuna around thirty minutes to enchant all the items. Once he finished, he levelled up the rest of his levels by disenchanting the items he had previously bought.

After completing this task, he sold all the daggers and checked the time. It was already 8:20 on the clock. Realizing that he wouldn't be able to get everything he wanted, he knew compromises would have to be made.

Nonetheless, while going through his inventory, Askuna discovered he had bought some Cyrodilic Spadetail earlier. He went to the door and duplicated it with salt piles, collecting forty of each. With the perks in alchemy, he enchanted fortify alchemy on his bracers.

After doing so, he started the fortify restoration glitch, which in essence is creating fortify restoration potion from the salt pile and the fish mentioned previously, then drinking it and re-equipping enchanted bracers, which due to the glitch increases the efficiency of the enchantment.

What else? Well, rinse and repeat.

After a couple of redoes, he had around a hundred thousands modifier, from the use of which he created several fortify restoration potions in reserve. That was enough proverbial boosting as of now because he didn't want to crash the game or go into negative values, by mistake.

To avoid the need to craft enchanting potions later, Askuna duplicated the ingredients and created fifty of them. He then applied the fortify alchemy enchantment to his bracers using one of the potions. This boosted the modifier of his potions to millions per cent.

Impressed with his results, Askuna decided to master his alchemy skill by resetting his level using the skill prompt. Surprisingly, he only needed to craft one potion to level up to a hundred instantly. With his alchemy skill mastered, he moved on to the next step of his plan.

Satisfied with his accomplishments, he repeated the process ten times over. But he knew he could still gain more benefits from it. He had previously enchanted his gloves with a second enchantment, fortify smithing, which he could now use to advance his smithing level.

Similar, to the previous advancements in alchemy he went to the smithy in the White run, while noting the time to be 7:50.

Therefore, without further delay, Askuna quickly purchased a couple of iron ingots and leather strips from the blacksmith in Whiterun. While it used to be popular to endlessly craft iron daggers to level up smithing in the early days of Skyrim, more efficient methods, such as crafting rings, are now preferred in unglitched runs.

However, in this unhinged run where all moves are allowed, Askuna used half of his iron ingots to craft daggers. He then proceeded to the grindstone to upgrade one of his daggers to deal millions of damage. In a split second, a notification popped up, indicating that his smithing level has been maxed out.

"Good," evaluated Askuna as he reviewed his progress. "If the conversion won't be too bad, I'll at least have godly items."

To maximize his progress, he also sold the dagger to the nearby blacksmith, which earned him a level 100 in speech.

As it turned out, this was quite an improvement in his speedrun, as he was able to allocate some of his newly unblocked perks, such as the "carrying capacity" perk. Of course, he did this after drinking a fortify restoration potion, which gave him the nearly unlimited inventory capacity he had been hoping for.

With all the necessary skills maxed out, it was time to finally reap the true benefits of all the meticulously executed steps. Askuna's goal was to create and enchant the best armour possible, and he had his heart set on Daedric armour, even if it didn't provide any statistically significant advantages, as 80% was the maximum physical damage reduction.

To get started, he made his way to the coachman and asked to be taken to Winterhold. After completing the frankly effortless college introductory test, he visited the illusion elf who sold him a Daedric heart. He then used the duplication glitch to create dozens of copies of it, as well as ebony ingots.

Creating all the pieces of Daedric armour, rings, and necklaces took a significant amount of time. Askuna had to enchant each piece with double attributes while under the time pressure of the fortify enchanting potion's duration. He had to keep track of which enchantments he already had to avoid duplicating them.

It's worth mentioning that there is a glitch that allows players to wear multiple rings and necklaces, and even more ridiculously, multiple pieces of armour. However, Askuna didn't want to risk wearing multiple pieces of armour during transmogrification. He was concerned that they might fuse with his flesh or explode, which could potentially kill him.

Having ten rings and a couple of necklaces seemed reasonable, so with the maximum stealth boost provided by one of his new rings, Askuna went to the annoying Talos priest and took his Talos necklace, which he thereafter duplicated five times for a total of 100% shout cooldown reduction when all of them were worn together.

With his godly protection crafted, Askuna ventured to Saarthal to steamroll through its quest and gain the "Liz" ice form shout. He then quickly did experiments for J'zargo, which allowed him to take the companion on. J'zargo was a special case, as he had no level limit cap, so he would level up right alongside a Dragonborn.

Since it was nearby and somewhat important on his list, Askuna wanted to grab Azura's black star, which would act as an infinite soul gem collector, proving useful in the world of Overlord. The quest itself was quick and easy, which translated to perfect in his local dictionary.

As time was running out and it was already 7:15, Askuna checked his mental list of available trainers and realized that most of them were in Riften. He knew he needed to level up several skills before the clock ran out, so he quickly made his way to Riften.

Once there, he joined the Thieves Guild by steamrolling through Brynjolf's missions and the Ratway, securing his membership. He then headed to the nearby beehives, set them on fire, accomplished what was needed, and quickly escaped, taking out any guards in his way and teleporting to safety.

