

The week of classes went by without incident. I did get in three different fights but they were so easy I didn't even need to use my powers. I only had one big problem. I had to do something about Eileen. I hate how her presence causes me to refrain from powering up. My own regret and anger could be my downfall. Too bad I'm too much of a pussy to actually talk to her. I walked through the halls to the lunchroom. I could worry about Eileen later, now I had to focus on a different plan. I wanted to dethrone the Queen and rule the school. The school has a hierarchy to keep low tiers from getting into fights they can't win and end up getting sent to the hospital. The King, Queen, Jack, and Press leader basically run the school like a student body. They are composed of the four strongest in school except the Press Leader, but they can't be weak so they are usually a high tier.

Let me explain something. Everyone has a PL or Power Level. It goes from 1 to 10. This is determined by how the ability can be used, how many uses it has, it's strength and the users mastery of it. Ranks 1-2.9 are Low tier, the weakest of people, they are the ones that hug the walls of the hallway and try not to draw attention. Then you have ranks 3-4.9, those are Mid tiers and are the most common with a wide array of abilities. Rank 5-5.9 are Elite tiers, not many can challenge them and they are usually the leaders of the cliques around school. Ranks 6-7.9 are High tier, rare to come by and their abilities are so strong, they can manifest without even activating the ability. Ranks 8-10 are God tier. These people are to be feared by all because of their overwhelming strength.

I reached God tier 3 months ago when I learned a new technique to copy someone's stats, but not steal them. It's instant, but has a shorter range of only 5 meters, and if I copy someone, I can't siphon off them for that 5 hour cooldown and I could hold the power for 30 minutes opposed to the regular hour. Feels bad, but it's good when someone decides to rush you while you're waiting a whole 10 minutes to steal all their power. When I reached high tier I began to be able to sense energy and auras around me. And when I reached God tier, I could steal their strength and bring it up 2 levels, but not past my own.

Right now the Queen was the strongest in the school, I've never seen her and I don't know her PL, but I know she has the ability to melt bones. It would instantly disable anyone. Of course she could make it so your bones would go back to normal after a while, so as long as she doesn't melt every bone in your body, you should live. She would instant K.O anyone but if I was quick enough, I could beat her.

I got my lunch and started walking to a table. The lunch was pretty simple today, a cheeseburger, milk, apple salad, and a slice of strawberry cake. "Hey! Ready to lose your lunch!" I turned to see a goku wannabe with their hand glowing, rushing at me. I waited a moment and elbowed him in the face. He fell to the floor. Some people were so dumb. Why yell out before you attack someone. I had been so enamored by my cake, I didn't even notice his weak ass power signature coming at me. I walked to my table and began to eat and contemplate my plan. I had to win on my first try or I'd look like a dickhead, challenging the Queen. I thought about wearing a mask, but if I lost, and she revealed me, the backlash would be horrible. I also had a guardian angel of sorts following me around. I'd sense someone strong coming at me, turn around, and no one would be there. I didn't want any special treatment from anyone, and I sure as hell didn't want to be followed. I needed to find out who was protecting me, and get them to stop.

I felt the goku haired kid coming at me again so I stood, grabbed his arm, and threw him into the table. I punched him in the gut and he broke through the table and into the tiles. "The fuck do you want." I growled. The kid only groaned. "HEy ThAt'S nO wAy To TrEaT a ClAsSmAtE!" I heard behind me. I turned to see a group of girls chuckling. I sighed. This is why I don't like people, they'd challenge you whenever. I walked up to them, and punched the middle girl in the face. That got them to stop. "Hey!" The girl on the left said. She activated her ability and raised her hand at me. I grabbed her wrist and crushed it. Then I pulled her forward and elbowed her nose. Just as I was about to turn to the next girl, a long, white spike stabbed into the ground in front of me. I turned to see where it was coming from. It was a girl a little shorter than me with platinum blond hair tied in a low ponytail. Her red eyes were glowing, and the white spike was coming from her back. It was Kaia from my algebra class. "Could you guys stop. I'm trying to eat over here and you're causing a ruckus. The three girls were nodding vigorously, but I only sneered. The energy signature was the same, she was my friendly little stalker.

I walked over and she looked up at me. "I'd like you to stop following me." I said. She smiled, "I'm not following you." I sighed again. "I know it's you. I don't know why you feel the need to protect me, but if I catch you again, I'll beat your ass." She began to laugh at that and she swatted me away with another spike that appeared from her back. "You got some mad balls huh." I copied her power instantly. Kaia was strong, a level 6.3, but I was stronger. Eight of those spikes came out of make back, but they were black, with white stripes. I felt like a spider. I launched four of the legs out but before they even reached halfway, my lib turned to mush. I collapsed on the floor and deactivated my power. A girl crouched down in front of me. She had short, spiky, black hair and yellow eyes. "Kaia, what are you doing randomly fighting people." "I wasn't randomly fighting, he attacked me first." "Yeah whatever, that's what you said last time." She picked me up and carried me to the infirmary, where the nurse healed me. If you keep coming here," she said, "I'll have to kill you." I left at the end of the day and went to work. This cycle would continue for a while.

I was on my way back home from school. I could sense abilities being activated around me but I decided to wait until I could be sure. I began to run and the energies sped up to follow. I turned into an alley to meet my new followers alone. Five men turned into the alley. The short fat man from the Inn was there as well as his giant friend. I smiled, "what can I do for you dwarf." The short man spit at me. "I told you, you'd pay for what you did, and here we are." I looked in between the men. They were all tall and muscular. They had the same face, just different colored hair. I looked in between them and lunged forward. I copied the big man's power and duplicated myself into 10 clones. It was a little weird, but if I focused on one, the rest would autopilot and do as I say. There is no real me. But there is a real him. All of my clones began to siphon off the second clone and he instantly fell to the floor. I cloned with my clones and there were 20 of us. We all smiled at the fat man. "Ah," we said at the same time. "Look how the tables have turned." We began to walk forward. The fat man instantly tried to run but we siphoned him and he was robbed of all his strength. The big man had wet himself and had deactivated his power. What a wuss, didn't even fight. I walked up to the fat man and prepared to step on him but there was a brilliant flashh if light and the clone disintegrated. We looked up to see a Protector walking towards us. "What are you kids doing? I want you to come with-" We instantly rushed him and ran out the alley while he was surprised, then we split up. After a few minutes, I turned off my ability and walked into the Inn. Naturally, a rich man like him would be given leniency, and not to mention, it totally looked like I was mugging him or something. If I can get a fight to last for longer than 10 seconds, I will win the fight. I got into my uniform and signed in. The next week I'd be starting Adventurer's Academy and maybe meet people worth talking to.