
Sky pirates

This is inspired by the God of fishing novel. This novel probably isent going anywhere but you can take the risk of putting it in your library.

Etiger789 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 1

So this is how I die, huh. Via giant crab cage. At least I feel nothing so I'll go out peacefully. Though I wish I could have accomplished more in my life there's nothing much I can do now.

Being only 20 I had many aspiration like any young adult would. But like always reality will hit you like a ton of bricks.

I was 15 years old when my life turned for the worst. I had no family and no friends growing up so I was quite isolated. The only people I really interacted with is my kind teacher and the fisherman near the docks.

I wouldn't say I was ever enstein level genius but I was always ahead of people my age. So much so that I was even given the opportunity to go to a private school for free.

But that's when it happend. When my life took a turn for the worst. The day I was Fasley acused of being a pervert/Molester. I dident know why, but after 6 months of house arrest. I was let go of the claims.

And when the whole picture was put together. I found out why my life was ruined. There was a girl from my class that was from a middle class family. And a Another boy from a prestigious family. They both liked eachother and wanted to go to the same school, but there was only one problem. There was only one scholarship, and I had it.

The rest is pretty self explanatory. I tried working my way back but no one wanted to take in a person acused of being a pervert/molester.

Everyone except the fisherman who knew what type of person I was. So they gave me a job as a cleaner. After a year of learning the ropes on how to become a crab fisher I was given the opportunity to set sail with them.

Like this I spent a few more years at sea, until one day a new crew member wasent paying attention to his surroundings, and was going to get hit by the crab cage. Luckliy for him I managed to push him out the way, but unluckily for me I was hit instead.

And that's my story. Oh I never really told you my name did I. It's Fu Gang, Fu meaning abundant, rich, wealthy and Gang meaning hard, rigid and strong.

But you knowing my name dosent really matter as like all beings, they will be forgotten in the annuals of time.




' Mhh, where am I, did I somehow survive.' Looking around Fu Gang sees nothing but darkness.' If this is the after life then, it's pretty plain. I wonder if there is a god, and if he will judge me, if there's even a judging to began with.


' Huh, what was that. Was I imaging things, or did I hear a soft humming sound.'


' It wasent my imagination, but wheres it coming from.' I got my answer soon enough as a warm light showered over me. The darkness having no chance to retaliate as it scurrys of in fear.

The thing that was producing the sound was a mystical flower that flouted down as if a gift from the heavens. Fu Gang dident know what came over him but he somehow had the urge to touch it. And once he did the flower along with the light dissapeared, and darkness returned.

But Fu Gang wasent present there any longer. Instead he was transfered to a white space. His eyes wide as he looked at the sudden apearance of the blue screen infront of him.

[ Choose apearance - ?????? ]

Locked [ Items will be chosen for you - Sundrop flower, Water Breathing manual, mist breathing manual, Sun breathing manual, Moon breathing manual, Devine nechirin blade. God of fishing manual, spiritual Devine fishing pole, Status veiw and memory.]

[ Choose savants - ??????? ]

Locked[ Base will be chosen for you - Skypiea. Base location infinite ocean.]

Locked[ Spiritual heritage locked but can be upgraded at a later date.]

[ Spirit awakening - 1. 2. 3. ]

Locked[ Majour profession - Soul warrior and hunter.Can be changed at a later date.]

Looking at the pannel, Fu Gang new exactly what was going on. Though he was out at sea a lot of the time, he did have a hobby of reading and watching novels, manga and anime.

There wasent any timer so he took his time and looked at everything he had. He dident know what type of world he might be reincarnated into but he had an incline to it being a world filled with a lot of water... And adventure.

He dident know how long he spent choosing but it shouldn't have been long. Anyway he had finnaly chosen and put his requests in.

[ Choose apearance - Hotaru Haganezuka with the scar and cloths.]

Locked [ Items will be chosen for you - Sundrop flower, Water Breathing manual, mist breathing manual, Sun breathing manual, Moon breathing manual, Devine nechirin blade. God of fishing manual, spiritual Devine fishing pole, Status veiw and memory.]

[ Choose savants - 1 Fate, francis drake.

2 monotogari, Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade.

3 Dc, mera.

4 Sekirei, Tsukiumi.

5 Date a live, Yoshino.

6 Bleach, Tier harribel.

7 Now and then, Lala-Ru.

8 world of Warcraft, Jaina Proudmoore.

9 Sora no otoshimono, Ikaros. ]

Locked[ Base will be chosen for you - Skypiea. Base location Infinite ocean.]

Locked[ Spiritual heritage locked but can be upgraded at a later date.]

[ Spirit awakening - 1. Night Fury, toothless 2. Giant kraken 3. Isobu, tailed beast]

Locked[ Majour profession - Soul warrior and hunter.]

Reancarnate - Yes or no

After dobble checking his choices he finnaly decides to press yes. He couldn't wait to see what this new world had to offer.





When he gained back his consciousness he wasent in some white or dark space but instead on a cloudy beach.

He quickly got up and checked himself.

' I, I have a body again. But, I'm also a child, the hell. This sucks but at least I wasent reborn as a baby. Now that would be really hell on earth.'

" Looks like you finally awake. Took you long enough." An Athoritive yet seductive voice said out of knowhere.

If there are any spelling mistakes please point them out so I can fix at a later date. Thanks for reading.

Etiger789creators' thoughts