Once the necessary mission was completed, Askuna gained entry into the Red Flagon, where he found the Pickpocket Guy. He bought the trainer's services repeatedly, stole the money back, and used potions to power-level his pickpocketing skill to level 90.

Next, he quickly went to Vex to level up his lockpicking skill to 90, followed by training with the Archery guy to reach level 90 in that skill as well. After that, he trained with a light armour skill trainer to reach level 75, before heading to Delvin to level up his sneak skill to 90.

In order to level up all of his skills with the currently available trainers, Askuna went to Farkas and trained his heavy armour skill up to level 90. He also learned the 90th level of two-handed weaponry from Vilkas.

Joining the Companions proved to be an easy task, and Askuna quickly completed some basic missions while dashing through dungeons with infinite stamina and avoiding most enemies. He also retrieved the stone from Bleak Falls Barrow and delivered it to the Jarl. Afterwards, using his bow, he swiftly took down the dragon with a single shot.

With the clock showing 5:40, Askuna grew anxious as he still had many things he wanted to accomplish. He hurried to the orphanage in Riften and initiated the Dark Brotherhood quest before getting some sleep... in the orphanage.

For all those in the known, he quite expectedly awakened in the middle of nowhere having been kidnapped by Astrid. Anyway, as expected, he passed Astrid's test and joined the Dark Brotherhood, where he trained his light armour skill to level 90.

To finish his skill training chore, he searched on the web for the locations of the last skills he needed to level up quickly. He then promptly visited the orc stronghold near Markarth to train his one-handed skill to level 90 and another stronghold to train his block skill.

This concluded the training of mostly warrior skills. Initially, Askuna wanted to grind and level up those skills to the maximum, but seeing that it was already 5:00, he decided to put it off for a second and instead focus on his magical skills. Fortunately, two of them were relatively easy to level up.

Thanks to the anniversary edition, there is a location near the College called Hob's Fall Cave where he went to learn about the unbound storm spell. He was able to quickly level up his destruction skill to level 100 by using a glitch that involves activating the spell and then fast travelling to another location.

In a similar vein, since Askuna had already completed the Saarthal quest at the college, he was able to purchase the telekinesis spell from Tolfdir, which also boosted him to level 100 instantly. Now, it was time to level up his skills in conjuration, restoration, and illusion with the help of trainers.

Grinding conjuration and illusion to level 100 was a simple, albeit repetitive, matter. For restoration, he went to High Hrothgar's courtyard where he created a circle of healing with J'zargo in the midst of a storm.

When the game was running, Askuna searched for skill books online, but he couldn't find many that he could obtain quickly, and he couldn't remember their exact locations, so he didn't bother with them.

With a little over four hours left, he quickly went to search for the fort in Dawnstar, where he started the quest to free Serana. He steamrolled through the quest, escorted her to the remote boat, went to the accursed castle, and became a Vampire Lord.

Afterwards, Askuna went to the Companions and completed the quest that gave him the 'yol' fire shout and allowed him to become a werewolf. During the initiation into the inner circle by performing a ritual, he attempted the vampire-werewolf hybrid glitch.

It took him a couple of tries to get it right because, despite knowing about the vampire-werewolf hybrid glitch, it was still difficult for Askuna to pull it off. He had to press the button to transform into a Vampire Lord immediately after drinking blood to effectively receive the powers of both a vampire and a werewolf.

After transforming into a vampire lord, Askuna spent some time taking perks for Atronach. Unfortunately, he realized that the fortify destruction was the only way to boost Atronach, not the fortify restoration as he had previously thought.

However, the recovery perk worked as expected, allowing him to boost his magicka regeneration to millions per second, effectively giving him unlimited magicka.

In addition, he took the Necromage perk, which provided a significant 25% boost to all of his abilities. All in all a significant increase not to be scoffed at.

As he approached the four-hour mark, Askuna knew he needed to make the most of his remaining time. He decided to focus on collecting some necessary items and completing a few more quests.

However, becoming a hybrid had its consequences. To deal with his werewolf curse, he had to complete the "Met by Moonlight" quest as quickly as possible.

The quest involved meeting Sinding, becoming even more cursed, and then hunting before finally receiving the uncursed Hircine Ring, which blocked his curse. It was a time-consuming task, but necessary as he didn't want to be forced to transform into a werewolf.

With only three and a half hours left, Askuna knew he needed to be efficient with his time. He decided to start by focusing on the Thieves Guild questline, beginning with the standard Mercer Frey stuff.

Suddenly, a realization dawned on him: "Oh no, I messed up. Due to a bug with maxed-out spell absorption, I can't create any more conjuration spells. That means I won't be able to master all magic."

The collector's gremlin in him was deeply displeased, the more rational part of his mind reasoned, "But in any case, I couldn't use those spells since all summoning spells are off-limits to me."

Despite this, he had so much left to accomplish and so little time left. He still needed to obtain the Skeleton Key, access the black market merchant's summoning ability from the Black Book, acquire the Oghma Infinium, and learn more shouts...

But then it hit him: "What about the Staff of Magnus? The Labyrinth requires a conjuration spell, which I can't use now..."

Not acquiring the Staff of Magnus, a potentially world-level item, would be a complete disaster. The lore surrounding such an item could have been immense. However, it did ease his time constraints a bit. He needed to obtain a few more shouts.

Before going to Blackreach Dwemer's ruin, Askuna went north of Winterhold to start the Oghma Infinium quest and the main story quest, as well as all the Ascension mages' quests except for conjuration.

Failing to acquire the Staff of Magnus was a tremendous disappointment for Askuna. The staff was a world-level item with immense potential, and its lore power had been highly regarded by Askuna.

However, there was a silver lining to this setback. By not acquiring the staff, Askuna was able to save precious time and focus on other tasks, such as acquiring essential shouts and completing other important quests.

With determination and a heavy heart, Askuna set out to continue his grind. Before venturing to the Blackreach Dwemer's ruin, he first headed north of Winterhold to begin the Oghma Infinium quest, the main story quests, and all of the ascension mages' quests, except for conjuration.

Entering Blackreach and completing Thieves Guild quests proved to be a complete time sink for Askuna. Despite steamrolling through some parts, there were many others where he lost precious minutes backtracking and performing miscellaneous tasks to progress. Nevertheless, he finally reached the Lexicon, Scroll, and ultimately obtained the Skeleton Key from Mercer.

With time slowly ticking to one and a half hours left, Askuna decided against becoming a Nightingale to avoid losing the key. The mastery quests for restoration, illusion, and alteration were fast and easy, but they still took up valuable time. With only barely one hour and ten minutes left, Askuna left destruction for later and quickly made his way to Solstheim.

As quickly as he could, sparing virtually no time for anything else, Askuna ran to Benkongerike Great Hall to read a particular Black Book that granted him the highly sought-after dremora merchant power. This power could be used even without the ability to use conjuration spells.

The merchant powers were crucial, as they allowed Askuna to potentially bring Skyrim materials into the New World of Overlord. However, navigating the Apocrypha took some of his precious minutes.

Due to his incomplete progress in the Dawnguard questline, Serana was not particularly fond of him. Therefore, he decided not to bring her to the New World of Overlord.

Although Askuna knew he needed more shouts, he was aware that searching for particular word walls would take too much time. With less than an hour left, he had to be content with what he already had.

As he searched through his collected shouts, Askuna was disappointed to find that he only had one word for "Feim" (to make himself ethereal), one for "Yol" (for fire), "Liz" (for ice form), "Krii" (for marked for death), and only one full shout for "Fus Ro Dah." The situation was daunting, to say the least.

Adding to his growing list of failures, Askuna suddenly remembered that he did not have time to collect the powerful sword Dawnbreaker, which could have been immensely useful in his fight against Nazarick.

On the other hand, the idea of making J'zargo wear the Dress Robe of Downfall of Castle and Country was amusing. With less than an hour left, Askuna decided to purchase a house and duplicate the Oghma Infinium by filling a bookshelf with other books and placing the Oghma Infinium as the first item, then spamming the "take" button as the other books were being added.

Sadly, the long-standing bug that allowed one to use the book repeatedly did not work, but at least he would have physical copies of it when he moved to Overlord.

Askuna still needed to gain several levels in blocking, so he duplicated his armour and rings and equipped J'zargo with them, not daring to pick them up himself for fear of potentially bugging the game.

Askuna then proceeded to tank hits from the giants for the next ten minutes, wearing heavy armour and blocking it with his shield.

The only skills Askuna had yet to master were lockpicking, archery, light armour, one-handed weapons, and two-handed weapons. He was particularly keen on reaching level 100 in one-handed to unlock the bonus that added a 25% chance of paralyzing enemies with each strike.

To level up quickly, Askuna took a random Daedric sword and spent the next ten minutes slashing at giants while healing the damage dealt. With that done, he headed to the smithy in Whiterun to power-level several hundred more levels, hoping to unlock almost all perks, except for four where he didn't reach the maximum level.

As for J'zargo, Askuna wasn't sure whether to have him wear all the armour, which would make him almost as powerful as himself. But he needed a strong ally, so he would have to trust the neutral, unhinged Khajit.

"Hey, no one's perfect," said Askuna as he moved towards his house in the last three minutes of his quest. Thankfully, there were no crashes as he headed home with J'zargo.

Askuna came here for no particular reason other than due to the alchemy and enchanting stations available there and everybody else not being here. Askuna didn't check his inventory anymore, instead choosing to wait in place with J'zargo, not wanting to risk anything.

Although he could have gone to the College of Winterhold near the supposed Eye of Magnus, being there without the staff would have been a disaster waiting to happen.

Everything was ready, he had access to plenty of books, materials, and good equipment, as well as cheat-like items and abilities. Time to relax.

"Judgment time," breathed in and out Askuna, looking at the clock showing 0:01.

And then it happened.